Chaos Scripture

Chapter 269

Chapter 269
Physical fitness has reached the middle limit of the nine-star holy body, allowing Li San's body storage to reach more than 9400 times.

The power in Li San's body now is the power of Chaos. This 9400 times the power of the unit is comparable to 94000 times the power of the standard Nascent Soul.

9400 times the power of the standard Nascent Soul, coupled with Li San's current 10000-fold increase in secret lines, Li San's basic combat power has increased to 9400 million times the power of the standard Nascent Soul.

9400 million times the power of the standard Nascent Soul, this is the combat power of a peak emperor-level powerhouse.

Moreover, Li San has now comprehended the attacking mystery of the Zhuxian Sword, which can triple his attack power at its strongest.

The combat power of 9400 million times is tripled again, which is more than 2 million times the power of the standard Nascent Soul. This kind of combat power is stronger than ordinary low-level Taoist masters.

Practitioners above the Mahayana period will burn their original divine power in the battle of life and death. This way, their own strength will be improved again.

The divine power in Li San's body is the divine power of chaos, and the burning power can make Li San's combat power soar 10 times again.In this way, Li San's strongest combat power has reached 20 billion times the power of the standard Nascent Soul.This made Li San's attack power rank among the ranks of middle Taoist masters.

Li San's body storage capacity is really astonishing. Even in the energy storm of the ancient battlefield, it took three full months to fill his body.

At this time, the energy storm is already very weak.Li San's body fell to the ground, stepping on the hard ground.


Feeling the surging power in his body, Li San still let out a long howl.After all, the feeling of losing power is too depressing.

"Hmph, old fellows of Tianwen Pavilion, next time, I will definitely cripple you!" Li San felt the five quiet energy balls in his sea of ​​soul, and said fiercely in his heart.This time, he almost fell into the hands of those five old guys.

"Well, now that the strength has been restored, let's see if there are any treasures!" Li San looked around, hoping to find some treasures, but the current storm is already weak, and those treasures have already fallen to the ground, and now The storm has not completely receded, and Li San's sight has been greatly affected.

Li San began to search the ancient battlefield.

The energy storm had weakened to such an extent that the four peak forces could no longer hold it back.


Huge ancient cities shattered the void, appearing directly in the peripheral area of ​​the ancient battlefield.Then it landed on the vast and boundless ancient battlefield.

The four peak powers first entered the foreign battlefield, and the first thing they did when they entered the foreign battlefield was to build a base first.

At this time, those palaces and cities magic weapons finally showed their super value.A palace-like magic weapon, located on an extraterritorial battlefield, is a ready-made base.

On the side of the Nine Swords Alliance, the core base is the Nine Dragons Falling Heaven City of the Nine Dragon Venerable.With the Nine Dragons Luotian City as the core, magic weapons of the palace type descended on the battlefield outside the territory one after another.

"Ding ding dong dong"

A sound of heaven came from the nine heavens, and then a fairy palace from outside the territory descended on the area tens of thousands of miles away from Luotian City in Jiulong.

"That's Tianyin Palace Lord's extraterritorial Tianyin Palace!"

Many cultivators were extremely excited after seeing that piece of fairy palace.After all, the identity of Palace Master Tianyin has been very mysterious until now.The cultivators above Immortal Ancient just knew that Palace Master Tianyin and Li San were sworn brothers.Perhaps only Li San knew the identity of the Tianyin palace master.

Back then, Palace Master Tianyin made a high-profile appearance in the Triangle Region, won the supreme emperor-level magic treasure outside the Tianyin Palace born in the Triangle Region, and named himself Palace Master Tianyin.

At this moment, in the Tianyin Hall outside the Territory, Palace Master Tianyin is wearing a black cloak, no one can see her face.The Spirit Ghost Emperor, Huanxin Emperor, and Piaoying Emperor stood respectfully above the main hall.But now the cultivation bases of the three of them have all been promoted to the Taoist level.

The Ghost Emperor, the Huanxin Emperor, and the Piaoying Emperor are all strong men from the ancient times. When they were in the Triangular Domain, the ancient lip tower descended, and their strength was suppressed at the peak of the Mahayana Emperor.But after they shed all the dead energy in their bodies.Reborn in Xiangu, their memories of the ancient times have not disappeared. With these memories, they have made rapid progress.The three people who were only at the peak of the emperor level back then have now become the existence of the peak of the Taoist level.

By analogy, many of those emperor-level high-level cultivators have become Taoist-level high-level existences.In the Tianyin Temple outside the Territory, there are nearly 500 masters of the Dao level, and thousands of masters of the Emperor level.And the potential of these people is very huge.

"Palace Master, when are we going out?" The Spirit Ghost Emperor, no, he should be called the Spirit Ghost Dao Master.Daoist Spirit Ghost said to Palace Master Tianyin respectfully.

"Don't worry, wait until the energy tide recedes completely!" The slightly hoarse voice of Palace Master Tianyin came out from inside the cloak.

"Yes!" Daoist Spirit Ghost, Daoist Huanxin, and Daoist Piaoying respectfully responded, and then retreated.

More and more people came to the battlefield outside the territory, but at this time, except for some masters of the emperor level, other master-level and emperor-level masters are obediently staying in the base.

In just half a day, the periphery of the ancient battlefield became a series of buildings.

At this moment, in the Sanxiu influence area, there was a sound of groans coming from a courtyard that seemed to be only [-] square meters. In the room of that courtyard, a fat man was pressing a beautiful woman on the ground Working hard under her body, after a while, the woman screamed and passed out.

"Damn, it's not fun!" The fat man cursed immediately, and then took out a mirror that looked like a gossip disk again and started to fiddle with it.

This fat man is none other than Li San's buddy Wo Henhuai.

More than 100 years have passed, and today's Wohenhuai has become a top prefecture-level treasure hunter.

Treasure hunters are divided into three levels, like ordinary treasure hunters, earth-level treasure hunters, and heaven-level treasure hunters.

Treasure hunters at the top of the earth level can sense all the emperor-level magic weapons, weapons, or elixir within a radius of ten miles.Of course, this is an ancient battlefield, and elixir is very rare, and the most common ones are secret treasures, magic weapons, magical weapons and other things.

"Quack, it's finally my turn to show off my power!" Wo Chenhuai looked at the hunting plate in his hand, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Suddenly, the smile on the fat man's face froze, and he took out a jade tablet, and his spiritual sense immediately penetrated into it.

"Well, both Nimad and Feng Zi are here!" After seeing the information in the jade tablet, Wo Henhuai's body immediately turned into a white light and got into the ground.

After a few months in such a hurry, those emperor-level masters above Xiangu generally entered the ancient battlefield.

On this day, thunder roared above the ancient battlefield, and a heavy rain suddenly fell. When the heavy rain fell, the energy tide finally dissipated.The visibility on the extraterritorial battlefield has also greatly increased.

At this moment, Li San was frantically searching for those treasures in the area where the western magical temple descended.These are the most peripheral treasures, very small in size.But no matter how small the mosquito is, it is still meat. Li San has obtained more than 1 magic weapons and magic weapons above the emperor level.The area of ​​more than 1 miles outside the base of the western magic temple was completely scraped by Li Sanshou.

"The energy storm has receded, go!"

In the base of the western magic temple, those emperor-level cultivators and Taoist masters rushed out of the base frantically.

"Huh? Why are there no treasures?"

After those Western cultivators rushed to the foreign battlefield, they immediately looked around, only to find that the land that should be full of treasures was empty.nothing.

"Damn? There are footprints on the ground!" Immediately, some cultivators found a line of deep footprints on the watery ground.

"Who is stealing our treasures? Didn't they already divide their respective regions? Whoever is breaking the rules should be damned."

Those high-powered people in the western magic temple immediately discovered the problem and roared loudly in the air.

Hearing the roars of those Western practitioners, Li San laughed. It was good to make these guys suspicious of each other. In the future, there would not be too large a joint camp.This is undoubtedly a very good differentiation strategy.

"That's enough, let's go back to the camp of cultivators and join the members of the Nine Swords Alliance. In the ancient battlefield, it's too risky to act alone!"

Li San also felt that it was too dangerous to be in the ancient battlefield. Here, the weakest people have the strength of emperors. If these people find out about him, he will definitely be miserable.His current strongest combat power is someone who can rival a middle-level Taoist master. When he is besieged by emperor-level masters, even if he uses the world of swords, he can't kill so many emperor-level masters at all.

Thinking of this, Li San began to retreat towards the east, but just as Li San advanced more than 1000 miles, he suddenly stopped, his eyes were looking ahead, and his mouth was wide open.

(End of this chapter)

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