Chaos Scripture

Chapter 379 Emperor Mark

Chapter 379 Emperor Mark
"Dream-level flying shuttle, the starting price is 10 ancient emperor patterns!"

The people in the entire auction hall were immediately attracted by the first auction item.Because it is above Immortal Ancient.Dream-class shuttles are very rare, and even if the Duluban workshop has been passed down to this day, there are no more than 10 dream-class shuttles produced in total.

There are only 10 flying shuttles in the vast immortal ancient times, and their preciousness is probably less than that of the Heaven-Defying Emperor Treasure.

The hall was quiet, and everyone was looking at the colorful jujube-shaped flying shuttle on the white jade platform.

"Haha, this flying shuttle is the latest research result of Du Luban's workshop. The flying shuttle alone is a defensive magic weapon comparable to the peak, and the flying speed of this flying shuttle is even higher than those of the top palaces. The magic weapon is incomparable, the decoration inside is extremely luxurious, the maximum length of this shuttle can reach [-] meters, the Jedi is above Immortal Ancient, with the most advanced functions and the most complete equipment, now, those who want to own it, please bid!" The old man said to the people in the hall with a smile.

"Damn, I'll pay 100 million." Just as the old man's voice fell, Li San couldn't help quoting his own price.

"puff puff"

"dong dong"

Suddenly, above the auction hall, there was a sound of tea spraying or falling to the ground.

Those who were preparing to make an offer were all overwhelmed by Li San's offer.Originally, those people planned to increase the price by tens of thousands, but unexpectedly, Li San directly increased the price of this dream-level shuttle to 100 million. Not everyone can afford 100 million high-grade ancient Dao patterns.

Not only those who were preparing to bid, even the old man on the auction stage was stunned by Li San.In his opinion, although dream-level flying shuttles are rare, the price is at most 50 pieces of high-grade ancient emperor patterns, but the price of 100 million top-grade ancient dao patterns is too different.

"Uh, why is everyone quiet, calling?" Li San looked at those people in the hall with some doubts.

"Damn, who else dares to call? Do you think everyone is as prodigal as you?" Those Western practitioners who were preparing to bid for the auction slandered one by one.They looked at Li San, the muscles on his face twitching slightly.Originally, when they saw this dream-level shuttle, they thought they had hope, but now Li San suddenly made them despair.

"This Li San, due to the regulations of the conference, please prove that you can afford such a huge amount of Dao Runes because of the large number of Dao Runes." After being slightly surprised, the old man on the auction stage said very He asked Li San professionally.

"Hehe, do you think this thing is worth the price?" Li San smiled lightly, and then shot a small piece of black thing towards the auction platform.

The old man immediately grabbed the black thing with a soft energy, and when he saw the black thing clearly, his expression changed involuntarily: "This is a ghost treasure!"

The black thing that Li San shot was the ghost treasure that he spelled out when he was fighting for treasure with others in Wenfang, Zhongzhou. The ghost treasure remained in Li San's hands all the time, and it didn't play any role.

In the past, when he could not open the secret code of the sky pattern, Li San knew that this ghost treasure was very precious. This ghost treasure could be used to create a special pattern-dissolving attack, and it could replace soul tools to a certain extent. It was of very high value. It can also be said that it is a treasure of price, and there is no market for the price.

However, now Li San has been able to initially control the "Secret Code of Sky Pattern".And this Sky Rune Secret Code is made with something similar to ghost treasure.It's just that this kind of material is more advanced than that of Guibao, and it's still a lot higher.

With the passage of time, Li San also discovered more and more secrets of the "Secret Code of Sky Patterns".This "Secret Code of Sky Pattern" itself is a very powerful tool for unlocking patterns, and it can be called the most powerful tool for removing patterns above the ancient times. All the masters of sky pattern in history have used "Secret Code of Sky Pattern" "To untie the tattoo.

After discovering the function of "Secret Code of Sky Patterns", Li San certainly no longer needs this ghost treasure. Although these ghost treasures are of no use to Li San at all, they are a dream for other people. yes.

"Ghost treasure?"

The people in the hall were surprised again, they didn't expect Li San to have a ghost treasure.

"Is it enough?" Li San said with a smile on the old man on the auction stage.

"Enough, enough, enough, this treasure can be called a priceless treasure!" The old man looked at the ghost treasure and said with an extremely excited expression.

"Hehe, it turns out to be like this, please everyone present to bid, dream-level shuttle, with this super shuttle, it is definitely very suitable to visit Xiangu, who bids the price?" Li San looked at the price with a smile Those present said.

"Shut up!"

Above the hall, those people all despised Li San in their hearts. 100 million high-grade ancient emperor patterns are not something that everyone can take out. Even a venerable person may not be able to reach 100 million high-grade ancient emperor patterns if he adds up all the things on his body.Even if some wealthy venerables could achieve it, they would not auction off this dream-level shuttle.

For example, for a strong man like Emperor Xuanhuang, if his Xuanhuang flag is put up for auction, the price will not exceed 20 high-grade ancient emperor patterns at most, but even if you give 200 million high-grade ancient emperor patterns to Emperor Xuanhuang, He will not sell Xuanhuang Qi either.And no one will buy it, because the Xuanhuang Banner may not be able to exert its due strength once it is in their hands.

Ordinary famous masters have been fused with their own weapons and magic weapons for thousands of years, even tens of thousands of years, and are constantly groping for ways to use those weapons and magic weapons.For example, a strong man who is good at using an axe, even if he obtains the magic weapon Xuanhuang Banner that is infinitely close to the sky-defying level, the power he can display will definitely be as strong as when he uses an extremely elementary-level divine axe.

There was constant swearing in the hall, and the old man knew that no one would bid with Li San for this dream-level shuttle again.

"Once for 100 million, twice for 100 million, and three times for 100 million"

The old man decisively knocked down the hammer in his hand.

"Hehe, congratulations Li San, as long as you pay the fee, the Five Elements Liuyunsuo will be yours!" The old man was very happy, because he could collect a considerable commission for every treasure that was successfully bought and auctioned. This dream-level shuttle made him earn a lot of money.

"Hehe, as for Daowen, I don't have any on me now, so let's take a picture of my ghost treasure!" Li San said to the old man.

"Shooting Ghost Treasure?" The audience was shocked.

The people who can enter this auction hall are either the super strong or the super rich, and everyone's eyes are very vicious.Moreover, there are many tattoo masters present here.As soon as they heard that Li San was going to auction off this treasure, their eyes immediately became sharp.

"Quickly, send this news back to the headquarters!"

"This Li San actually auctioned off the ghost treasure?"

"No matter what, even if you lose your fortune, you still have to get the ghost treasure!"

The people in the entire auction hall suddenly boiled over, and the sounds of the messenger talismans being squeezed and exploded sounded from above the hall.Moreover, those communication talismans are not ordinary communication talismans. Unless there is important information to be sent, these people will rarely use these talismans.However, at this time, the representatives of the major forces all believed that it was worthwhile to use the top-level teleportation talisman at this time.

In the next moment, the high-level officials of all major forces in Xiangu learned of the news one after another.

"At this Five Elements Auction, there was a ghost treasure?"

"Damn, why did it suddenly appear? There was no ghost treasure in the list of items at the auction before?"

"Quack, is that Li San from the Nine Swords League stupid? He actually sold all the ghost treasures?"

Since the communication talismans used by representatives of various forces have different functions and grades, all the information sent back is also different. The talismans used by some forces are relatively advanced, and the transmission distance is relatively short. The information sent back will be more detailed.And some forces, some hidden forces, because the place is too far away, there is little information to go back, and some high-level figures of the forces are only given the word "ghost treasure".

At this moment, in the Tianwen Holy Land, the highest-level elders' courtyard of Tianwen Pavilion, those golden-robed elders immediately jumped up after hearing the news, and the golden-robed elder Gu Qianli roared: "Notify quickly People in Zhongzhou, at all costs, get that piece of treasure!"

The magic temple wants to get that ghost treasure at all costs!
The Wan Yao Meng wants to get that ghost treasure at all costs!
Fighting God Palace will get that ghost treasure at all costs!
The Nine Swords Alliance immediately sent someone to talk to Li San, and asked him to hand over the ghost treasure, and the sect would do its best to meet all his demands.

It seems that a small ghost treasure has touched the nerves of countless strong men above Immortal Ancient.Li San was also taken aback by this movement, he never thought it would cause such a big disturbance.

Seeing all this, Li San felt in his heart that he had been tricked by the Venerable Wing Devourer back then, and the effect of this ghost treasure may have some special effect on other strong people.Otherwise, they would not have such a big reaction.

"Hmph, who cares, anyway, the material of "Secret Code of Sky Patterns" is the same type as ghost treasures, what ghost treasures can do, "Secret Code of Sky Patterns" can do the same!" Li San said in his heart He thought, since the ghost treasure caused such a big commotion, the auction price would definitely not be low. If he had a large number of dao patterns at this time, Li San could also complete a plan he had planned for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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