Chaos Scripture

Chapter 407 The 9th Transformation of the Power of Life

Chapter 407 The Ninth Transformation of the Power of Life
In the Red Dragon Palace, the Nine Dragon Venerable is having a headache, because now the battle situation in the Valley of the Defeated Generals is becoming more and more unfavorable to the cultivators.Although the venerables in the world of cultivators can guard the passage to the Valley of Returning Souls, if the valley of the defeated generals falls, then their world of cultivators will fail completely.

The three-day passage, each passage is extremely important, because no matter which passage is lost, the world of practitioners will fall into a catastrophe.

Take the valley of defeated generals as an example. If the valley of defeated generals falls, those western Taoist masters and emperors will invade the world of practitioners on a large scale. Except for venerable masters, no one can suppress these strong men.But if the venerable masters personally suppress these people, then who will guard the passage in the Valley of Returning Souls?

Therefore, any channel cannot be lost.

Hundreds of years ago, the cultivators had completely controlled the East-West Rift Valley, and Western practitioners also knew that it was hopeless to storm the East-West Rift Valley. After all, the strong men they escaped from the Immortal Prison this time, They are all Taoist-level or Great Emperor-level powerhouses, so they focused on the valley of defeat.

Suddenly, the figure of the Nine Dragon Emperor was slightly startled, and then a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "This Li San actually killed a five-star general? And he also severely injured a six-star general and retreated?"

"Hahaha Nine Dragons, you, Li San of the Nine Swords League, really surprised us!" The figure of the Venerable Purgatory of the Loose Cultivation Alliance appeared in the Nine Dragon Hall, and said to the Nine Dragons Venerable with a big smile.

"Hehe, I'm also very surprised!" Nine Dragons looked at Venerable Purgatory, and his frowns that were tightly furrowed slowly relaxed a little.

"Hey, it seems that those guys in the west hate that Li San very much. Now many emperor-level powerhouses have poured into the third war zone, and the pressure on fellow Taoists in other war zones has also been relieved a lot!" Venerable Purgatory said with a smile. Nine Dragons Venerable said.

"Hehe, I hope that Li San will not be in any danger! With his aptitude, he is definitely capable of aspiring to the realm like us!" Nine Dragons Venerable said lightly.

In the third war zone, Western cultivators are looking for Li San everywhere.

"Damn, is Li San still in the third war zone?" Those western practitioners wandered around the third war zone for a while, but they couldn't find Li San, and they seemed a little anxious.

"Hmph, the third war zone is so big, we still can't find a ten-thousandth of it, and Li San must have been injured in the battle with the No.20 team. He must be hiding now to heal his injuries!"

And at this moment, in a certain cave in the northwest of the third war zone, Li San and Emperor Chi Xiao were entangled naked.


Li San was sprinting with all his strength. Although the battle with the No. 20 emperor-level team in the magic temple consumed a lot of his soul power, it didn't affect his physical strength.

"Li San, stop, you just finished the battle and need to rest!" Emperor Chi Xiao panted, his eyes blurred and said to Li San.

"Huh? Why, you're afraid that I can't do it!" Li San got angry and pushed hard.

"Ah, I'm going to die!" Emperor Chi Xiao screamed, and then hugged Li San tightly.
"Yeah!" Li San yelled, and then he felt that the power in his body had undergone earth-shaking changes at this moment.


In Li San's dantian, the golden energy of life was constantly devouring the purple energy of life.The golden life force continued to grow.The golden mist of vitality reverberated in Li San's dantian.

Emperor Chi Xiao hugged Li San tightly, and she could feel the changes in Li San.


There was an indescribable joy in Li San's face. He never imagined that his vitality would break through to the Ninth Transformation under such circumstances.

The power of life is changing, and the purple power of life is continuously absorbed to form the golden power of life.

Li San didn't pull out his stuff from Emperor Chi Xiao's body, he just hugged Emperor Chi Xiao tightly like this.

In less than half a stick of incense, all the purple vitality was converted into golden vitality. At this moment, the golden vitality in Li San's body was nearly [-] times thicker than before. .

The entire dantian turned into a golden ocean.

Suddenly, a ray of purple light appeared in the golden ocean, and then centered on that ray of purple light, a small whirlpool appeared, and endless golden life force began to gather towards that whirlpool. In the center of the spiral nest, more and more purple rays of light appeared.


In the spiral nest, purple silk threads protruded out one after another, like silk, gradually wrapping the bodies of Li San and Emperor Chi Xiao inside.

"Huh? Li San, what happened!" Emperor Chi Xiao felt his body being entwined with purple silk threads, and asked Li San suspiciously.

"Hehe, don't panic, this is the transformation of my vitality!" Li San looked at the glamorous Emperor Chixiao in his arms, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, because every transformation of vitality requires It went on for a long time. During the eighth transformation of the power of life, Li San stayed alone in the golden cocoon for 50 years. He didn't know the power of life in the ninth transformation. How long to stay inside the cocoon.Now that Emperor Chi Xiao is with him, Li San doesn't have to be lonely anymore.You can talk when you are bored, and you can chat when you are very bored
The purple cocoon looks only two meters long, but inside the cocoon, there is a purple space, which is very large, Li San and Emperor Chi Xiao are both naked, rolling in that space.Moreover, the two hugged each other tightly, and Li San was still doing certain exercises indefinitely.

"Well, Li San, where is this? It's so comfortable, such pure life energy!" Emperor Chi Xiao felt the breath of life in this space to his heart's content.

"This is my life power space!" After Li San finished speaking, he separated a pattern in his sea of ​​consciousness, and that pattern floated into the sea of ​​soul of Emperor Chixiao.

"What is this?" Emperor Chi Xiao felt something fly into the sea of ​​her soul, she wanted to use her spiritual sense to investigate, but she didn't expect this thing to absorb her own spiritual sense.

"This is the fragment of the pattern, now quickly integrate your memory into the fragment of the pattern, and then practice "Crossing the Sea without Concealing the Sky"." Li Sanyibian said, doing the most primitive exercise.

""Crossing the Sea with Concealment"?" After hearing Li San's words, Emperor Chixiao was already overwhelmed. She knew the skill of "Crossing the Sea with Concealment", but to practice this skill requires ghost treasures as the core carrier, but now Li San San actually used these fragments of patterns instead.

"Don't ask, just do what I say!" Li San said softly to Emperor Chi Xiao.

"Oh!" Emperor Chi Xiao nodded, and then said to Li San with a little shyness: "You come out for now, I can't concentrate because you are inside!"

"Let's finish this first!"

After finishing the work, Emperor Chi Xiao also concentrated on integrating his consciousness into the pattern, and began to practice "Crossing the Sea with Concealment".Seeing the Emperor Chi Xiao who was in the state of measuring the depth of cultivation, Li San felt a little regretful. Did he do something wrong? In this case, when he thought about that, he would not be able to interrupt the cultivation of Emperor Chi Xiao at all. ah?

After sighing helplessly, Li San also crossed his legs and concentrated on his cultivation.He knew that one day of cultivation in the power of life space was worth a year of cultivation outside.Because at this time, his soul perception ability is the strongest.

Li San began to deduce the original rules of the five elements, and he wanted to take this opportunity to see if he could break through and become a great emperor-level powerhouse in one fell swoop.

In the Chaos Scripture, Li San has already cultivated to the peak level of the fourth level and the third level, the 3th level is the emperor level, and the 46th level is the venerable level.

Li San knew that the founder of the Nine Swords League practiced the Chaos Scripture, and she had reached the realm of Dao Patriarch.Obviously, the Chaos Scripture has been cultivated to the fifth level.But now in the Nine Swords League, there are only four completed Chaos Scriptures. Currently, the highest realm of the Chaos Scriptures is Emperor Xuanhuang, followed by Emperor Liuli.

In the Nine Swords League, there are still many people who practiced Chaos Scripture and became Taoist-level powerhouses, but these people have not been able to break through to become Emperor-level powerhouses for a long time. The reason is that the bottleneck of Chaos Scripture is too difficult to break through .

In the valley of the defeated generals, in the third war zone, Li San seemed to have disappeared. No matter how much the western cultivators dug the ground, they couldn't find Li San.

The appearance of Li San attracted a large number of emperor-level squads to the third theater, allowing the cultivators in other theaters to relax.Quickly build fortifications, and arrange various defensive formations and lore formations in the two-fifths of the passages under his control.

Practitioners are incomparable in terms of formations, but those magicians, fighting qi practitioners and demon cultivators are incomparable.

The formation master of the cultivator is busy at this time, and even Nimad has entered the valley of defeat.Desperately arrange the formation.

After those Westerners realized it, Eastern cultivators had completed the arrangement of many formations, and these formations caused great trouble to those Western cultivators.This also slowed down the offensive momentum of the menacing western practitioners.

However, the battle in the valley of the defeated did not stop.

Ten years, 30 years, 70 years, 100 years
Daoist masters and great emperors all fell one after another. During these 100 years, a total of eighteen great emperors fell on the side of the cultivators, two of whom belonged to the Nine Swords Alliance.On the other hand, 35 Western cultivators have fallen, which is almost twice the number in the world of cultivators. This is all due to the peerless array arranged by the masters of the cultivators.

"Immediately create an emperor-level death squad and completely break through the defenses of those cultivators. I don't believe that they can't attack!" the supreme commander of the magic temple, Mo Yi Dadi, roared. He knew that if this continues, those cultivators will arrange more Formation, then it will be more difficult for them to attack and fall into.

Under the union of the Magical Temple and the Battle God Palace, a death squad composed of 800 emperor-level powerhouses who are close to the age limit and [-] Taoist-level powerhouses who have also reached the age limit is a mighty death squad. Heading towards the area ruled by the cultivators.

At this moment, in the mountains of the third war zone, a dazzling purple light rose into the sky.


In the sky, a man bathed in purple light appeared. This man was Li San who had completed the ninth transformation of life force.

(End of this chapter)

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