Master is ashamed and wants to escape

Chapter 470 I Have Completely Broken Friendship With The World

Chapter 470 I Have Completely Broken Friendship With The World

Gu Qingran logged into Weibo with a tablet computer, and then entered a line of words on Weibo, which seemed to make people feel distressed.

Gu Qingran: I have completely broken off friendship with the world. '

After posting the Weibo, Gu Qingran raised his head and said softly, "Okay, we've mobilized our energy, and now we're just waiting. When it's four o'clock, if Gu Chaoyang doesn't reply, we'll make the last move."

"Now, let's play games first."

"Playing are still in the mood to play games." Nan Anyang looked at Gu Qingran in surprise, he was hacked to pieces, and still in the mood to play games?
"Of course, what do you do if you don't play games? Go online and watch people scold me?" Gu Qingran raised her eyebrows and said innocently: "My wife, I don't have a hobby of being abused. Let's play games and show off our love."

"But don't you explain? Gu Qingran, can you tell me what trick you're going to use in the end? I'm worried." After Nan Anyang asked, Ye Xiaozhu also came over.

She tilted her head and whispered: "Emperor Ran, I have a suggestion, you can ask Yiwei to come out and say a few words. Yiwei standing up, although it can't dispel everyone's suspicion, but at least it can make you easier to be framed A little. It’s much easier to explain later.”

Nan Anyang also nodded in agreement, "It's best for Yiwei to come out and say something at this time, and it would be even better if he could blame Jiang Aoxue instead."

"No, you can't let Yiwei come out, you can't expose Yiwei." Gu Qingran directly refused, maybe because he felt that his tone of refusal was too harsh, and he said: "Yiwei's information has never been exposed in the past few years. , she can go out freely without worrying about the paparazzi following her, and she can do whatever she wants. Before this incident, few people knew of Yiwei’s existence, not even my guardian knight. I have protected She's been here for so long, she can't let her previous hard work go to waste."

The hard work in the past refers to the "pedophilia" spread by Jiang Aoxue a few years ago, right?Nan Anyang looked sideways slightly, his eyes full of distress.In order to cover up that incident and hide Gu Yiwei's existence, Gu Qingran would rather play the image of a flower heart.It was hard for him to hide Gu Yiwei so that she could live a normal life, but after only five years, Jiang Aoxue ran out again and clung to that matter again.

"A few years ago, Jiang Aoxue was the only one who framed you, but now she has brought so many people together, Jiang Aoxue is a pervert, she must be mentally deformed!" Nan Anyang waved his fist angrily.

When I looked up again, I found that Gu Qingran had already set up the computer, and the four notebooks were all placed on the coffee table, just like in Mo Ziye's villa before, with Mo Ziye and Ye Xiaozhu's computers on one side, Gu Qingran and Computers in Nan'anyang.

"Come on, my wife, don't think so much. I can guarantee that this matter can be resolved without Wei Wei's presence! Just today, it won't be delayed if you don't believe me. If you don't believe me, just think about what you saw before. evidence."

Gu Qingran raised his hand and pulled Nan Anyang over, letting her sit beside him. "Okay, come up and play games, it's boring to be idle anyway."

Nan Anyang reluctantly logged into the game, just opened the login interface, and suddenly found that the full version of the MV was released.

She clicked on the MV, and the words "Love in the world is only for you to catch a glimpse" came into view, followed by the low sound of the flute.

The full version of the MV is 5 minutes long, which is about the same as the previous story outline.It only focuses on adding clothes of various races and special effects of various skills.

In the speakers, apart from Mo Ziye's low voice, there was only the sound of flute as a companion.But Nan Anyang stared intently at the screen, to be exact, on Ye Xiaozhu and Mo Ziye.

As the leading actors in the MV, they have everything from novice costumes to the final god costumes, and there are various actions that can be posed in the game, such as: fishing, swimming, mining, and picking herbs.The imitation of the two is lifelike, and there is not much difference from the game.

Coupled with cool special effects skills and all kinds of flashing glare, it is simply a person who has walked out of the game.

Nan Anyang watched the video, followed the "samurai" to the village, and met the "little fox girl" and other partners. They grew up happily bit by bit. Get excited.In the end, when the 'little fox girl' was taken away by the devil, her heart also became nervous.

The final ending is still very bloody, the 'samurai' defeated the devil, the 'little fox girl' was injured by the devil's last attack, and fell into the bottom of the endless abyss, the 'samurai' flew down desperately to save her .The divine attire on his body was shining coolly, but the "samurai" couldn't catch the "little fox girl" with his outstretched hand.

Knowing that it was fake, Nan Anyang's emotions were still mobilized, and his heart was all entangled.

In the end, both the 'samurai' and the 'little fox girl' fell into the bottom of the endless abyss, and the 'samurai' used his last strength to protect them.He rescued the 'little fox girl' from the bottom of the sea, and put a long kiss on the lips of the 'little fox girl'.

The sky was gray, and the thin and long raindrops kept falling into the sea, and the rolling waves hit by from time to time. Coupled with the 'corpses' of those companions floating on the sea, it looked extremely desolate.

But at the moment when the 'samurai' and the 'little fox girl' kissed, a gap appeared in the gloomy sky, and the sun penetrated through the layers of dark clouds and shone on the bodies of the 'samurai' and the 'little fox girl'. The MV is over, and the last ray of sunshine indicates that they will get better and better in the future.

Nan Anyang twitched her nose in relief, with tears in her eyes. She was aroused by this bloody MV, and felt very sorry for the "little fox girl" played by Ye Xiaozhu.

"Huh? Sister Yang, are you crying? Did you cry because of thunder?" Ye Xiaozhu suddenly moved to Nan Anyang's side, controlled the mouse with his little hand and played the video again.

While playing the video, Ye Xiaozhu said: "Look, this village doesn't exist at all, nor do these scenes. We just looked at a bunch of green backgrounds and imagined. Can you imagine that kind of scene? A bunch of people looking at each other They all showed silly and sweet smiles... aversion to cold..."

"Ah, and this, let me tell you, there was no such kiss in the first place, but in the end, 'I' died. Who knew that I suddenly drowned when filming that part. Emperor Ye kissed me to save me... …What the hell is this sunshine? It’s not good at all, is it? How could there be any sunshine so coincidentally.”

"It was so cold that day, and my armor was exposed again, I feel uncomfortable just thinking about it... This MV has nothing to watch except for the fact that my family Ye Huang is so handsome. , In fact, I also wanted to cry when I was thundered..."

Ye Xiaozhu hugged her shoulders for a while, but she didn't see Nan Anyang looking at her with disgust.

"Ye Xiaozhu! You fucking go back to your side, don't bother me with my old lady!"

Her budding girlish heart was destroyed by the lead actor before she was touched for two seconds.

Nan Anyang wants to cry but has no tears...

(End of this chapter)

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