Master is ashamed and wants to escape

Chapter 489 Waiting for Emperor Ran to Show His Power

Chapter 489 Waiting for Emperor Ran to Show His Power
Nan Anyang's face became stiff in an instant, and his small face was full of anger.Gu Qingran was very calm, as if he had thought of the attitude of Gu Chaoyang's family for a long time, and there was not much expression on his face.

Wang Meili kept crying, as if she had suffered a lot of grievances.

The host continued in embarrassment: "You are the eldest aunt of Emperor Ran, so let me call you "Auntie too." Don't cry, Auntie, let's talk slowly about what's going on. Emperor Ran held this live broadcast today just to share with you You reconciled. There are so many netizens outside the venue. If Emperor Ran really did something wrong, if you really have any grievances, the eyes of netizens are sharp. Don’t worry, Emperor Ran is very sincere and wants to reconcile with you of."

The host tried hard to persuade, but Wang Meili acted as if she hadn't heard it, and said to herself: "I know that Qingran is promising, and many people like him, and they will definitely believe what he said. But let's come today, After all, I have to stand on the word "reasonable" and talk about things, right? I asked myself that I didn't do anything wrong, and took good care of Yiwei, even better than my own son. I wholeheartedly treat Gu Chaoyang well, and Gu Qing dye him Hello uncle, but how did he repay our family? He took a woman back and beat my son because that woman had a quarrel with our family. ..."

Wang Meili is wearing a well-fitting skirt, which is black and white and looks very elegant.But Wang Meili started to pat her thigh and cry while wearing that tall and elegant dress.

The crying was so loud that it made it impossible to continue the live broadcast.

The host looked at the director in embarrassment, and the director hoped that Gu Qingran would say a few words.

Gu Qingran just looked at Wang Meili and smiled indifferently.

When everyone stopped talking, netizens began to swipe their screens frantically.

'Professional onlookers for 30 years: what's going on here?What the hell are you crying when you come up?Why do I get so annoyed when I hear her cry?Like the shrew, this person is Emperor Ran's eldest aunt?Not at all worthy of our gentleman's king! '

"Endless: I just climbed onto the live broadcast and don't know the truth. Who will tell me what happened.What is that woman crying for?Why does our elegant and gentle Emperor Ran smile so indifferently?He smiles very dotingly towards his fans, just like a lover, how could he smile so indifferently towards his aunt?I don't know the truth...'

Worryingly: Aunt Randi is a scheming girl, and there are many things that cannot be told. Wait for Emperor Ran to show his power, and the guardian knight will always believe in Emperor Ran!Dirty and clean soul!The emperor will not give up!Knights stay! '


Ye Xiaozhu and others can see the comments of netizens, because there is a large display screen in front of them, and they can see everyone's comments.But there were too many people watching the live broadcast, and the messages were refreshed too quickly, so they couldn't see clearly at all.I only know that many people are giving gifts, and the screen is full of planes, rockets, and ships being refreshed, and there are several of them in one swiping.

These gifts are very expensive gifts, at least a few hundred yuan, and thousands more.Not counting those one or two dollars of 'lollipop', 'clover' and other gifts.

If it was normal, Ye Xiaozhu would definitely look like a little money fan when he saw so many gifts refreshed, and would keep shouting, "I've made a lot of money! I've made a fortune!"

But now she was not in the mood at all, she just looked at Wang Meili with undisguised disgust.

After crying for a while, seeing that no one answered and everyone was watching her cry, Wang Meili choked up a few times and stopped crying.

At this time, without waiting for the host to speak, Gu Zhaoyang used his ability to grab the conversation and shouted: "Gu Qingran! What do you think? Do you understand the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation? Do you understand respecting the elders? Understand? That's what Gu Chaoxing taught you? Let you beat your benefactor's son?!"

"Has your wolf heart been eaten by a dog?! You don't know what's going on if you find a woman! You have found so many women before, and you didn't say it became like this. Why did you find this woman? You don't even know what your last name is?" I don’t know anymore?! You are from our Gu family, and your surname is Gu! Not Nan!”

Gu Zhaoyang patted the table while talking, as if Gu Qingran was heinous, and he also focused everyone's attention on Nan Anyang, indirectly implying everyone that the reason why their family is in this situation today is because of Nan Anyang Sow discord.

Ye Xiaozhu couldn't help but cast a sideways glance at Gu Chaoyang. It seemed that they discussed it before they came. One was responsible for crying and pre-emptive strikes, and the other was responsible for relying on their status to criticize loudly and focus on Nan Anyang by the way.After all, Gu Qingran has debuted for many years and has many die-hard fans supporting him, but Nan Anyang is different.

For the fans, Nan Anyang is their rival in love, but Gu Qingran likes it, so they can only accept it.But if Nan Anyang has any blemishes, flaws in character, fans will feel that she is not worthy of Gu Qingran, and will persuade Gu Qingran to leave Nan Anyang.

After Gu Chaoyang finished speaking, the comments from netizens were like grass on the wall, and everything began to change.

'Dye's three-year-old childhood sweetheart: What's going on?Nan Anyang sow discord? !It turned out to be like this.I said why did Emperor Ran suddenly quarrel with his uncle's family? It turned out that it was Nan Anyang who provoked her. She is such a scheming bitch, she is not worthy of Emperor Ran!Go home!Don't get in the way here! '

'I use the green hills to read the bright moon: Damn... big news!It turned out that Nan Anyang was the one who sowed discord, it's so disgusting, but we still call her Mrs. Ran, she's so scheming!The uncle's family is the last relatives of Emperor Ran, how could she do this?Bitch!Bitch! '

'There is no candy in the candy house: Fuck the baby is not happy!The baby didn't believe what Gu Chaoyang said!Watching the video of Nan Anyang tearing up his ex-girlfriend doesn't look like a scheming girl at all, baby just wait for Emperor Ran to explain!Randi, tell us the truth!Don't let the uncle's family talk to themselves! '

Maybe Gu Qingran saw the netizens' comments, or maybe he felt that he could almost refute it.He finally raised his eyes and looked at Gu Zhaoyang indifferently.

"Didn't you say that I'm not worthy of the surname Gu? Didn't you drive me out of the Gu family? Why did you say I'm from the Gu family again today?"

Gu Qingran smiled lightly, and his already cold voice became even colder, as if there was no warmth at all.

He looked at Gu Zhaoyang indifferently, as if looking at a stranger. "Don't blame Anyang, the matter between us has nothing to do with her. Since you said it was about the Gu family, let's talk about what happened to the Gu family."

"When my parents died, all my family's savings were paid to the victim, and I even owed 10,000+. At that time, I was young and unable to repay, and the court asked you to pay for it. What about you? Said it had nothing to do with me, the two My family has broken off the relationship, and I will definitely not pay a penny for me, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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