Chaos Scripture

Chapter 274 The feeling of being watched

Chapter 274 The feeling of being watched
Li San sensed through the nine-color chaotic beads in his dantian that the nearest one was in the northeast, 30 miles away from them.Li San sat on Xuan Ba's back and asked Xuan Ba ​​to take them flying.

Although Xuanba's crawling speed is very slow, his flying speed is now the fastest among Li San and the others. Perhaps in terms of short-distance movement, Li San, who has the absolute shadow of the fairy dust, can surpass the emperor-level masters. However, Xuanba at this time has the strength of a peak Taoist master.

Xuanba's current realm is at the peak of the emperor level. Its cultivation is different from Li San and the others. Xuanba is the reincarnation of the ghost lord of the sea clan or the rebirth of the ghost venerable. In terms of cultivation speed, he is not like Li San. can be compared.

Li San stood on Xuan Ba's body, looking around with his eyes, he felt as if a pair of eyes were peeping at him from the dark.

"Boss, how did you do it? Why can't I recognize the Lord, but you can?" On Xuanba's back, Nimad asked Li San with a puzzled expression.

"Hey, this, didn't the fat man say that? Treasures are obtained by those who are destined!" Li San didn't want to say much about how he recognized the nine-color chaotic beads.

"Hmph, you! My senior brother is of good character!" Xuanba said proudly after hearing Nimad's words.When it calls Nimad, it directly calls you 'you'.

Feng Zi sat on Xuan Ba's back, closed his eyes and meditated.

Half an hour later, Xuan Ba ​​carried Li San and the others into a swamp full of mist.


On the edge of the swamp, Li San and the others found many weak monsters. After seeing Xuan Ba, those monsters ran away in fear.

"These monsters are too weak!" Xuan Ba ​​glanced at the monsters below with disdain.

"Hehe, I thought there were no living things in this treasure world, but I didn't expect to meet so many monsters here!" Li San's eyes swept across the swamp, and when he entered the swamp, the blood in his body The power of life has also become smoother.

Xuanba's speed was very fast, following the direction Li San said, it penetrated nearly [-] miles into this swamp in less than half an hour.

When Xuan Ba ​​went deep into the swamp for a hundred thousand miles, Li San and the others immediately felt a sense of oppression.

"Senior brother, I have a bad feeling." Xuan Ba ​​found that there was no monster in front of him, not even an ordinary beast.This is really weird, there is not a single monster in such a lush grassland.

Li San frowned and said: "Don't make a fuss! Speed ​​up, there are still [-] miles to reach the destination!"

Hearing that he was about to reach his destination, Xuan Ba ​​was very excited.

"it is good!"

Xuan Ba ​​sticks to the swamp and shuttles forward.

Suddenly, a huge coercion came from the front, and at the same time a fiery heat wave came from a distance.All of a sudden, the temperature around Li San rose to a terrifying level.

"Not good!" Li San's face changed, he knew that he must have encountered a monster, and it was not an ordinary monster, Xuanba also stopped, staring at the front carefully.


A fiery red light flashed, and then, a huge strange bird appeared in front of Li San's eyes. There were red flames dancing on the feathers of this strange bird.The wingspan must be at least [-] meters.

"Akabane bird!"

Wo Henhuai immediately recognized that the big bird in front of him was one of the top ten monsters in the Immortal Ancient Ranking. These monsters only cultivated the body, not the human form. It's all very scary.

The red feather bird's feathers are burning with raging fire, it looks like a phoenix of divine fire.

"Huh? It's the emperor-level little tortoise and a few guys? You guys are so brave that you dare to enter my territory." Akabashi looked at Xuanba and Li San with disdain.Like a big cat looking at a little mouse, it seems to control the other's life and death.Yet that is the reality.

"A monster of the emperor level! This is a mutated red-feathered bird."

Judging from the aura emanating from the other party, Wo Henhuai immediately judged that this red-feathered bird is definitely not an ordinary monster, but a great emperor-level monster that has broken through its own limit.


Li San and Wo Henhuai reacted immediately. They all judged that the red-feathered bird in front of them was invincible. After all, the red-feathered bird itself belonged to the king of birds, with extraordinary talents. It is said that it has the blood of an immortal phoenix. .Li San and Xuan Ba ​​are simply no match for them.

The four people and one tortoise flew in five directions with a tacit understanding, Xuan Ba ​​turned into a black light and shot towards the west, but Li San didn't dare to keep it, and immediately entered the state of the strongest increase in the secret pattern , stepping on Xianchen's Jueying movement, desperately trying to escape in the direction of Xuanba.

Wo Henhuai's body immediately turned into a ray of white light, and got into the swamp.Nimad and Feng Zi also used their own escape skills.

Seeing Li San and the others quickly going away, Akabane was slightly surprised.

"I don't think these guys have some skills. That human boy is very similar to the secret pattern warrior! But, do you think you can escape with this speed?" Chiyu Bird's eyes suddenly flashed two cold lights.

"Huh!" The two huge wings flapped gently, and the strength of the emperor-level monster exploded instantly. The speed of the red-feathered bird suddenly increased several times, turning into a red light and chasing Li San and the others in front.

"Senior brother, that stupid bird is really slow, it can't catch up with us at all!" Looking back, he didn't find the figure of the red-feathered bird at all, Xuanba exchanged with Li San proudly.

"Really?" A deep voice came from in front of Li San and the others, and a huge fiery red figure descended from the sky, stopping in front of Li San and Xuan Ba.

"Wow" Xuanba's four paws slammed into the air and came to a screeching halt.

"Hmph!" The red-feathered bird snorted coldly, and its huge wings swept towards Xuan Ba ​​and Li San.

"Bang! Bang!"

The bodies of Li San and Xuan Ba ​​were slapped back by a huge force.The body fell into the swamp.

The red feather bird exuded coercion, then looked at Xuanba, and said with no interest: "Little turtle, you seem to have an aura that attracts me. I feel that eating you should be very good for me."

Hearing the words of Chiyu Bird, Li San's heart was shocked. Unexpectedly, the Chiyu Bird in front of him could also feel Xuanba's special blood.

Xuan Ba ​​looked at Li San, with complicated emotions in his eyes.

"Brother, what should I do? This big guy wants to eat me! Huh!" Xuanba felt a little scared in his heart.

"Xuan Ba, don't be afraid!" Li San lightly patted Xuan Ba's body a few times.Looking up at Akabane in the sky, he said sincerely: "Senior, if you let me go today, I will definitely repay you in the future!"

"Hahaha, do you think I will believe what you humans say? Humans are so cunning, don't talk nonsense, I won't change my mind!" After Chiyu Niao finished speaking, he immediately opened his eyes to Xuan Ba ​​and Li San Mouth.

"Huh!" The gust of wind suddenly rose, and a huge gravitational force came from the mouth of the red-feathered bird.

"Hey!" Feng Zi's figure shot towards him from afar.

"Die!" Feng Zi took out all his talismans from his storage ring, and threw them all into Akabane's belly.

"Boom! Boom! Boom" There was a huge explosion sound from the red feather bird's body, and the red feather bird's body immediately turned into a big leather ball.

"Hey" the red-feathered bird rolled in the air in pain, its feathers flying all over the sky.

"Boss, come down quickly!" Wo Henhuai poked his head out of the swamp and waved to Li San.

"Escape!" Li San thought, his body turned into a golden light, and he slammed into the ground.Then, under the leadership of Wo Henhuai, he quickly walked through the ground.

"Hmph! Want to escape?" Chiyu Bird exuded monstrous fireworks all over his body, just like a phoenix.The eyes flickered, and the eyes were fixed on a point on the ground. The next moment, the red feather bird shot towards the ground like a meteor chasing the moon.


The huge body of Akabane Bird instantly shrunk to more than ten meters, as if it had not encountered any barriers, it directly penetrated into the ground and disappeared.At the place where the red feather bird entered, a large hole of more than ten meters was left. At the edge of the hole, the soil was directly melted and turned into gas.The ferocity in Chiyu Bird's bones has been completely ignited by Li San and the others.If the red-feathered bird wasn't a fire-attribute monster, it would have died under the explosion of Feng Zi's talismans.

Although it is a monster of the fire element, the energy of the fire element exploded by the bomb is not the same as those fire elements. At this time, the body of the flamingo is extremely uncomfortable.

"Damn it! Is this okay?" When Xuantian felt the red-feathered bird approaching quickly behind him, Wo Henhuai couldn't help but cursed.

"Fatty, hurry up, that guy is catching up!" Xuan Ba ​​kept urging Wo Henhuai.

"Shut up, do you think I don't want to go fast?" The original divine power in Wo Henhuai's body had already reached its limit, but the speed couldn't be raised at all.

"What should we do? On the ground, the speed of the red-feathered bird is even more terrifying! But the speed of the red-feathered bird is equally terrifying!" Li San and the others thought in their hearts as they fled.

"Shameless human, die!" Li San and the others felt a fiery energy coming from behind.Then the surrounding space instantly became hot.The moisture in the soil was evaporated in an instant, and the soil in front became dry and hard.Li San's speed dropped sharply.

"Fight it!" Li San stopped his figure and rushed to the ground.

"Boom!" Li San's figure had just rushed out from the ground, and the ground below him cracked open, and red lights shot out from the gaps in the ground, and then the huge figure of the red-feathered bird rushed out from the ground.Li San's body was knocked and flew hundreds of meters away.

"Damn human, die!" The furious migratory bird unfolded its sharp wing knife and slashed at Li San.

"My life is over!!" The flamingo's wing blade had already reached Li San, and a wave of heat rushed towards his face, and Li San could feel the sharpness of the wing blade.And he himself was penetrated by the cold air emanating from the winged knife.Unwilling to yell out.

He closed his eyes in despair.At this moment, he was angry in his heart, why was he always so unlucky?

Just when Li San closed his eyes and waited to die.A sharp sword qi shot from afar.

"Chi!" The flamingo was instantly split in half by the sword energy.

"Huh?" Sensing the sudden disappearance of the tyrannical aura, Li San opened his eyes.All I saw was that the flamingo had been dismembered.


The flamingo let out a scream, and then flew into the distance, looking at the place behind Li San with a look of fear.

Behind Li San was a more powerful aura.Li San turned around and took a look.

I saw a beautiful woman with firm skin, bright and radiant face, like a fairy.The hair is combed in a falling pony bun, which is tall and sideways, matching her slender and graceful figure, slender waist, and beautiful jade necklace.The white skin looming under the light veil.In the radiance, I feel more charming and charming, bright and charming, with dark and vivid eyes.Vermillion's lips were tightly pressed together.

"Morning Sound!"

Li San suddenly exclaimed, the stunning woman who appeared in front of him was actually the master of Tianyin Palace.

"How can she come in? Only people under the Taoist master can come in the treasure world?" After the surprise, Li San was puzzled in his heart. Could it be that she was the person who had been spying on him secretly before?

(End of this chapter)

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