Chaos Scripture

Chapter 108 The power of life changes again

Chapter 108 The power of life changes again

Li San told Nimad and them the information he read in the jade card.

"Fuck, Lao Tzu's comprehension of the law, barely pass the soil element origin to fall into the first floor of Yinghai!" Wo Chenhuai scolded at the first time, after all, he can't compare with Li San in terms of cultivation talent.

"Me too, I managed to get through the first floor of the Water System Falling Infant Sea!" Nimad said lightly.

"I can pass the second level of the fire system!" This is what Feng Zi said.

Li San glanced at the treasure of the wood-type origin, and said: "I should be able to pass through the fourth floor of the Falling Infant Sea, the origin of the wood-type, but I don't know if I can pass through the fifth floor!"

"Fuck, BS you!" As soon as Li San said this, he was immediately despised by the other three.

"Hehe, don't talk about it for now, let's try to see if we can undo the restrictions on those treasures!" Li San smiled, and then walked towards the original area of ​​Mu Xing.

"Yes!" The other three also nodded immediately, and walked towards their respective areas of origin.

Arriving at the original area of ​​the wooden line, Li San came directly to the small flag.Sitting cross-legged under the small flag, she spread out her spiritual consciousness and combined with the prohibition on the surface of the flag.


Just when Li San connected his spiritual consciousness with the restriction, he felt as if he had entered the original Tianchi Lake, and an ancient, vicissitudes of life suddenly spread over his face.

In a blue world, he saw that small flag, on which there were dozens of green silk threads entangled.Li San knew that as long as he untied those green silk threads, he could get this small flag.However, these silk threads are very complicated, if you don't have a certain level of comprehension of the original law of Mu Xing, you can't see clearly at all.

Li San used his spiritual consciousness to transform into a pair of hands, and slowly untied those silk threads like untying a rope.

When Li San untied the last silk thread.


Out of nowhere, without warning.

An energy vortex with a diameter of ten meters appeared around Li San. The oppressive force formed by the powerful energy vortex made Li San feel like a small boat caught in a hurricane at sea, unable to break free at all.

"Ghost warrant." Relying on Li San's current level of cultivation, driving this ghost warrant, the original extremely complicated ghost warrant is actually covered with countless silk threads, forming a pair of black battle armor covering Li San's body surface.

"The silver-robed envoy is right, the danger of Beibei Mountain is indeed everywhere!" At this time, Li San's body was already sucked into a cyan energy whirlpool.

"Break it for me." Li San, who was trapped in the energy vortex, struggled hard. The vortex was completely isolated from the outside world, and he couldn't even fly. Li San could only break through it with brute force.


In less than two breaths, the energy vortex dissipated like smoke.

Li San heaved a sigh of relief, but he couldn't help being astonished when he looked around.

"This, where is this?"

Surrounded by a piece of land, there are various flowers, plants and trees growing on the land, which are colorful and fragrant. In the distance, it is blocked by a mountain range.As for the high altitude of this piece of land, it is shrouded in blue air.

"Look at the spatial coordinates." After checking the coordinates on the jade tablet, Li San was shocked and found out, "I, I have arrived at the core of Beibei Mountain, which is [-] miles away from the Baibao Cave just now."

"I just lifted the restriction on the five-element flag, how could I be sent here?" Li San frowned and looked around.

When I encountered the energy vortex, it was likely that Yin Zai felt his own understanding of the law and sent his own here.

"Where is this place?" Li San wanted to check information through the jade card, but found that he couldn't activate the jade card at all.

The other three people in the Baibao Cave suddenly opened their eyes and looked at the original area of ​​the wooden line. A blue flag fell to the ground, but Li San's figure disappeared without a trace.

"Where's the boss?" Wo Henhuai asked suspiciously.

Feng Zi also frowned: "The boss's jade card has been disconnected from ours! How could this be?"

Nimad shook his head and said, "I don't know, maybe the boss triggered some kind of restriction and was teleported away! Let's just wait here!"

Li San looked around, his eyes were full of vigilance, this was an unknown place, and it was the kind of energy vortex that was naturally born out of thin air. I am afraid that this unknown area is definitely not ordinary, and the potential for crisis is extremely high.

In Beibei Mountain, dangers are everywhere.But fortunately, here, Li San's consciousness can detect ten thousand meters away.

"The spatial fluctuations here are isolated from the outside world. It seems to be isolated by the cyan airflow layer. I can't feel the spatial fluctuations outside the cyan airflow layer." Li San raised his head and looked at the sky. He is not surprised that he can isolate the teleportation environment , it is often found above Xiangu.

"Since you're here, stay safe. Let's see what's so special about this place!" Li San glanced around firmly, examining everything. The flowers and plants here are very beautiful, and there is a faint wave of aura exuding from them. There is silence. any other organism.


"Be careful, you should be able to break out!" Li San thought to himself, "Maybe I just stumbled into a place like Baibao Cave in a daze, and that's what happened!"

Li San directly chose a direction and flew directly through the air.

"A lot of energy vortexes!" Li San looked up at the blue sky, and found that there were countless large and small vortexes in the sky.The big one is more than ten miles wide, and the small one is less than one meter.

After flying for hundreds of miles, Li San came to the halfway up a mountain, and looked at the slight space distortion in the mid-air ahead, where an energy vortex with a diameter of three meters appeared.At this time, in his Nascent Soul, the life force that had gone through the second transformation suddenly trembled slightly.

"Is there something that affects the power of life?" Li San stared at the energy swirl, and saw that besides the cyan, there was also a trace of blue in the energy swirl.

"What's behind this energy whirlpool?" Li San thought for a while, and his mind moved. "At worst, I will never enter this ancient fairy river again after I die!"

Dying here doesn't mean your real death.Li San was cautious, and then flew into the energy vortex.

Passing through the vortex, Li San arrived at another place in an instant.

Li San looked ahead, and there was a misty space in front of him, without any plants.Some are just endless ground, but on that ground, there are large and small water pools distributed on it.

Each of these pools is circular, with a diameter of more than a kilometer for the largest and only two or three meters for the smallest.

Li San jumped into the lake all at once.


Li San instantly felt that he had entered a blue world.

"By heaven, this, the feeling here is the same as entering the Heavenly Lake, the source of wood power!" Li San released his soul power.

One picture after another began to emerge in his mind, which was a demonstration of the original principle of wood in his mind.It's just that there are no green leaves here.

Li San's body was soaked in the blue pool like this, and the mysterious law of Famu Xing's origin kept reappearing in his mind like watching a video.Li San's comprehension of the original law of wood movement is also constantly improving.

As Li San's understanding of the original law continued to improve, the speed of life force in his dantian suddenly accelerated, and the purple sun-colored light curtain enveloped his Nascent Soul like a waterfall.

Li San's Nascent Soul closed his eyes and crossed his legs. The light blue life force in the Nascent Soul's body was constantly absorbing the purple energy.You must know that this purple energy is the force of life that has undergone nine transformations.The degree of purity is dozens of times that of Li Sanyuan's infant body.

The life force of the light blue color keeps growing, becomes purer, and turns towards the dark blue color.


Quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes, and the life force in Li Sanyuan's infant body accumulated to a certain extent, and then transformed again.


Blue silk threads protruded from Li San's body, like the roots of aquatic plants, growing crazily in the blue pond, and Li San's body was wrapped together by the blue silk threads, forming a Blue cocoons.

(End of this chapter)

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