Chaos Scripture

Chapter 251: The Sky Rides the Waves

Chapter 251: The Sky Rides the Waves (2)
"Peng!" Chi Huo was sent flying out of the ground, and hit a huge rock not far away.The huge stone was smashed to pieces.

With a movement of Li San's figure, he was on top of him again.

The whole person was spinning like a wind wheel, and the slashing move of Tianmeng Sword was changed to stab.Only in this way can you concentrate your strongest strength on one point.


After Tianmengjian's sword move turned into a stab, it easily penetrated Chi Huo's defense.pierced into his body.

"Ah!" The scout let out a scream, burning his last soul power, and suddenly burst out with tyrannical combat power, kicking Li San away.And his body quickly flew towards the core area of ​​the Tianwen Pavilion Holy Land.

"Hmph!" Li San snorted coldly, his body instantly turned into an afterimage, catching up with Chi Huo's body.

"You can't run away!" Li San stared at Chi Huo coldly and said.

"Crack!" The rogue sword hit Chi Huo's body again fiercely like a whip, and the impact of Chi Huo's body hitting the ground was as powerful as a meteorite.The ground cracked tens of meters violently, and his whole body sank into the ground.

The transparent defense on Chi Huo's body trembled, and the colorful light kept flickering, as if it might be shattered at any moment.

"Protect the elder!" A high-pitched shout rang out.

"Master Cikong!"

At this time, the soldiers who had already been killed by Li San trembled in surprise.I saw a burly man with long brown hair rushing over with a huge sword in his hand.The speed is fast, no weaker than Li San.

Li San's heart trembled: "This person absolutely possesses the peak combat power of the emperor!"

"It doesn't matter." Li San didn't look back at Ci Kong at all, and rushed towards Chi Huo who jumped out of the ground at top speed.Chi Huo's defense has now reached its limit, and it may collapse at any moment.Chi Huo must be killed at the last moment!revenge.

"Li San, stop!" Cikong roared angrily.

"Shut your mother!" Li San ignored Cikong's angry shout, and hundreds of millions of low-grade dao patterns drilled out of his body, wrapping him tightly in an instant.

"Ah, Li San is going to use the world of swords again!" The surrounding soldiers saw the secret pattern floating around Li San, and ran away in horror.Because just now when Li San was using the world of swords, there were also a lot of dao patterns around his body.

Seeing those fleeing in all directions, Li San shouted in his heart: "The Liuli Sword Art will break the sky!"

"Whew!" All the secret lines poured into the Tianmang Sword, and then a ten-meter-long sword light shot out from the Tianmangjian!
"Ah..." Chi Huo also felt that he should be shrouded in the shadow of death, and he tried his best to push his black jar to block the sword glows.


The black pot was split in half by the sharp sword glow, and more than half of that sword glow was also broken, but there was still a small half of the sword glow that cut off Chi Huo's body at the waist.

And this time

A huge coercion appeared above the sky.Everyone couldn't help but look up towards the sky.

He is slender, with long brown hair, wearing a silver tattoo master robe, with a thin face, looking indifferently at everything that happened below.

"Master Lan Siya!" After Chi Huo saw the old man in the sky, surprise appeared on his face, and he dragged half of his body towards the old man.

"Chi Huo, tell me, what happened?" The old man in the silver-patterned robe said, looking at the elder Chi Huo indifferently.

Chi Huo resisted the pain in his body.He said respectfully to the old man in front of him: "Back to Master Lan Siya, this Li San owns the "Secret Code of Sky Pattern", not only he refuses to hand over the "Secret Code of Sky Pattern", but also wants to kill me! "

Li San was extremely shocked. As an elder, Chi Huo had a very high status in Tianwen Pavilion, yet he had to show such a respectful attitude in front of this old man.It can be seen from this that this person's identity and strength are above Chi Huo.

Li San looked at the tattoo master's robe on the old man.On the silver tattoo master robe, it was empty, without any tattoo master logo at all?
"Tianwen master?" Li San was extremely surprised, because in the Tianwen Pavilion, even the top earth pattern masters had the logo of a pattern master, but the old man in front of him didn't have one at all.The only possibility is that this old man has surpassed the realm of a top geographer.

""Secret Code of Sky Pattern"?" After hearing Chi Huo's words, the old man couldn't help shooting two bright lights from his eyes.

"That's right! It's the "Sky Rune Secret Code"!" Na Chi Huo said with a firm nod.

"Li San!" The old man turned around, fixed his eyes on Li San, and said coldly: "Call out the "Secret Code of Sky Pattern", and I will save you from death, and I will not hold you accountable anymore?"

"Huh? Why do you want me to hand over the "Secret Code of Sky Runes"? This "Secret Code of Sky Runes" belongs to me, and besides, it is you people from the Sky Rune Pavilion who want to kill me to seize the treasure? You old man actually You want me to hand over the "Secret Code of Sky Pattern" regardless of indiscriminate, it seems that you people in Tianwen Pavilion, the slogan of treating everyone equally is for nothing!" Li San looked at the silver-robed old man with contempt, I was already thinking about how to escape.

"Huh, the "Secret Code of Skymarks" has always been a thing of our Tianwen Pavilion. If you teach it now, I will not hold you accountable. Your power will also suffer!" The silver-robed old man's tone was very cold.

"Are you threatening me?" Li San's body was floating in the air, looking coldly at the silver-robed old man in front of him.

"Hmph, whatever you think, in short, you must call out the "Secret Code of the Sky Pattern"!" The voice of the silver-robed old man was still so indifferent.

"You can get it yourself if you have the ability!" Li San's stubbornness came up, "The Secret Code of Sky Pattern" is his own treasure, and no one can take it away.


After Li San finished speaking, Dao patterns all over the sky flew out of his body, hundreds of billions of Dao patterns covered the sky and covered the earth, most of these Dao patterns were blue or golden.

"What do you want to do?" Seeing the dao pattern all over the sky, even the silver-robed old man frowned at this moment.

"What do you want to do? I don't want to do anything, I just want to get out of this ghostly place!" Li San looked at the silver-robed old man and said lightly.

"Okay, as long as you keep the "Secret Code of Sky Runes", you can leave the Holy Land of Sky Runes at any time, and no one will stop you!"

"Don't even think about the "Secret Code of the Sky Pattern", unless I die, you don't want to take the "Secret Code of the Sky Pattern" away from me!" Li San held the rogue sword tightly, and was about to issue the final blow. Powerful blow.

"Hmph, if that's the case, then I'll kill you!" A fierce murderous intent radiated from the silver-robed old man, locking onto Li San firmly.


A huge stick appeared out of thin air, with dense secret lines flashing on it, and swung it towards Li San with an incomparable momentum.

The huge stick shadow seemed to block all the space around Li San, making it impossible for Li San to dodge.

Li San held the rogue sword across his chest, blocking the shadow of the huge stick.


A huge force came from above the shadow of the stick, and Li Sanlian was sucked into the ground with his sword.

A huge pit appeared on the ground. At the bottom of the pit, Li San felt that several bones in his body were broken.

"What a strong attack!" Li San cursed secretly in his heart. One must know that his physical fitness has reached the middle stage of the Nine-Star Saint Physique, and he is still in a state of strengthening several thousand times. The old guy said it lightly. One hit can seriously injure him.If he doesn't have the strength to live, he can only be mermaid at this moment.

At the bottom of the pit, Li San had horrible wounds on the surface of his body.

"Damn old thing!" Li San circulated the power of life in his body, repaired the injuries on his body, and then flew out from the bottom of the pit holding the Tianman sword.Immediately opened the distance with that silver robe old man.

"Huh? Not dead?" The silver-robed old man's pupils shrank, and he stared at Li San in front of him.

"Kill me, that's fine. Since you old bastards are shameless, I don't have anything to be polite about!" Li San's eyes flickered with a hint of sarcasm.The Tianmen sword in his hand suddenly burst out with colorful light.The secret lines seemed to be flying out of the Tianmang sword.

"The sword of the Liuli Sword Art devours the sky!"

A deep voice sounded from the bottom of Li San's heart, and immediately the countless dao patterns in the sky were all absorbed by the Tianmeng sword.


In the sky, countless sword auras appeared in an instant, and these sword auras quickly formed a world of swords.

This time, the world of swords has a killing radius of 15000 meters.In this area, there are more than 3 warriors in Tianwen Pavilion.


The terrifying coercion came from the sky, and everyone couldn't help but change their colors.

"Master Lan Siya, hurry up and stop that Li San!" Chi Huo looked at the world of swords in the sky, and the muscles on his face twitched slightly. He didn't expect that Li San would kill those tattoo masters who were below the level. .However, at this time, the world of swords had already been formed, and even he couldn't organize it.

"Ahhhhhh" tens of thousands of soldiers died like this.

"Huh!" Li San's body has already moved dozens of miles away. "Hahaha, dead old man, I want the "Secret Code of Sky Pattern", come on, let's see if you kill me first, or I will kill all your seedlings first!"

Li San laughed wildly in the distant sky.

"Hmph, Li San, you are sure to die!" At this moment, the silver-robed old man was completely angry. He never imagined that Li San, a junior, would actually dare to kill him in front of him.

"Swoosh!" The body of the silver-robed old man immediately turned into a beam of silver light and shot towards Li San.

"Hmph!" Li San snorted coldly. Although the old man's combat power was stronger than him in the Heavenly Rune Holy Land, but he possessed the Immortal Dust's Unsurpassed Shadow Movement, the old man would never be able to catch up.

"If you want to chase me, your strength alone is not enough!" Li San turned to the silver-robed old man and said with a big smile.

"Li San, I advise you to submit obediently, you cannot escape, this is the Holy Land of the Sky Rune!" the silver-robed old man said to Li San coldly.He tried every means to get close to Li San, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't close the distance between them.

"Huh!" Li San's figure suddenly returned and appeared in front of Chi Huo.

"Die!" The Tianmeng sword swung out, and Chi Huo had no time to let out a scream, and was cut in half by Li San, and even his soul was annihilated.

"Ah Li San!"

Seeing Li San killing an elder under his own eyelids, the silver-robed old man roared, and the long stick in his hand turned into thousands of stick shadows and bombarded towards Li San.

"bang bang"

A few stick shadows hit Li San's body, causing Li San to vomit blood, but Li San's body flew out towards the distance with the help of this huge force.

"Hahaha" Li San wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth, and laughed wildly at the silver-robed old man.

"Hmph!" The silver-robed old man slid his hands in front of his face, a golden light shot towards the sky, and then turned into dozens of golden lights above the sky, flying to various places.

Li San also fled out of the Heavenly Rune Holy Land without looking back.

Afterwards, Li San went on a killing spree in the Tianwen Holy Land, killing an elder and tens of thousands of Tianwen Pavilion fighters, and then fled.

This shocking news spread in the Heavenly Rune Holy Land immediately.

"Oh my god, did Li San eat the guts of a leopard? He dared to kill in Tianwen Pavilion?"

"Hmph, then Li San, in my opinion, there is nothing in this world that he dares not do!"

"It's all right, what's going on here?"

"There must be something else hidden!"

Hei Meigui and Luo Xintong, who belonged to heretics, had been practicing the art of dissolving tattoos on their own islands, but they suddenly received this shocking news.

"Three here, what's the matter? Would you do such a thing?" When Black Rose heard the news, she felt her mind go blank. She knew the seriousness of this matter.

As a superpower, Tianwen Pavilion has an extremely deep background, and ordinary forces dare not offend it, even the four peak powers, all respect Tianwen Pavilion.

Now that Li San is making such a big commotion in Tianwen Pavilion, the people in Tianwen Pavilion will definitely kill Li San.Even if the Nine Swords League came forward, they would not be able to keep Li San.

"Sister Rose, Li San got into a big disaster this time, what should I do?" Luo Xintong came to the residence of Black Rose, her big eyes were already flushed.She rarely had contact with male practitioners. In her heart, Li San had already become her best friend. Now that Li San was in trouble, how could she not be anxious?
"Don't worry, the people in Tianwen Pavilion are chasing Li San everywhere now, but I believe Li San's ability, at least unless all the old antiques in Tianwen Pavilion are dispatched, it will be very difficult to catch Li San!" Black Rose hugged Luo Xintong into her arms and comforted her.

In the other five tattoo pavilions, Best, Bo Lisha, and other newcomer tattoo masters were shocked when they heard the news.

"Li San, you are really shocking!" Bo Lisha stood by the window of the attic, looking into the distance with her beautiful eyes, and Li San's figure flashed in her mind. It seemed that this man, no matter where he went, could Set off a huge storm.After getting close to such a person, Bo Lisha seemed to be infected by Li San's aura of giving up to me. May I ask who among them tattoo masters has Li San's aura and dares to stand in the sky pattern holy land? Killed the elders of Tianwen Pavilion, and also killed tens of thousands of secret pattern warriors.

Best is holding a heaven-level secret treasure in his hand. After he came out of the inheritance tower, his tattoo removal technique also broke through to the level of an earth pattern master.When he was secretly happy in his heart, he heard this shocking news.At this moment, he felt the huge gap between himself and Li San.It seems that in this aspect, I will never be able to compare with it.

Compared with the movements in the Astronomical Holy Land, the wind and waves in Xiangu are even more far away.First of all, the top brass of the four peak powers got the news.

Holy Land of the Nine Swords Alliance.

After hearing the news, many high-level figures gathered together one after another.People like Emperor Xuanhuang and Emperor Liuli also came to the Holy Land of the Nine Swords Alliance early.

"Xuanhuang, what did your disciple do? Could it be that his head was pinched by the door? You actually made such a big commotion in the Tianwen Pavilion?"

"Hmph, San is so reckless here, if this continues, one day we will be killed by him!"

"That's right, now the people in Tianwen Pavilion have issued a statement to kill Li San! And they have also released harsh words, saying that we want our Nine Swords League to sever relations with Li San! Otherwise, we will impose sanctions on our Nine Swords League, saying In the future, the tattoo masters of Tianwen Pavilion will no longer help us Nine Swordsmen to break down secret treasures!"

There were voices of complaints everywhere in the Holy Land.

Emperor Xuanhuang and Emperor Liuli frowned tightly. This time, Li San's commotion was really too big.

"Shut up!" Emperor Xuanhuang's cold voice resounded throughout the holy land, and those emperors or Taoist figures shut up one after another.Everyone looked at Emperor Xuanhuang.

Emperor Xuanhuang glanced at these people, and then said lightly: "I called everyone here this time. I want everyone to discuss how to deal with this matter!"

"Damn. What else should I do? Immediately drive this Li San out of the Nine Swords Alliance!" Just as Emperor Xuanhuang's voice fell, someone shouted immediately.

"Yes, expel Li San from the Nine Swords Alliance!"

(End of this chapter)

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