Chaos Scripture

Chapter 299 First Arrival in the West

Chapter 299 First Arrival in the West
When the light of the transfer formation disappeared, Li San and Xuan Ba ​​had already arrived at the end of the East-West Rift Valley close to the Western World.

After walking out of the East and West Great Rift Valley, there is the Demon Plain.

Devil's Plain, since the Western Allied Forces were driven out of the Great Rift Valley by offensive and defensive practitioners, it has become the most chaotic place in the Western world in the past 100 years, because a large number of lawbreakers have gathered here.There are a lot of desperadoes gathered here.

There are also many Eastern cultivators in the Devil's Plain. Many of those Eastern cultivators risked their lives to come to the West to do business, because the Eastern world has many things that the Eastern world does not have at all.For example, some precious medicinal materials, precious metals and so on.

In the west, the magic temple strictly forbids those magicians from interacting with eastern practitioners. Even so, there are still many people who ignore the regulations of the magic temple and start business with eastern practitioners.For this reason, the Magical Temple has also dispatched personnel many times, trying to get rid of these unruly people in the Devil's Plain. Destroyed and occupied, but because the emperor is far away from the mountain, it is impossible for the magic temple to station a large number of high experts here for a long time. Once the number of masters in the station is reduced to a certain level, those restless guys will start to counterattack.

After going back and forth like this several times, in the end the magic temple no longer sent out experts to encircle and suppress these people.Over time, there are more and more lawbreakers in the Devil's Plain.Now that it has grown to the point where the magic temple is even a small waist attacking them, it is necessary to weigh the consequences
However, although the chaos of the Demon Plain is well-known in the West, there are various high-level magic weapons, pills, secret treasures and other strange things smuggled from the Eastern cultivation world, but they have attracted many strong people from the West. After all, no matter what, These kinds of things are always the necessary things that even they are coveted, especially the secret treasures smuggled from the eastern cultivation world, which are cheaper than their western cultivation world's secret treasures, and occasionally there will be some secret treasures of heaven-defying quality.

Therefore, the Devil's Plain is like a dark bottomless pit. Countless rare treasures flow here through various channels, and then they are auctioned at sky-high prices, causing countless people to compete for it.

Between the Great Rift Valley and the Demon Plain.The separation distance is very wide.During this time, we have to pass through a large deserted area.Then we can reach the edge of the Devil's Plain.

Such a long distance.It would take days and nights for ordinary emperor-level masters to fly.And Li San had the Xuanba to travel, and after only a few hours, he discovered that the same mountains below suddenly became denser.

When his eyes swept to the distance, he saw that there was an endless vastness and flatness in front of him.

"Is this the notorious Devil's Plain?" Looking at the flat terrain in front of him, Li San seemed to feel that his mood became more comfortable at this moment.

The endless plain, as far as the eye can see, is full of monotonous black, against the slightly dark sky, a depressing and disturbing atmosphere hangs over the plain.

On the quiet plain, several black shadows suddenly shot from a distance, and the speed of those figures was very fast.


Immediately, a powerful battle erupted ahead. From the energy fluctuations, Li San could feel that the two groups in front were both emperor-level masters.

"Brother, why haven't you arrived yet. You saw people fighting?" Xuan Ba ​​was also a little surprised.

"Don't care about them, let's move on!" Li San sat on Xuan Ba's back, flying towards the heads of those two groups.

Even after flying hundreds of miles, Li San saw several battles, the largest one, the number of people exceeded a hundred, and the momentum was also very huge, among which there were several Taoist masters.

"Damn, the most chaotic place in the West, this name really isn't called indiscriminately!" After seeing these people fighting, Li San was also secretly surprised in his heart.

Xuan Ba ​​continued to fly with Li San for several hours, and the vegetation in front gradually increased, not as desolate as it was at the beginning.

After a while, a small city with a size of about one million people appeared in Li San's eyes.

"Xuanba, let's go down and have a look!" Li San said to Xuanba.

"OK, all right!"

Xuan Ba ​​flew towards the city, and landed on the ground about a dozen miles away from the city, his body was also in the shape of a human.

When Li San and Xuan Ba ​​walked into the city gate that was far away, suddenly there were more than a dozen figures rushing towards the two of them, and then surrounded Li San and Xuan Ba ​​in the middle.

"Hey, boys from the east, call out all the things on you, or we won't be polite!" Judging from the breath, these people are all strong men with high-level combat power at the emperor level.

There are thirteen people in total, and it can be seen at a glance from the mage robes on these people that they are all mages.

"Hahaha, as expected of the Devil's Plain, you just want to rob us, and you rubbish are not worthy!" Li San glanced at these people.

At this time, many of the western mages outside the city gate also discovered what happened here, but none of them came out to rescue Li San.

"It's surprising that Rhodes and his fellows got there first, maybe these two oriental boys are fat sheep!" Outside the city gate, those people stood together in groups of three or four.

In the Devil's Plain, everyone is forbidden in the city, so many people are waiting at the city gate. These people's eyes are very vicious, and it can be seen at a glance that those people are newcomers.Especially those cultivators in the east, many of them came to the Devil's Great Plain with a fluke in their hearts.Those western mages especially like this kind of people, because these people don't have any strong background, their strength is not very strong, and they carry a lot of things on their bodies.


Xuan Ba ​​sensed an unfriendly aura from these people, and glanced at Li San.

"Damn it, kill all these guys!" Li San said to Xuan Ba ​​through voice transmission in his heart.

"Okay!" Xuan Ba's small eyes suddenly shone with excitement, and then the big black fork appeared in his hand.He rushed towards the emperor-level magicians on the left.

Seeing Xuanba's actions, the three people standing in front of him immediately turned cold, and without saying anything nonsense, the sharp blade in their hands directly slashed at Xuanba's neck fiercely, the attack was quite ruthless.

"Boom, bang, bang"

All the weapons in the hands of the magicians fell on Xuan Ba, but Xuan Ba ​​was fine.

"Roar, die!" Xuanba shouted loudly, a strong black light radiated from his body, the energy of the black fork in his hand surged, and then he grabbed the black fork and swept it in front of him.

"chi chi chi chi"

Blood splattered, and the black forks in Xuanba's hands blocked those mages.

"Hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo!" The bodies of those mages who had been cut in half by Xuan Ba ​​retreated quickly, and then overlapped together. After the divine power flickered, their bodies returned to their original state.But at this time, the figure of Xuan Ba ​​came to them again.The big black fork stabbed into the body of one of them.Black divine power instantly poured into the body of that mage.


That mage's body exploded like this, his soul was annihilated by Xuanba's black divine power, and his body could no longer be reunited. A mage with low-level and high-level combat power fell like this.

When Xuan Ba ​​started to kill, Li San was not idle, and the Tianmang Sword appeared in his hand.With just a slight wave, countless sword qi formed in front of him, and then flew towards those mages.

"Run!" Those masters saw the fierce sword energy all over the sky, their faces changed drastically, and they immediately wanted to reincarnate and escape.

"Want to run?" A sneer appeared on the corner of Li San's mouth, and the Xianchen Jueying movement technique was activated immediately.Dozens of Li San appeared in the sky.


A total of seven screams sounded, and when the phantoms in the sky disappeared, seven corpses had already fallen on the ground.There is a small bloodstain between the eyebrows of these corpses.

In just a split second, seven mages with advanced combat power at the emperor level were killed just like that.


And the other six people were all taken care of by Xuanba. Unlike Li San, the people killed by Xuanba were all dead.

In less than ten breaths, a total of thirteen mages with advanced combat power at the emperor level were killed just like this.

Those masters outside the city gate all opened their mouths in surprise.

"Damn it!" Those people immediately fled into the city in panic.Afraid that Li San and Xuan Ba ​​would attack them.

"Hmph, want to rob us? That's the end!" Xuanba glanced at these dead people, and then searched all the treasures stored on them one by one.

"Hehe, let's go in!" Li San put away the rogue sword, and walked into the city with Xuanba in a big way, even the guy in charge of charging didn't dare to charge Li San and Xuanba.

The order in the city is very good, not chaotic at all.

When Li San walked through the city gate, he found a notice posted on the city wall: Two guards are urgently recruited, the destination is Guangming City, the price is interviewed, and the contact information is XXXXX.

"Guangming City?" Li San was stunned, and then thought in his heart: Isn't Guangming City the largest city under the command of the Guangming God Tower among the seven towers of the Magical Temple?It seems that the master said that the celestial being who appeared in the history of the magic temple practiced the law of light, and after the death of that celestial being, his body was also hidden in the holy place of the light tower.

(End of this chapter)

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