Master is ashamed and wants to escape

Chapter 499 The meaning of mighty and majestic

Chapter 499 The meaning of mighty and majestic

"Majestic and majestic... Isn't that something that can only be shown on the bed?" Nan Anyang blinked, and his eyes suddenly lit up. "Honey, have you finally decided to throw me down? Or are you finally willing to let me throw you down?"

"Cough, my wife, are you sure you want to say this kind of thing on the street?" Gu Qingran's voice paused, and his eyes narrowed unconsciously.

Fortunately, it was dark now, and he was wearing a mask again, otherwise others would definitely notice his blushing face.

He lowered his head, holding Nan Anyang affectionately, and looked at the four people who followed them.After only a rough glance, Gu Qingran quickly looked away.

"My wife, have you ever watched the fighting scenes in TV dramas and movies? When encountering such scenes, girls must obediently hide. They can hide behind men or hide aside. But they must never intervene. do you know?"

His voice was low, like the most affectionate whisper between lovers.His eyes were also squinted, and his long eyelashes fluttered down. Seeing those eyes, Nan Anyang's heart couldn't stop beating wildly.

Those peach-blossom eyes, seeing all the love in the world, are full of affectionate affection with just a slight squint.The thread of love is entangled, and she is alone in love with her.

Obviously heard something strange from his words, but Nan Anyang still couldn't help being intoxicated in his affectionate peach blossom eyes.

"Hey, there are people following us behind us, shall I take you to hunt mice?" Gu Qingran smiled softly, and led Nan Anyang to a place with few people on the side of the street.

They turned here and there, and finally walked into a small alley with few people. Gu Qingran found a corner for Nan Anyang and asked her to stand there and wait for him.

Then he stood at the entrance of the alley, waiting for the four people following him.

The four of them had just turned into the alley when they saw Gu Qingran standing there waiting for them.They were taken aback, and the person who called Zhao Lei said, "Hey, did you find us? As expected of someone who has practiced taekwondo, he didn't say to avoid, nor did he want to escape, but he was still standing there waiting for us, hehehe , you despise our brothers."

"My contempt hasn't started yet, you already feel it?" Gu Qingran raised his eyebrows, and smiled lightly, his gentle smile didn't look like someone who was about to start a war at all.

Nan Anyang was behind him, watching nervously, but she had a blind admiration for Gu Qingran, so she took out her mobile phone and started recording. "Honey, take off the mask, and you won't be able to see your handsome face anymore."

Gu Qingran couldn't help smiling, took off his mask and hat, and turned around to pose a cool pose to Nan Anyang. "My wife, are you so handsome?"

"You're so handsome, my husband!" Nan Anyang waved his hands, his face full of admiration.

"You two are going too far! How dare you ignore our brothers and still openly show your affection here! What the hell, labor and management will kill you!"

The four of them took out a dagger from their pockets. The dagger was of the push-pull type. With a swipe upward, a blade of nearly [-] centimeters popped out.

Seeing the dagger, Nan Anyang fell silent for an instant.She stood there honestly, not daring to distract Gu Qingran.

Gu Qingran's face also sank, and his eyes were habitually narrowed, with a coldness in them.

Those four people seemed to be afraid that if time dragged on for too long, other people would come over, so they rushed up.

The dagger in his hand gleamed coldly under the street lamp.

Nan Anyang pursed his nervous little mouth, not daring to make a sound, for fear of disturbing Gu Qingran.

Gu Qingran twitched the corner of his mouth, kicked with his long legs, and directly kicked the wrist of the person closest to him. The dagger flew in response, and the person also screamed, and squatted down with his wrists in his arms.

At the same time, the other three rushed to Gu Qingran's side.He turned sideways flexibly, facing the attack without any confusion.

Those few people should have also practiced, and they know some simple fists and kicks, but they are much worse than Gu Qingran. Even if they hold a dagger in their hands, they can't even touch the corners of Gu Qingran's clothes, and it is useless at all. No.

The more he looked, the wider Nan Anyang's eyes widened, full of admiration.The recording in hand didn't stop at all.

The word 'crushing-crushing' is the best way to describe this battle.From the beginning to the end, the four of them never hit Gu Qingran, but Gu Qingran's sharp flying kicks and elbows directly knocked the four of them to the ground, without even the ability to resist.

The four of them fell to the ground and couldn't get up, Nan Anyang walked over, and she said in surprise: "Emperor Ran, please be respected by the little girl, it turns out that 'mighty and majestic' can be used not only on the bed, but also in reality. Majestic. The screen is full of legs in the video, so handsome!"

"It's good that my wife likes it." Gu Qingran smiled softly, his monstrously perfect face looked very attractive under the dim street lights.

Nan Anyang swallowed, and said in a low voice: "I not only like your mighty and majestic in real life, but also want to see your majestic and majestic appearance in bed. Shall we try it tonight?"

"I was shocked by your incomparable heroism. I want to dedicate myself every minute. Handsome guy, why don't you think about it?"

"My wife, don't use idioms indiscriminately, and don't say these in front of outsiders. Also, should you turn off the video in your hand? Even if you don't turn it off, you should record what you should record." Gu Qingran was helpless Shaking his head, he picked up the dagger that fell on the ground, and lightly pressed it on the neck of the man who called Zhao Lei.

"Tell me, who asked you to come here." His gentle voice turned cold in an instant, which can be called a change of two extremes.

The man was slightly taken aback, then raised his head stubbornly: "If you have the ability, kill me. If you are in our business, you will never betray your employer!"

"You have professional ethics. I don't know how much your employer paid you, so that you would sell your life for him." Gu Qingran turned the dagger in his hand and pressed it on the man's neck again. It's just that he has a lot more strength. "Let me guess, based on my worth, it should be at least hundreds of millions, right? It's not bad to buy your life for hundreds of millions, but I don't know if he will give the money to your family after you die."

"Hundreds of millions...?!" The man was stunned for a moment.

"So surprised, could it be that the person didn't give you such money?" Gu Qingran chuckled lightly, and said with a disdainful smile: "With my worth, hundreds of millions are not enough. You treat me as an ordinary person." Is it a starlet or an ordinary rich person? How should I put it, I am the richest among the stars, with an annual income of hundreds of millions. I am also the most popular among the rich. There are countless fans following her, don't you know all of this?"

The man was stunned, as if he really didn't know.

But Nan Anyang knew that among the "several people" Gu Qingran mentioned, Mo Ziye was the only one besides him.I didn't expect them to earn so much a year, they are mighty and majestic...

(End of this chapter)

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