Chaos Scripture

Chapter 486 The Calm Master of Tianyin Palace

Chapter 486 The Calm Master of Tianyin Palace

The Ancestor of Time and the Ancestor of Space made a move, and the power was against the sky. The fist-sized black ball of light flew towards the phantom of the Immemorial Lip Tower.


When the black ball of light approached the phantom of the ancient lips, a series of terrifying divine thunders appeared, all bombarding towards the black ball of light.

"Bang bang!!" The black ball of light was continuously deformed under the bombardment of the terrifying thunder and lightning.

"Damn it! How do those two guys know how to attack with lightning?" In the black ball of light, Xuanba couldn't help but yell, he didn't know that he and Li San were breaking away from the rules of Immortals, and they were moving toward the ancient lips. Lou Xuying flew away, thinking that the thunder and lightning attack was the attack of the ancestor of time and the ancestor of space.

At this time, Li San was sitting on Xuan Ba's back with a pale face.

Originally, he had consumed a lot of his body's strength in the battle with the Dark Ancestor, and even the energy of the Five Elements Heaven Lake was almost dry.If it weren't for the energy of the Five Elements Heavenly Lake, he wouldn't have fought the Dark Ancestor for so long. The joint attack of the three of the Ancestor of Time, the Ancestor of Space, and the Ancestor of Light also shocked his soul. I feel that my consciousness of being perfectly combined with the chaotic pattern has also loosened.

"Brother, are you alright!" Xuan Ba ​​tried his best to send out energy to maintain the black ball of light, and said to Li San with a worried expression on his face.

Li San shook his head and said, "It's okay, it's just that I suffered a lot of trauma!"

"Those three old guys are really shameless, they even teamed up to deal with you, brother!" Xuan Ba ​​immediately cursed.

The power of time-space chaos rules has not disappeared, and the black ball of light has entered a time-space channel. In this time-space channel, there are countless terrifying divine thunders.Every terrifying divine thunder contains destructive power.

And in the west of Immortal Ancient, the ancestor of time and the ancestor of dragon sword looked at the gradually calming space, and slowly withdrew their eyes.

"Ah..." Countless black lights gathered in the sky, and the figure of the ancestor of darkness regrouped again, but his face had become extremely pale, and the fluctuation of his soul was extremely weak.

"Damn Li San," the patriarch of the underworld roared towards the sky.If it wasn't for the ancestors of time and the others, maybe he would really be killed by Li San. Just now, he felt the god of death beckoning to him.

Although he recovered a small life, the current strength of the Dark Ancestor is less than one ten-thousandth of his peak period, and his current soul is almost falling into a deep sleep.

"Hehe, darkness, I didn't expect that kid to be so powerful, and he has the picture of the guy who is the ancestor of the Eight Desolation!" The ancestor of light smiled at the ancestor of darkness who was about to go crazy. Seeing that the ancestor of darkness is now With this look, there was also a trace of sympathy on his face.

"Well, that kid's sword attack is also very terrifying!" The ancestor of time nodded and said.

"That kid's scheming is also incomparable to others. Such a powerful ultimate move can be used until the end. If it wasn't for us, you might be killed by him in the dark!" The ancestor of space frowned and said. .

"From the lineage of cultivators, when did such a perverted guy come out?" The Ancestor of Darkness cursed, at this moment he really had the urge to cry.Originally, he had just returned, and his strength had not been fully recovered.And just now he was nearly killed by a junior cultivator, and now his strength is less than one-ten thousandth of the dead spirit of the peak, and the ancient lip tower is about to come, if there is not enough strength, it will be difficult to gain a foothold on the immortal ancient.

When the ancestors of space learned about Li San's identity, they were shocked again.

Li San has only been around for a few hundred years. During the Yuanying period, he was able to kill emperor-level masters. During the Mahayana period, the Taoist master-level masters regarded him as the God of Plague.When he was at the emperor level, he dared to challenge an existence like the Venerable Guangming.When he breaks into the Dao Master level Dao Master, he will be able to be respected in the Valley of Defeated Generals.After becoming a venerable, he will be able to kill high-level venerables, and kill the Qinglian demon ancestor of the Xuzu Jiuchongtian and flee. Not his opponent.

Just now, Li San came to the west and killed the eight venerables of the magic temple, causing almost all the venerables of the magic temple to fall.Even the ancestor of darkness was almost killed.

Li San's growth history is simply a legend.Let the ancestors of time and space be amazed.

"Hmph, even if he is a genius, he is still available? Didn't he get killed by us?" The Ancestor of Light said with a look of disdain.

"Not necessarily!" The Ancestor of Time shook his head and said, "The Ancestor of Space and I teamed up to display the chaos of time and space, but exiled that Li San and the tortoise into the endless space of chaos. maybe!"

"Not bad!" The Space Ancestor also nodded.

"Unexpectedly, Li San killed most of the venerables in our magic temple. It's really abominable!" The ancestor of light also cursed at this time.Originally, there were three venerables in their Bright God Pagoda, but now Li San killed two of them, leaving only one junior venerable, which greatly reduced the strength of the Bright God Tower.

The veins on the face of the Dark Ancestor burst out one by one: "When my strength recovers, I must kill all those relatives of Li San!"

The Ancestor of Darkness is extremely depressed right now. If he hadn't lost his strength, he might have rushed to the eastern cultivation world.

"Hmph, darkness, don't blame me for not reminding you, we are back, maybe those guys from the east are back too, those guys from the eastern cultivation world, but none of them are easy to mess with, especially the ancestor of the Eight Desolation, even if it is I teamed up with Time, and I may not be his opponent, and the two guys Juezhen and Ghost Talisman are also very troublesome!" The ancestor of space frowned and said.

"Well, those guys in the east are too scary!" Both the ancestor of light and the ancestor of time couldn't help but nodded.

Soon, the news of the return of the Four Dao Ancestors of the Magical Temple spread immediately. Along with this news, there was another news that the cultivator Li San had been exiled to that chaotic place by the Ancestor of Time and the Ancestor of Space. In time and space, life and death are uncertain.

When this news came out, all the cultivators above Immortal Ancient were shocked immediately.

"Then Li San, was exiled?"

"The ancestor of time and the ancestor of space are too despicable!"

"The ancestor of time and the ancestor of space should not be blamed. It is said that Li San killed the eight venerables of the magic temple, making the four ancestors of the magic temple almost become light commanders, so the four ancestors shot in anger of!"

"No, no, according to a person familiar with the matter, on the day when the four Taoist ancestors of the magic temple returned, Li San once had a shocking battle with the ancestor of darkness. The ancestor was almost killed by Li San, and the other three Dao ancestors had no choice but to take action!"

"How could it be? The Patriarch of Darkness is an old antique who has been famous for tens of thousands of years. He is many times stronger than the Kunpeng Yaozu. Then how can Li San be the opponent of the Patriarch of Darkness?"

"That's the truth. Many people saw it at the time. Believe it or not!"

In the depths of the holy land of the monster race, when the Kunpeng demon ancestor heard the news, he couldn't help laughing happily: "Hahahaha Li San, no matter how brilliant your genius is, or how you are as brilliant as the past, you will still not be able to escape the fall!" destiny"

Kunpeng Demon Ancestor believes that it is impossible for Li San, who was exiled to the chaotic time and space, to come back.Not to mention that Li San is only in the realm of Xuzu, even if he is a real Daozu-level powerhouse, it will be difficult for him to return.

When Mu Hongyan's girls knew that Li San was exiled into the chaotic time and space, they also panicked, but Palace Master Tianyin was very calm.

"Sister Hongyan, don't worry, Li San is a cockroach, unless someone can wipe out his soul and body, otherwise he will not die, and he still has tattoos, even if he is dead, After we become immortals, we will go to the chaotic time and space to find his tattoo, and we can resurrect him!" Palace Master Tianyin finished speaking, and put a piece of delicate pastry into her rosy little mouth among.

The reason why Palace Master Tianyin said this is because after she broke through to become a venerable, the soul connection between her and Li San also strengthened, and she could feel that Li San's life was not in danger.And she also believed that Li San would definitely be able to turn danger into fortune.This is the conclusion she has come to over the years.Li Sanjueshi will not die so easily.

Hearing what Palace Master Tianyin said, the others felt relieved.

In Nine Swords League, when Sword Ancestor got the news, he sighed slightly: "There are too many variables in Li San, even I can't be sure."

In the ancient battlefield, the space where Li San and the others entered the treasure world, at this time, a huge whirlpool appeared in the sky above that space, and a colorful divine light shot directly down from the whirlpool.

"Boom Rumble"

The void shattered, and a seven-colored altar flew out of that space. The person on the seven-colored altar was really the ancestor of the most powerful Dao ancestor in the world of cultivators. The seven-colored light above the sky came from eight The place between the eyebrows of the Ancestor of the Desolation was sunk.


A tyrannical aura emanated from the body of the ancestor of the Eight Desolation.All the Dao ancestors above Xiangu looked towards the ancient battlefield with a feeling.

"This fluctuation, could it be that the ancestor of the Eight Desolation has returned?"

Voices of suspicion echoed on Immortal Ancient.

On the ancient battlefield, a figure pierced the sky and appeared in front of the Patriarch of the Eight Desolation in an instant, and respectfully said to the Patriarch of the Eight Desolation: "Welcome Master to return!"


The closed eyes of the Ancestor of the Eight Desolation suddenly opened, and two colorful swirls appeared in his double head. After a while, the seven-color swirl slowly disappeared, and the eyes of the Ancestor of the Eight Desolation finally disappeared. Back to normal, it was a pair of extremely deep eyes.

"Hehe, Xiangu, you are really kind!" The ancestor of the Eight Desolation looked up at the phantom of the ancient lip tower, and said, "This ancient lip tower will come soon!"

After a long time, the ancestor of the Eight Desolation turned his gaze back to the sky, and landed on the body of Venerable Qianchen: "That's right, I have reached the realm of the supreme peak Venerable, and what's more, I am walking through the fusion of yin and yang." the way!"

"It all depends on your guidance, Master!" Venerable Qianchen said with a face full of respect.

"Hehe, this is also the result of your personal efforts!" The Patriarch of Bahuang looked at the Patriarch of Qianchen, and a smile appeared on his face: "Let's go, follow me to meet those old friends!"

After the Patriarch of the Eight Desolations finished speaking, he left with Venerable Qianchen.

And Xuan Ba ​​and Li San, after going through many disasters, finally rushed out from the passage of time and space.

"Paralyzed, senior brother, we finally rushed out!" Xuanba, who was emitting green smoke all over his body, turned his head and said to the charred humanoid beside him.

(End of this chapter)

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