Chaos Scripture

Chapter 381

Chapter 381
"Already done?" At this moment, even the always calm Emperor Xuanhuang couldn't help being surprised. "Could it be that you already know the secret of this ghost treasure?"

After a short period of surprise, Emperor Xuanhuang's face was full of doubts, and he thought about it.Li San has a ghost treasure, if he knows the skill and practice it, it will not be difficult.It's just that he couldn't figure it out, if Li San practiced that skill, he would definitely know the importance of the ghost treasure, so that Li San wouldn't be so stupid as to auction the ghost treasure.

Li San looked at Emperor Xuanhuang, shook his head and said: "Master, although I don't know what kind of exercise you are talking about, I have long been able to integrate my consciousness and memory into other things!"

"This?" Emperor Xuanhuang looked at Li San, and the two looked at each other.

"Really?" Emperor Xuanhuang couldn't help but asked.

"Yes." Li San nodded.

"Then you were able to survive the soul attack of Venerable Guangming because of this technique?" Emperor Xuanhuang couldn't help but said, Li San was killed by Venerable Guangming back then, after so many years, it is no longer the case. What a secret.But few people know that Li San was attacked by the super powerful soul of Venerable Guangming.

At that time, after investigation, Emperor Xuanhuang and the others found out almost everything that happened that year. After understanding the events of that year, Emperor Xuanhuang and others were very puzzled.Because Li San has too many secrets that they don't know.

Li San nodded.

Emperor Xuanhuang watched Li San carefully. He watched Li San rise, and the speed of his rise far exceeded his imagination.Although what Li San said was a bit shocking, but relying on the mentoring relationship with Li San for so many years, Emperor Xuanhuang felt that it was very likely to be true.

"Master, can you show me the exercises you got from the ancient battlefield?" Li San said to Emperor Xuanhuang, he also wanted to know this special exercise, and his own exercise for practicing the secret code of the sky pattern what is the difference.

"Hehe, of course!" Emperor Xuanhuang smiled, and then a jade slip appeared in the palm of his hand, and the jade slip flew to Li San, suspended there.

Li San stretched out his hand to hold the piece of jade slip, and then penetrated his spiritual consciousness into it.

When Li San's consciousness entered the jade slip, a huge amount of information penetrated into Li San's mind. Even with such a powerful soul, Li San felt a little strenuous, but he still held on.

Sitting in front of Li San, Emperor Xuanhuang couldn't help nodding when he saw that Li San easily accepted the information in the jade slip, and said in his heart, "I am afraid that my disciple's attainment in the aspect of soul may Very high!"

Li San closed his eyes, slowly digesting the huge information.

The exercise recorded in the jade slips is called "Crossing the Sea from the Sky", hence the name Siyi, which is to entrust one's consciousness and memory on the ghost treasure. Gather together, so that the consciousness of those who were killed will slowly wake up. After a long time, there may be a certain chance to recover to the peak state.It's just that people who want to practice this kind of exercise must have a soul vitality above five stars.

In Xiangu, the soul vitality of the general emperor-level powerhouse is around four stars.There are only a very small number of great emperor-level powerhouses whose soul vitality has reached five stars.This is what makes many practitioners despair of the "Crossing the Sea" exercise.

In this exercise, the most difficult thing is the ghost treasure. After obtaining the ghost treasure, only after the soul vitality has reached five stars can you separate your consciousness from the soul and integrate it into the ghost treasure. Among them, and this is a selective fusion of one's own memory, not all of one's own memories can be integrated.

Li San saw many shortcomings in this exercise.However, there is one thing worth learning by Li San, that is, this exercise, even if the carrier of his consciousness, the carrier of his soul, is shattered, then the carrier of that consciousness will slowly condense together after endless years.But this cycle is too long.

"This skill can be easily cultivated after the fusion of my tattoos, and my tattoos will continue to improve as the practitioner's cultivation level improves! It can also integrate all the memories of the practitioner ! When the tattoos implanted in the body leave the human body, they will turn into pure energy, but in the end they will still condense into shape, and the cycle is much stronger than this "Crossing the Sea".

Li San opened his eyes, looked at Emperor Xuanhuang and said: "Master, this exercise is only slightly different from what I practice, but the exercise I practice is limited by my physique, and it is impossible for other people to practice successfully, but But I can easily let you cultivate to the first level of this "Crossing the Sea"!"

"Can we cultivate to the first level?" Emperor Xuanhuang's eyes lit up. Although Li San's words sounded very modest, he knew that the most difficult thing for any exercise is to get started. Once you get started, you will Much easier.

For example, in the Chaos Scripture, many people are unable to practice and get started.

Li San nodded, and then separated five tattoos from his own tattoos.Li San's soul vitality is relatively strong, but now Li San's tattoos have only completed the fourth transformation. Every time he completes a transformation, each of his tattoos can separate a piece of tattoo fragments.Now Li Sanwu has the pattern of the fourth change, and a total of 20 yuan pattern fragments can be separated.

Before that, Li San had separated two pieces of fire-type patterns and two fragments of water-type patterns.And a piece of earth pattern pattern fragment.Nimad, Feng Zi, Wohenhuai, Luohetu, and Luo Xintong each have one.

Now, Li San just separated one pattern from the five elements pattern.A total of pieces of pattern fragments.

Gold, cyan, blue, red, yellow.

Pattern fragments of five colors floated in front of Emperor Xuanhuang.

"Master, you can choose one of these five pattern fragments to conceive. These pattern fragments can carry all your memories!" Li San said.

"Complete carrying?" Emperor Xuanhuang couldn't help being surprised again after hearing Li San's words, because the ghost treasure was only able to partially carry it.

"Not bad!" Li San nodded and said.

"Haha, good, good, no wonder you put the ghost treasure up for auction, so you have something even better than that ghost treasure!" Emperor Xuanhuang looked at Li San and laughed happily.

A trace of embarrassment appeared on Li San's face, and he smiled wryly at Emperor Xuanhuang: "Master, please stop laughing at me. If I had known that this ghost treasure would cause such a big sensation before, I wouldn't have beaten it to death." Come to the auction!"

"Hehe" Emperor Xuanhuang shook his head, then sucked a fragment of the original gold pattern into the sea of ​​his soul, and began to fuse his own memory into the fragment of the pattern.

This approach did not bring any help to his personal combat power, but it could give him a glimmer of hope that he could survive again when he suffered a catastrophe.

Throughout the journey of cultivation, many people are pursuing a longer life and stronger power.Let yourself live longer in this world.

Immortal ancient limit, no matter what kind of life, can not exceed 10 years, to become a fairy, that is the good wish of all practitioners.But whether the fairy really exists, not many people will be able to pursue it.After all, the journey of cultivation has already allowed them to transcend the general rules of heaven and earth.

Ordinary people generally have a lifespan of only a few dozen years, and at most a hundred years. It is precisely because they have embarked on the path of cultivation that their lifespan is longer than that of ordinary people in the secular world, and the power they possess is not what those ordinary people can believe. Than.

In the secular world, to be able to fly over eaves and walls, pick leaves and flowers to hurt people is already a great thing.Those who can achieve a small achievement in protecting the body and reaching the level of swords and guns are already listed as top masters in the secular world.And people like Li San, in the eyes of those in the secular world, are undoubtedly like gods.

Many cultivators have questioned whether that immortal can not get rid of the restrictions of the rules of heaven and earth, and achieve immortality and immortality?
Emperor Xuanhuang's soul was extremely high, and it only took half an hour to completely integrate his memory into the pattern fragments.

"Haha, Li San, your tattoo fragments are really powerful! They can really carry my memory completely! Not bad, not bad." Emperor Xuanhuang was very happy. He has lived for nearly 2 years. If he can't break through to become a venerable, then his lifespan is about to reach its limit.After reaching the limit year, their soul power will dissipate, but with this tattoo fragment, their memory can continue to be extended, which can be said to be another continuation of his life.This is also one of the reasons why those people value ghost treasures so much.

The soul is the carrier of memory. If there is no ghost treasure and no tattoo fragments, then after the age limit, the power of the soul dissipates, and the memory of these people will disappear.

Li San and Emperor Xuanhuang drank heavily in that hut, and it was not until the next day that Li San left Emperor Xuanhuang's hut and entered the auction hall.

When Li San entered the auction hall again, he found that there were many more masters in the hall than yesterday, and the atmosphere was extremely dignified.

(End of this chapter)

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