Master is ashamed and wants to escape

Chapter 452 They don't mind 'talking'

Chapter 452 They don't mind 'talking'

The host made a 'NO' gesture, as if he was 'vomiting blood after showing his affection'.

"Director! If you don't give me a salary increase, I really can't continue recording. It's too bullying! I want to discuss with our program team. Don't ask this kind of newlyweds to appear on the program in the future? Think about the audience and me This kind of single dog mood, we refuse to accept the show of affection, we ask for a raise!"

From under the stage, a faint sentence came: "I will let the financial department give you an extra [-] cents in a while, and hurry up to record the show."

"Come on!" The host immediately sat back in his seat cheerfully, Ye Xiaozhu was surprised by the quick change in attitude.

She couldn't help but secretly laughed, laughing so hard that she couldn't stand upright.

The host cleared his throat and returned to a serious look. "Viewers, our "Never Keep" is a very serious gossip show, as can be seen from our name, so from now on, we are going to gossip. May I ask Ye Xiaozhu, why are you hiding it? Join the entertainment circle as an identity? What is your purpose for doing this?"

Finally getting to the point, Ye Xiaozhu put away her smile, and answered seriously: "I want everyone to think that I am worthy of Mo Ziye, let everyone see my own essence, and want everyone to know that Mo Ziye chose me for no reason. Wrong. Instead of shrinking in Mo Ziye's protective circle and coming to the entertainment circle with Mo Ziye's halo, that would lose the meaning of my joining the entertainment circle."

"In other words, you joined the entertainment industry to prove your strength to everyone, to prove that you are worthy of Mo Ziye. But as far as I know, since you entered the entertainment industry, everything has been arranged by Mo Ziye Yes, I haven't made any efforts, so doesn't it match what you just said?"

"How do you know that I haven't worked hard?" Ye Xiaozhu tilted his head, and said with a light smile: "Besides, I am a fickle person, and I must create new things on the road, regardless of the road paved for me by Emperor Ye. Difficulties and obstacles, are there no ups and downs to create ups and downs to go through? I am not out of my mind, why do I have to embarrass myself so much?"

The host was amazed by her answer, and couldn't help but said: "Okay! Actually, before asking this question, I would have answered 'You didn't want Emperor Ye to protect you, but Emperor Ye insisted on escorting you'; Or they may say something like "Yehuang just gave you a chance, whether you can seize the opportunity to let the public know you is the test for you, you have been working hard, trying to let everyone remember you" and so on. These superficial Although the words are perfect, there is no way to be picky, but I like your honest answer even more. Little master, I silently give you a thumbs up."

After the host finished speaking, he changed the subject and asked, "Ye Huang, I also have a few questions to ask you now. Regarding Han Ying... do you have anything to say?"

Mo Ziye raised his eyes, turned his eyes fixed on Ye Xiaozhu to the camera, and said softly: "If you asked me this question 10 minutes ago, I would just say 'I have nothing to say, I don't have such a thing. An explanation is necessary.' But now, I want to say something to everyone. I will not forgive Han Ying for her slander, slander, and invasion of personal privacy on the Internet. We will take legal measures to make her realize her mistakes. "

"If legal measures don't work and she's as obsessed as she is now, I don't mind having a good talk with her."

As for how to 'talk', that's not necessarily the case.

The host was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly looked at the director in the audience.Everyone could hear the threat contained in Mo Ziye's words. This was the first time they met someone who directly threatened someone on the show.

The director hurriedly made a gesture to ask the host to change the topic.The writers in the audience quickly wrote on the script: "Fans request video connection!"talk! '

The host was taken aback, and said according to the reminder: "Fans also want to see the matter of 'talking'. If possible, we don't mind providing an opportunity for video connection."

Mo Ziye nodded, and said softly, "Yes, if Han Ying dares to face us before the end of the show, let's make a video connection."

The word 'dare' is definitely a radical method.The host can be sure that the previous phrase 'talk' was also intentionally said by Mo Ziye.

"Okay, then let's wait. If Han Ying is watching this live broadcast, I hope you will take the initiative to contact the director. You also have the director's phone number. Our "Never Keep" also hopes to be able to make peace and give everyone a face-to-face talk. Opportunity." Regarding this extra topic, the host spoke very smoothly.After finishing speaking, she asked again: "Then Emperor Ye, do you have anything to say about the expulsion of Han Ying?"

"She is not suitable to be an agent, from personality to ability to handle affairs, she is not suitable." Mo Ziye said quietly, and the indifferent voice sounded, although there were only a few short sentences, it was more convincing than Han Ying's long speech .

At this time, the director received a call, and the writer's script changed immediately. 'Han Ying agrees to connect, get ready! '

After receiving the notification, the host immediately started rounding up the situation, explaining to the audience and netizens that he had explained and the video connection was ready.

During this period, Mo Ziye and Ye Xiaozhu didn't speak, they just looked at each other.Since he was wearing mics, everything he said would be heard, so Mo Ziye wrote on Ye Xiaozhu's palm: 'Come on! '

Is it to let her cheer up and tear Han Ying down?Ye Xiaozhu pursed her lips and smiled, she would definitely.

"Okay, the video connection is ready, and now our big screen will switch to Han Ying's side." The host pointed to the big screen behind him, and the image of 'Han Ying' appeared on it.

'Han Ying' paused for a moment before saying: "Good afternoon, viewers and friends of "Never Keep It", good afternoon to netizens who are watching the live broadcast, I am Han Ying, the former manager of TheKing."

She said hello and looked at Mo Ziye, completely ignoring Ye Xiaozhu and the host at the side. "Zi Ye, long time no see, how are you?"

The tone of 'Han Ying' seemed to contain endless grievances, her eyes fixed on Mo Ziye, and tears slowly flashed inside.

But Mo Ziye seemed to be unable to hear, his eyes were only fixed on Ye Xiaozhu, as if he didn't even bother to look at her.

In this opening scene, there are too many scenes.The host was afraid that he would lose control of the scene, so he hurriedly said, "Sister Han Ying has been gone for a long time, and we used to have dinner together. Now you..."

"Really? I don't remember." Han Ying directly interrupted the host, ignoring the embarrassment of the host, but said to Mo Ziye, "Ziye, you seem to have lost weight recently, don't you?" You didn't eat well, how did Xiao Jiu take care of you, and didn't even give you meals on time. You must be very tired because of your busy schedule recently..."

"Sorry to interrupt. I think it is necessary for me to explain that this is my husband and I don't need your concern." Ye Xiaozhu narrowed his eyes and smiled lightly, showing no hostility at all, but the words choked Han Ying.

(End of this chapter)

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