Chaos Scripture

Chapter 133 The Three Corners of Chaos

Chapter 133 The Triangle of Chaos
Emperor Xuanhuang looked at Li San with a smile on his face, and said: "Actually, my test for you is not very difficult. As long as you can unify the triangular domain within three years, you will pass the test!"

"Unify the triangular region within three years!" Daoist Tongtian who was standing aside was also secretly shocked.

The triangular region mentioned by Emperor Xuanhuang is located in the Nine Swords League, the Western Magic Temple, and the vast area handed over by the Southern Border Ten Thousand Monsters League.Because that area has become a triangle, and it is a transition zone of the three parties, which has always been controversial, and the forces in the triangle area are extremely chaotic.

The Triangle Region is a relatively fertile land, and the three peak powers generally want to occupy this place.

"Hehe, what I'm talking about is for you to bring together all the big and small forces that our cultivation is tied to in the Triangular Domain, and make them obediently obedient. If we start to make trouble, we can also concentrate our strength to be consistent with the outside world, these years, the Magical Temple and the Ten Thousand Monsters League have eroded my power too much!" Xuanhuang Emperor said lightly.

"But" Daoist Tongtian glanced at Emperor Xuanhuang, wanting to say something, but he didn't say it in the end.

Li San looked at the expression on Master Tongtian's face, and knew that this must not be an easy task.

"Hehe, how's it going? Do you have the guts to continue?" Emperor Xuanhuang looked at Li San with a smile.

Li San gritted his teeth fiercely, and two gleams shot out of his eyes: "Yes!"

"Haha, good!" The Xuanhuan Emperor laughed loudly, then waved his hand, and three green leaves appeared in front of Li San. "These are three talismans. As long as you crush this talisman, you will be able to get help from the Nine Swords Alliance once. There are only three chances to ask for help. If you use up all three chances and encounter any difficulties, we will not help you." I will help you again! If after three years, you cannot complete this test, you will not be qualified to be my disciple!"

"Thank you, Great Emperor! I will definitely complete the test!" Li San put the three blades into the ghost warrant.

"Well, I'm looking forward to your performance! I hope that the next time I see you, you have passed my test!" After the Emperor Xuanhuang finished speaking, Li San felt that he and Master Tongtian had appeared in the sea of ​​Xuanhuang It's sky high.

"Oh, this Li San is really unlucky!" Master Tong Tian said inwardly, "Master put Li San to the test, it's so difficult!"

"Li San, work hard. I also very much hope that you can become my junior!" Master Tongtian said with a smile, and then disappeared out of thin air.

"Three days later, I will return to the Liuli Sword Sect to pick you up." Master Tongtian's voice boomed, but he disappeared after speaking.

"Three days later?" Li San secretly said, his eyes were full of ecstasy, "Well, for these three days, let's spend more time with Master and Senior Sister! Go see Master Zu first!"

Li San quickly ran down towards the main peak of Zhuxian Sword Sect.

Two hours later, inside the Liuli Palace.

Li San stood beside the Glazed Sword Master, and when the Glazed Sword Master learned about the test of Li San by Emperor Xuanhuang, his brows were tightly knit together.

"Hey, this Emperor Xuanhuang is really making things difficult for others. However, this will further show that he values ​​you. Go, I believe you will be able to do it. Here are some information about the triangular domain. You can go back and read it. Give it a go, I believe it will help you a little bit! That’s all I can help you with, and everything depends on you!” Liuli Sword Master threw a white jade tablet to Li San.

"Thank you, master!" Li San took the jade tablet and returned to the Liuli Sword Sect, Acacia Garden.

Acacia Garden is where Shui Xuanzi and the others live now.

After returning to the Acacia Garden, Li Sanbai, Shui Xuanzi and Mu Hongyan said that it would take about three years for them to enter a secret realm to practice.

After the third day, Li San left the Nine Swords League with Master Tongtian.Go to the Triangle.

The triangular domain is 3000 million miles away from the Nine Swords Alliance. Even a person as powerful as Daoist Master Tongtian would take Li San two hours to reach the edge of the triangular domain.

"Li San!" The Daoist Master Tongtian next to him said harshly, "Although your strength is good, the masters at the peak of the king level in the triangle domain can only be regarded as mediocre. There are a lot of masters at the emperor level, and there are even many masters at the emperor level!"

"Oh, it's really exciting." Li San smiled.

"Hehe, I wish you good luck!" After Tongtian Taoist finished speaking, his figure disappeared in a flash.

The Triangle Domain is one of the most chaotic places in the ancient world. It was once occupied by the Nine Swords Alliance, the Magical Temple, and the Ten Thousand Monsters Alliance. However, none of the three forces could occupy this place for a long time. After several times of fighting openly and covertly, the three parties didn't care about it, and in the end, this place became a chaotic place.

Many desperadoes above Immortal Ancient will hide in this place.

For a long time, those who can hang around here are not good at anything.

"Three chances? As long as you are not facing a desperate situation, there is no need to use it. However, this also reflects the horror of this triangular domain from one aspect!" Li San knew that the Emperor Xuanhuang gave him these three chances to ask for help. Used to save lives in critical situations.

However, without pressure, one will not become a real strong-seeker. Only when a person is under high-intensity pressure can he unleash his potential to the maximum.

Li San firmly believed that he would grow up step by step until he could stand shoulder to shoulder with a powerful figure like Emperor Xuanhuang, or even surpass him.

"Triangle domain, I will definitely unify!"

There are endless mountains in front of you. The vegetation here is different from that of the Nine Swords League. The number of leaves here are all needle-shaped.Looking around, it is full of dark green coniferous forest belts.

The sky is a bit dark and doesn't look as blue as in the southeastern region.


Li San's figure turned into a streamer, flying over the boundless coniferous forest belt.

After flying at full speed for three hours, the distance was 10,000+ miles, but Li San didn't find a single figure at all, not even a bird or beast.

"Could it be that all the creatures here are dead?" Li San frowned and looked at the endless forest, and murmured in a low voice: "I don't believe there is no end!"

Three days later, Li San finally saw some villages.

Soon, more and more places were populated by humans.

The city finally fully appeared in Li San's eyes.

Li San landed outside a small city with about 30 to 30 people.On the vast and boundless Xiangu, cities of [-] to [-] people are very common.

Unfamiliar with the place, Li San knew that the first thing he had to do was to adapt to the environment here. After all, three years was still a long time.

As he approached the city, he gradually slowed down.

After entering the city, walk on the bustling street.Occasionally, a few cultivators walked by Li San in groups of three or four, but among the cultivators Li San met, the one with the highest cultivation level was only in the early stage of Yuanying.

From a distance, I saw a large group of people surrounded there, I don't know what they are doing?
"Why are there so many practitioners there?" Li San was wondering, so he walked along there, but the place was already surrounded.

He pushed towards a place where there were few people, and it took a lot of effort to squeeze in.The people who were squeezed out by Li San scolded in dissatisfaction: "Which blind thing squeezed me out?"

But when those people saw Li San's eyes, they shut up obediently.

At this moment, Li San could finally see what was going on inside. The place surrounded by the crowd was called Tianbaozhuang.

An extremely handsome girl shouted in front of the door: "The shuttle has not arrived yet, please line up and wait a little longer, it should be here soon."

The people around were about to come out as soon as they heard the shuttle coming, and they all looked a little excited.

When he first arrived, Li San didn't know why these people were so excited.However, slowly, in the discussions of those around him, Li San finally got some clues.The reason why these people gather here is to go to Beidu River, because now it has entered the dry season, and the riverbed of Beidu River will dry up. These people are going to Beidu River to hunt for treasure.It is said that there are many secret treasures from the ancient times buried in the Beidu River.

"Beiduhe?" Li San's eyes lit up, "Hey, there is such a good opportunity, how can I miss it?"

Li San decided.Follow these people to Beidu River to have a look.

After about half a stick of incense, an old flying shuttle landed over Tianbaozhuang.No one like Li San paid ten low-grade spirit stones and went to Beidu River.

The Beidu River is the largest river in the triangle region, and it is an inland river.

Whenever spring comes, the snow on those high mountains will melt, part of the snow water flows into the Beidu River along the surface, and part of the snow water seeps along the mountains and into the ground, and then becomes a spring in Beidu. The river gushes out.

Many of those secret treasures buried deep in the ground will be washed to the bottom of the river bed by the underground river.I don't know why, but there is not a single grass growing in the Beidu River basin, and there is not even a single fish in the river.

The water of the Beidu River has a corrosive effect on the souls of practitioners. Most people dare not enter the Beidu River to fish for secret treasures during the flood season.

Ordinary people dare not approach the Beidu River Basin at all.Only cultivators dare to come to this place.

After five days of flying, Li San and the others finally arrived at the Beidu River Basin.

Looking around, it is completely different from what Li San imagined. There are no brocade flowers, no bustling people, no vibrant vegetation.

The land is desolate, with red soil, reddish-brown rocks, desolation and loneliness.

The sky was gray, the land was vast, without any signs of life, and a dead river appeared in front of Li San and the others.The river is as calm as a mirror.

In Xiangu, the places where secret treasure mines are generally formed are often dead places.Because the secret treasure will absorb a lot of spiritual energy during the formation process, otherwise the Dao pattern in the secret treasure will not be preserved.

Beidu River is a very famous secret treasure production place in the Triangle Region.Every year during the dry season, a large number of practitioners go here to try their luck.

"Just wait, the upper reaches of the river will dry up in a few days!" Some experienced people said looking at the endless river.

Although this is a river, it is at least three hundred miles from one bank of the river to the other.It seems that although the river is very wide, compared to the vast and boundless Xiangu, the Beidu River can only be regarded as medium.Tianjiang, the longest river in Xiangu, traverses most of Xiangu, and no one knows how long it is.

Li San and the others waited until the fourth day before the water in the Beidu River began to recede slowly.At this time, the river bank has gathered thousands of practitioners.

The camp Li San and the others are in can be regarded as a first-class force in the Triangle Region, called Tianshamen.Li San and the others will have to hand over one-tenth of the secret treasure to this person from the Heavenly Fiend Sect as a reward.

Because when the tide recedes, only some powerful sects can occupy a large area for treasure hunting.

At this moment, a large group of people suddenly descended from the sky.

The cultivators of Tianshamen soared to the sky one after another, blocking their way, for the sake of three old men with white beards and lightning eyes.

"My Lord Wo is here, who dares to stop me?" Among the visitors, a fat man appeared in everyone's sight.A tyrannical aura emanated from his body.

"Fatty? Isn't he in the Ancient Immortal River? How did he come here?" Li San stared at the fat man in the air, and recognized him as Wo Henhuai at a glance.

"Fatty!" Li San dodged and rushed towards Wo Henhuai.

"Huh? Boss!" Wo Henhuai paused, looking at Li San, his face was full of surprise. "Damn. Boss, how did you appear here?"

Wo Chenhuai immediately hugged Li San.

"Hmph, I'm surprised, why didn't you practice in Guxianhe and came here instead?" Li San asked the fat man suspiciously.

"Hey, I was also caught by the old man, saying that the water level of the Beidu River will drop to the lowest level in 3000 this time. I think there will be many people coming. I was just sent by the old man to take the lead of!"

Li San was shocked, he didn't expect such a situation to happen.If this is the case, it will make the already very chaotic triangular domain even more chaotic!

(End of this chapter)

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