Chaos Scripture

Chapter 245 Inheriting the Holy Land

Chapter 245 Inheriting the Holy Land (2)
Seeing the secret lines of laws emerge one after another, the fog in front of Li San's eyes began to surge, and gradually, Li San found a blurry picture appearing in the fog.

In the endless fog, all kinds of weapons appeared, no, they should be soul tools.

Li San's soul power was instantly connected to those soul tools.Then, in the mist, many secret treasures appeared, and these secret treasures were all low-grade secret treasures.

Li San felt that the soul tool connected to his soul began to disintegrate on the secret treasure.

"Ding Ding Ding"

The rust on the secret treasure continued to fall off, and Li San felt that it was as if he was personally controlling the soul tool to decompose the secret treasure.I don't know how long it took, the soul tools connected to Li San's soul switched in the same way, and finally switched to Jiujiu 81 soul needles.

After the soul tool was switched to the soul needle, the speed of Li San's dissolving patterns was greatly improved, and the low-grade secret treasures in the surrounding space were quickly disassembled.After all the low-rank secret treasures were disassembled, middle-rank secret treasures appeared in the surrounding space.

As time went by, it was the turn of the top-rank secret treasure.This was the highest-level secret treasure that Li San could decompose before accepting the inheritance. At this moment, Li San felt that his soul power was being consumed rapidly.

"This inheritance, the longer it takes, the more soul power it consumes! It actually consumes such a huge amount of soul power!" Li San cursed secretly in his heart, and then with a thought, the 'watermelon' in the ghost warrant flew away. out.

Li San stretched out his hand with difficulty, hugging that 'watermelon' tightly.

When Li San hugged the watermelon, the life force in his body began to circulate, and the majestic life force continuously poured into his mind.Let Li San's soul power be replenished.

With a huge force of life as the backing, even though Li San's soul power is constantly being consumed during the inheritance, Li San can still persevere.


After a long time, after the last high-grade secret treasure in the surrounding space was decomposed, a low-grade earth-level secret treasure appeared around Li San's body.

"Huhu has finally broken through to the Great Pattern Master!" Li San suppressed the excitement in his heart. He knew that if he could continue to persevere, then his technique of dissolving patterns would definitely be greatly improved.


After Li San's breakthrough to the level of a junior great tattoo master, the number of soul needles he controlled suddenly increased.There were originally 81 soul needles, but in an instant these soul needles changed from one to two, and two changed to four. In just a moment, the number of these soul needles reached 6000.

"Ding Ding Ding"

Six thousand soul needles were shot towards the surrounding earth-level low-grade secret treasures, and a large number of dao patterns were decomposed inside.

After the number of soul needles increased, Li San felt that the speed of his soul power consumption was also accelerating.

"If things go on like this, it won't take long before my soul power will be exhausted!" Li San was secretly anxious in his heart, constantly urging the power of life to enter his sea of ​​soul.


Even though Li San desperately sent the power of life into his sea of ​​souls, the power of the soul was still decreasing at a constant speed.

Although the power of the soul is being consumed rapidly, the speed at which 81 soul needles can decompose a secret treasure is many times faster than the speed at which [-] soul needles can decompose a secret treasure. For a smaller secret treasure, it takes almost an instant. Those secret treasures were completely broken down.

The secret treasure of the low-grade earth-level was disassembled, and then the secret treasure of the middle-grade earth-level appeared in the surrounding space.

Among the secret treasures of the earth-level middle-grade, the Dao pattern that is decomposed, the highest-grade can have the middle-grade ancient Dao pattern.

Time was passing by quickly, and in the outside world, Black Rose had retreated from the sea of ​​fog.Originally, the two of them's tattoo removal skills were not very high.Black Rose has reached the realm of an intermediate master, while Luo Xintong's unraveling technique is very poor, and has only reached the realm of a junior master.

The lower the realm, the more soul power will be consumed when accepting the inheritance.It's like reading a book alone. If he has read half of a book, then if he is asked to read the book again, he can finish the first part in a very short time without even reading it. , then he can save a lot of time.

In the space of the inheritance tower, every time the consciousness stays for a quarter of an hour, the consumption of the power of the soul will increase exponentially.A person's soul power is limited, so he can only stay in the sea of ​​fog in the inheritance tower for a very short time.

For example, Best, he himself is a great tattoo master who has reached the peak level. After entering here, he can completely skip the previous inheritance and start directly from the top-grade earth-level secret treasure. In this way, he can save a lot of money. It's time.

Black Rose and Luo Xintong only persisted in the sea of ​​fog for a very short time before retreating.

"Where's Li San? Why hasn't he come out yet?" Luo Xintong looked up at Zi Tengkong.

"Hehe, don't look at me, this kid, you can't look at him with the eyes of ordinary people!" Zi Tengkong shook his head slightly and said.

Black Rose and Luo Xintong were waiting for Li San at the edge of the sea of ​​fog.

half an hour, an hour, two hours
Li San, who was in the sea of ​​fog, controlled those soul needles with the power of his soul, constantly decomposing the secret treasures around him.At this time, the secret treasures around Li San were all top-grade secret treasures at the prefecture level.

nineteen eight seven six five
With the disappearance of the last top-grade earth-level secret treasure, the space around Li San was turbulent for a while, and then densely packed heaven-level secret treasures appeared around his body.The rust marks on the surface of these secret treasures are all light black.

"Hehe heaven-level secret treasure! I have finally reached the realm of an earth pattern master!" Li San looked at the secret treasures around him, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Boom..." Li San felt his soul power being consumed rapidly until it completely disappeared.

The next moment, Li San's body was pushed out from the depths of the sea of ​​fog by a powerful force.

The mysterious power left Li San's body in an instant.

"Huh? Not anymore?" Li San regained consciousness.

He still clearly remembers the unraveling techniques in his mind, even if he presents an earth-level high-grade secret treasure in front of him, he can definitely dismantle it quickly and completely.

"Hehe, you finally came out, I thought you couldn't come out!" Zi Tengkong looked at Li San with a smile.

"Hey, I don't want to come out so early. I was just about to break down the heavenly secret treasure, but my soul power was exhausted!" Li San scratched his head a little embarrassedly.

However, when Zi Tengkong, Hei Meigui and Luo Xintong heard what he said.I couldn't help but open my mouth wide.

"Heavenly Secret Treasure?"

Zi Tengkong looked at Li San in surprise, with disbelief written all over his face.

"What level of secret treasure did you start practicing?" Zi Tengkong asked Li San.

"This, it seems to start with the low-grade secret treasure!" Li San thought for a while before slowly saying.

"Then what is your original level of tattoo removal?" At this time, Black Rose couldn't help asking.

Thinking of his original tattoo removal technique, Li San couldn't help but blush: "Well, my original tattoo removal technique only reached the level of a senior tattoo master!"

"Oh my god, this time, your inheritance has directly raised your tattoo removal technique by three small stages, one big level?" Luo Xintong's small rosy mouth was opened wide, and it could basically be filled. Next duck egg.

"Hmph, this is so unfair. After I accepted the inheritance, the pattern-dissolving technique was only consolidated, and I didn't even break through a small realm. It's better for you, you can directly upgrade from a senior pattern master to a junior earth pattern master!" Rose looked at Li San with envy.

"Junior land pattern master? When did I break through to a junior land pattern master? Why do I feel it every time?" After hearing what Black Rose said, Li San quickly lowered his head and looked at himself.

"Hehe, Li San, Black Rose is right. Since you can see the heavenly secret treasure in the sea of ​​fog, after you go back, you are strengthening your connection. I believe that you will be able to break through and become a land pattern master in a short time. It's gone." Zi Tengkong also looked at Li San enviously.He couldn't help but be envious. After all, if a high-level tattoo master practiced normally, he would not be able to improve his tattooing technique so much in a short time without hundreds of years and countless contacts.From a senior texture master to a junior ground texture master, any texture master will be surprised.

"It turned out to be like this!" After hearing Zi Tengkong's words, Li San suddenly realized.

"Hurry up and go back. You have just accepted the inheritance, strike while the iron is hot, and practice with those real secret treasures after you go back. This will make your inheritance memory more clearly displayed!" Zi Tengkong said to Li San and the others with a smile.

"Oh, then we'll go back, thank you Senior Zi Tengkong!" Li San nodded, said respectfully to Zi Tengkong, and then left the inheritance tower with Black Rose and Luo Xintong.

After leaving the inheritance tower, Li San did not stay on Black Rose's island, but returned to his own island.Immediately sent a message to Master Miaomiao, asking him to ask someone to give him some high-grade earth-level and low-grade heaven-level secret treasures.

"Sir Li San, this is the secret treasure you need!" Four hours later, a middle-aged man appeared above the island where Li San was located.Throw a storage bag to Li San.

(End of this chapter)

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