Chaos Scripture

Chapter 176

Chapter 176

The registration method for the Mahayana Rising Star Contest is very simple, and today is the penultimate day of registration.After the third day, there will be preliminary rounds.

After Li San paid 100 yuan for top-grade spirit stones, he received a white jade plate with the number 2000006 displayed on it.

"Well, I didn't expect there to be so many Mahayana masters participating." After seeing the number on the sign, Li San couldn't help being secretly surprised in his heart.He knew that these more than 200 million contestants were definitely more powerful among the Mahayana masters.Some weak talents are too lazy to spend money to sign up.

More than 200 million Mahayana masters, how spectacular will it be when they gather together?

After registering, Li San and Yan Ruoxin returned to the Yan family compound.

"Hahaha, you two are finally back!" Old Man Yan ran out with a smile as soon as he saw Li San and Yan Ruoxin coming back.

"Grandpa, why are you so happy today?" Yan Ruoxin asked curiously.

"Haha, Ruoxin, Li San, you two come with me!" Old Man Yan held Yan Ruoxin with his right hand and Li San with his left hand, and flew towards the sky.

"Grandpa, where are you taking us?" Yan Ruo asked, frowning in confusion.

Old Man Yan didn't answer, but just dragged the two of them to a small floating island above the compound.

After arriving on the small island, Li San felt that he was already in a brand new world, surrounded by the fragrant world of flowers and plants.

A stream meanders and flows through the sea of ​​flowers, singing cheerfully, and the fish in the stream swim happily, and the colorful pebbles are more colorful and bright under the sunlight.

A small bridge appeared not far away, across the creek, on the other side of the bustling river, there were three thatched cottages, and a little further away was a green bamboo forest.

What surprised Li San and Yan Ruoxin was that there was a word '囍' pasted on the door of the thatched cottage.

"Grandpa, what are you doing?" Yan Ruoxin asked angrily.

"Haha, this is the new house we have prepared for the two of you. I have seen it with a fortune teller. I heard that there have been no good days in the past few years. Then the wedding of the two of you will be postponed for a while. Tonight, the two of you Just sleep here!"

After Mr. Yan finished speaking, his figure disappeared in a flash.Li San and Yan Ruoxin were left staring at each other.

"Well, uncle, what should we do?" Li San looked at Yan Ruoxin a little at a loss.

Yan Ruoxin's cheeks were slightly flushed, she bit her plump lips with her white and neat teeth and said, "In that case, let's live here together!"

"Living together?" Li San was a little surprised, and then asked: "Sleeping together?"

Yan Ruoxin nodded shyly.

"Oh, yeah!" Li San yelled in his heart, but there was still a slight smile on his surface.

Walking into the thatched hut, he saw that the furnishings inside were very simple. The thatched hut gave people a special feeling. Li San could tell at a glance that the grass on the hut was not ordinary hay.

"Uncle, why does this herb smell so fragrant?" Li San suddenly asked Yan Ruoxin.

Yan Ruoxin glanced at the grass on the thatched hut, and then cursed her grandfather secretly in her heart.As an alchemist, Yan Ruoxin certainly recognized the origin of the grass on the thatched cottage at a glance.This grass is called wombat grass.Living in a house made of these grasses, even if a man and a woman practice double cultivation, will greatly increase the conception rate.Because cultivators are different from ordinary people. If a cultivator wants to conceive, it is much more difficult for people in the secular world. Maybe a man and a woman can conceive a baby at one time in the secular world, but it is different for a cultivator.The stronger the practitioner, the harder it is to get pregnant.Generally, if those powerful cultivators want to have children, they will seal their own skills, and then let their body functions slowly return to nature.This then increases the chances of pregnancy.However, in the cultivation world, there are also some special things that can greatly increase the probability of pregnancy.This womb grass is one of them.

It was with great difficulty that Old Man Yan had someone collect all these womb grasses and build them into a small thatched house.

"It's just a kind of medicinal herb that can calm the nerves!" Yan Ruoxin didn't want to tell Li San the real name of this herb.

"Oh!" Li San took off his coat, looked at the decoration of the room, and ran to the bathroom to see this big wooden bucket filled with hot water.He asked aloud, "Master, who will take a bath first?"

"Huh?" Yan Ruoxin was startled by Li San's words.Just now she was thinking about the matter between her and Li San, but she didn't hear what Li San said clearly.Turning around, he asked, "What did you say?"

Li San looked at Yan Ruoxin's delicate face, and the calm and intellectual temperament exuding from her body, his heart was about to move, and he joked with a smile: "Do I want to take a bath together?"

"No need. I'll wash first." After returning from the barbecue restaurant, Yan Ruoxin felt that she smelled of oily smoke all over her body. After hearing about taking a bath, she couldn't help it anymore.

Yan Ruoxin entered the bathroom, and slammed the door of the room shut, her chest thumping wildly.

"Why am I so nervous? Am I afraid that he will peek at my body? But he has already seen all of my body, and I even helped him do that." Thinking about it, Yan Ruoxin felt hot all over her body.

Yan Ruoxin came to the big wooden barrel, and lightly untied Luo Shan.She had just untied the rope from her bellyband.That pair of plump balloons bounced out like inflated balloons, and they were extremely dazzling white.

He took off his boots and put them in the corner, and stood barefoot on the wooden floor. His small toes were crystal clear, as if carved from white jade.

When she lowered her body, the pair of white and plump grandmas fell down with a bang, and the pulling force was extremely strong, as if they were trying to drag someone around.

Carefully folded the dress, put it on the hanger on the wall, and then pulled off the purple silk thread.After removing all the shackles from her body, Yan Ruoxin threw her whole body into it.

Yan Ruoxin came out in her pajamas after taking a shower. Li San was sitting by the window in a daze, holding a cup in his hand, and the quilt contained a purple liquid.

"What are you drinking?" Yan Ruoxin asked Li San.

"Oh, I'm drinking wine, it's delicious and sweet! If you don't believe me, smell it!" After Li San finished speaking, he handed the glass to Yan Ruoxin.Yan Ruoxin sniffed lightly with her small nose.Then his face sank, and he couldn't help but cursed at his grandfather again.It is true that the wine in this glass is not ordinary wine, but made from a kind of grape called Zijin grape, which has a strong aphrodisiac effect.

"How is it? Uncle, there's still a pot over there!" Li San said, pointing to a cabinet next to him.

"You drink it, I don't like to drink it!" Yan Ruoxin said coldly, she had already thought of Li San's burning desire later.

"Hehe, that's good, it's so hot, I'll take a shower first!" After Li San finished speaking, he drank all the purple wine in the glass.Then went into the bathroom.

There was still a faint fragrance in the bathroom, or maybe there was the smell of Yan Ruoxin's body.Recalling that just now, Yan Ruoxin was standing here with such a wide body, Li San felt his throat a little dry.

Now he feels a little hot in his body.

Li Sanyi thought that he would be able to sleep with his uncle's mature body again after a while, so he was very excited, and the speed of taking a bath was also very fast.

Li San came out wearing his own four feet.Yan Ruoxin was already lying on the bed, she wrapped herself tightly with a bright red quilt.

"Uncle, why are you still covered with a quilt on such a hot day?" Li San felt his body was warm, thinking that the weather was really hot.

"Master, my body is warm, I'll hug you, you won't feel hot!" Li San didn't allow Yan Ruoxin to have time to think, and swished into the quilt.

The bodies of the two were stacked together, and the temperature rose linearly.Li San felt even hotter.

Next to Yan Ruoxin's body, Li San stretched in from Yan Ruoxin's front.Break her hands apart.After grabbing the pair of big white rabbits, she suddenly found that Yan Ruoxin was covered with fine beads of sweat.

Smelling the strong aura emanating from Yan Ruoxin, Li San felt the fire of desire in his body suddenly burnt up.

"Master, I feel so uncomfortable!" Li San kept stroking Yan Ruoxin's body with his hands.

"Li San, don't touch it, I'll help you" Yan Ruoxin immediately pressed Li San's hand, she was afraid that if Li San touched her like this, she would sink herself.

After a while, there were bursts of groans from inside the thatched cottage, but this sound was only from Li San alone.

Early the next morning, Yan Ruoxin hid all the Zijin wine in the cabinet.Last night, she used both hands and milk, and it took a whole hour to get Li San done. Finally, she felt that her hands were tired.In the current situation, she didn't want Li San's desire to be so strong.

Three days later, the Zhongzhou 1000 Mahayana Rising Star Competition officially kicked off.

The competition was held in a space called Fengyun Realm in Zhongzhou.

There are [-] martial arts platforms set up in Fengyun Realm.One hundred thousand practitioners can compete at the same time.

It is said that this new star competition is the most prosperous in Zhongzhou in the past 1 years.More than 350 million people signed up alone.This figure far exceeds any previous session.Not only is the number of contestants high, but the quality is also high.People who clearly possess the peak strength of the emperor accounted for [-]% of the total number.And this time, there are also several super masters with emperor-level strength.For example, Lu Changfeng of Liuli Sword Sect, Li Liangqing of Zhuxian Sword Sect, and so on.These people are all veteran Mahayana masters.

"Hehe, I didn't expect Uncle Lu to come here!" Li San couldn't help but secretly looked forward to it. Presumably, there are still many top experts like Lu Changfeng in Immortal Ancient.

"However, the champion must be mine!" Li San was extremely determined in his heart, his vitality had reached the level of the sixth rank, and his recovery ability was stronger than many others.Masters in the Mahayana period can use divine power to instantly repair their bodies, but Li San can directly repair them with the power of life, so that he doesn't need to consume the original power in his body.Moreover, the basic strength of Li San's body has reached more than 2300 times the power of the standard Nascent Soul. With the double secret pattern strengthening, his combat power can directly catch up with the middle-level emperor-level powerhouse?
Although he has such combat power, Li San dare not take it lightly. He knows that there are mountains beyond the mountains, and there are people in the world. It is not ruled out that among the masters of the Dacheng period, there are perverted characters whose combat power is comparable to that of a high-level emperor-level master.

Yan Ruoxin hadn't finished her morning class yet, so she couldn't accompany Li San into the world of wind and cloud to watch Li San's game.

"Li San, come on!" Yan Ruoxin, like a careful wife, reached out to help Li San tidy up his clothes.

"Hehe, Master Uncle, don't worry, I will definitely bring back the champion!" After Li San finished speaking, a jade card appeared in his hand, and a sense of consciousness penetrated into the jade card.A ray of white light shot out from inside the jade tablet, and the space in front of Li San made circles of ripples.A space gate appeared in front of him.

"Uncle, goodbye!" Li San waved at Yan Ruoxin.

"En! Goodbye!" Yan Ruoxin also nodded to Li San with a smile. After that, Li San stepped forward and walked into the door of space.

(End of this chapter)

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