Chaos Scripture

Chapter 393

Chapter 393

Immortal Prison?Li San was startled, then frowned.

"Master, where is this Immortal Prison?" Li San couldn't help asking.

"Hehe, this Immortal Prison is a special space established by our senior cultivators 3 years ago. Back then, when our senior cultivators were rising, they clashed with those in the world of magic cultivation and fighting qi cultivation. , and our senior cultivators couldn't bear to kill too many people, so we arrested many powerful people in the west. Unless those people break through and become venerables in the Immortal Prison, they will not be able to leave at all. But no I know why. More than a month ago, those people suddenly escaped from the Xiangu Prison, which greatly increased their strength in the West!"

Emperor Liuli sighed and said: "Now, the practitioners of magic in the west want to attack us in the east. The only way they want to attack the east is to pass through the three passages of the east-west barrier. One passage is the emperor-level passage. The second channel is the Emperor-level channel, and the third channel is the Venerable-level channel!"

"Three passages?" Emperor Liuli's words reminded Li San of the Great Rift Valley.

"Hehe, I believe you've already figured it out!" Emperor Liuli smiled at Li San, and then said, "The Great East-West Rift Valley is the emperor-level passage, and there are two other passages. The emperor-level passage is called the Valley of Defeated Generals." , the Venerable level channel is called Huihun Valley, the Valley of Defeated Generals, and Huihun Valley, all of which are the same as the Great Rift Valley, which is a naturally formed Great Rift Valley, and the energy of the Great Barrier of that thing cannot completely cover it. Therefore Those western Daoist-level powerhouses, Great Emperor-level powerhouses, and the Venerable-level powerhouses must pass through these two channels if they want to enter our Eastern cultivation world!"

Emperor Liuli looked at Li San, with a hint of relief on his face, "Now, the control of the emperor-level passage has fallen into the hands of our cultivators. And this time, escaped from the Immortal Prison Most of the people who come out are Daoist-level and Great-Emperor-level powerhouses, and they want to break through the passage of the Valley of Defeat this time!"

"Is it finally going to war?" Li San was also a little excited in his heart.

"That's right, unless we can beat those Western practitioners to the ground, they won't give up at all!"

Emperor Wuji always talked to Li San when he saw Emperor Liuli.He couldn't help but interrupted: "Liuli, what's the situation of our cultivators fighting against people from the west over the years?"

"What can I do?" Emperor Liuli shook his head and sighed, "Over the years, some great emperor-level powerhouses of the Yaozu have also joined the Western camp. They are basically hurting people with their own base. Adding up the three parties, the number of six-star warriors is Those who surpass us. If we continue to fight like this, it is estimated that in a few thousand years, there will not be many six-star warriors left by our cultivators."

Li San was full of doubts when he heard this.

"Master, what is a nine-star warrior?" Li San couldn't help but ask.

"Hehe, this is in the Valley of the Defeated Generals. As for the division of the strength of those great emperors, generally the first entry to the great emperor level is a one-star general, the middle-level emperor is a two-star general, and the high-level emperor is a three-star general. The peak realm is a four-star general, the top emperor level is a five-star general, and the great emperor level is a six-star general, and the invincible emperor level is a seven-star general! Emperor Xuanhuang and Emperor Wuji , are all seven-star generals! And I, in front of me, can be regarded as a six-star general!" Emperor Xuanhuang smiled and said to Li San: "Judging from the strength you have shown, you should be regarded as a five-star general. !"

"Huh? Only at the peak of a five-star general?" Li San frowned.

"Haha, don't be unconvinced. After you go to the Valley of the Defeated Generals, you will know how crazy the people there are. We also know that you were able to kill Emperor Tianhuo because you got the power of the Nima family in Zhongzhou." But in the valley of defeated generals, it is very difficult to kill a six-star general!" Seeing Li San frowning, Emperor Wuji also said.

"Li San, you are still at the Daoist level. When you break through to the Great Emperor level, the ancient books will have the power of a six-star general or a seven-star general!" Emperor Liuli said helplessly, "However, what you cultivate is chaos. Heavenly Scripture, it is very difficult to break through, I was also troubled in this realm for thousands of years, if it wasn't for the Liuli sword, I don't know when I would be able to break through!"

Li San nodded. Although his Chaos Scripture had already reached the peak level of the third layer of the fourth layer, he couldn't find a chance to break through to the fourth layer.

"For tens of thousands of years, the West has not given up on the competition for these three channels. Our Nine Swords Alliance alone. In the last 1 years, two six-star peak warriors have fallen, although they are some The great emperor who has reached the age of his limit!"

Emperor Liuli said, "Generally, many of the strong men who fight in the Valley of the Defeated Generals have reached the age limit. Originally, the Emperor Youming was also in the Valley of the Defeated Generals, but this time he broke through and became a venerable in Zhongzhou. After breaking through to Venerable, we, the cultivators, have lost a seven-star peak warrior!"

Hearing this, Li San seemed to have already felt some pressure. After all, when he was in the Yan family in Zhongzhou, he had seen how crazy those great emperor-level powerhouses who were about to reach their limit were fighting.

"Li San, do you know that 1 years ago, how many of our Nine Swords League were emperor-level powerhouses?" Liuli said.

"How much?" Li San asked.

"More than 200, our Liuli Sword Sect alone has more than [-]!" The Emperor Liuli sighed: "However, even if so many strong men have fallen, all this is worth it. Over the past tens of thousands of years, We cultivators still occupy the passage like the valley of defeat, without losing an inch!"

"Those people are all for the peace of the eastern cultivation world." Emperor Wuji also said at this time.

"Yes, for the peace of the eastern cultivation world," Emperor Liuli also said. "We must not allow Western practitioners to control any channel!"

"But, when the ultimate martial arts tournament and auctions are held in Zhongzhou, why don't we cultivators kill all those Western guys?" Li San was a little puzzled.

"Hehe, at that time, we didn't want to have too much trouble with them, because although we cultivators are said to be the strongest lineage among the four major cultivation systems, it is still a bit difficult to face the joint attack of their three lines. We can't do what we want. Now we are a lineage of cultivators. Among the younger generation, a large number of new masters have emerged. We want to delay time and let these people grow up. It is a pity that the Western powerhouses in the Xiangu Prison escaped at this time. Come out, this makes them attack us in advance!" Liuli Emperor said.

"Liu Li is right. If there were no strong men who escaped from the Immortal Prison, although the strong men of the other three cultivation systems have an advantage over us, the advantage is not obvious. But with those strong men joining, they His strength has at least doubled!" Emperor Wuji said.

While speaking, the leader of the Nine Swords Alliance, the figure of Nine Dragon Venerable finally appeared in the hall.

"Huh!" Nine Dragons' robes flipped, and Nine Dragons Venerable sat on the main seat in the hall.His cold eyes swept over several people.Especially Li San paused slightly.Then a cold voice sounded, "Sit down."

"Yes, my lord." All the great emperors and powerhouses above the hall respectfully said.

"Li San." Nine Dragons Venerable suddenly said.At the same time, he looked at Li San.

"Honorable Nine Dragons." Li San bowed slightly.

"I heard that you killed the Heavenly Fire Emperor in the west in the Great Magical Plain." The Nine Dragon Venerable said coldly.

"Yes." Li San said repeatedly, and at the same time he was puzzled, "What does this Nine Dragons venerable mean? Did he warn me not to be proud or?" Although he was puzzled, Li San remained calm.

"Very good, that day Huo Emperor also has the elementary strength of a six-star warrior. You can kill him, which also proves your potential! You have great potential, you can stay in the Nine Swords League temporarily, hurry up and practice!" Nine Dragons His Holiness said.

"Yes, my lord, I will definitely strive to become an emperor-level powerhouse as soon as possible!" Li San felt a little upset, but he dared not refute what the Nine Dragon Emperor said.He knew that the Emperor of Nine Dragons said so, and wanted to take care of him, after all, he was still in the stage of rapid growth now!
"Very good." Nine Dragon Venerable nodded slightly, then looked at Emperor Liuli. "Liuli, you now have the strength of a six-star warrior, and you are qualified to be a team leader! Our Nine Swords League will send five combat teams this time, each with seven members, Xuanhuang, Wuji , Jinlong, Madmo, Liuli, each of you five will lead a combat team, and I have a task for you."

"Yes, my lord!" Xuanhuang and the other five said respectfully.

"Okay, you five, form your own team immediately, and pay attention to the combination of strength!" Nine Dragons said again.

"My lord," Li San suddenly looked up at the venerable Nine Dragons and said.

"Huh? Is there something wrong?" Nine Dragons also cast their eyes on Li San.

"Let me go too!" Li San hesitated, then said.

"No, you must not leave the Nine Swords Alliance before you become a great emperor!" The Nine Dragon Emperor said decisively.

"Yes, my lord!" Li San also said with some disappointment.

"Okay, everyone else leave! Xuanhuang, you guys go to the Valley of the Defeated Generals immediately!" The Nine Dragon Venerable said in a deep voice, and then waved his hand, and a door of space appeared in the hall.

"Obey!" Emperor Xuanhuang and the others finished speaking to Venerable Nine Dragons and the others, and immediately walked towards the door of space.

In the end, Li San was the only one left in the hall. Although many people were weaker than him, they all followed him to the valley of defeat. After all, not all the people in the valley of defeat were emperor-level powerhouses.

In the Valley of the Defeated Generals, there are generally two types of combat teams. The first level is a team composed entirely of emperor-level powerhouses. Each team usually has seven to ten people.The other is a team composed of 100 Taoist-level powerhouses led by a Great Emperor-level powerhouse.Those emperor-level powerhouses who are stronger than Li Sanruo will become the commanders of those Taoist-level powerhouses after they enter the valley of defeat.

"Damn, you don't want me to go?" Li San cursed secretly in his heart, and then returned to the Liuli Sword Sect.


Just when Li San had just returned to the Glazed Sword Sect, he immediately discovered a nine-color light erupting from the back mountain of the Glazed Sword Sect, and the nine-color light went straight into the clouds above.

"What is it?" Li San narrowed his eyes, and then flashed to the place where the nine-color divine light spewed out.

"Then the nine-colored divine light actually shot out of this pool?" Li San looked at the pool below. He remembered that this pool was the pool where Xuan Ba ​​and Fat Ya found strange fish in it. At this moment, that pool The water inside actually boiled.Occasionally, one or two streaks of nine-colored divine light would come out of it.

(End of this chapter)

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