Chaos Scripture

Chapter 603

Chapter 603

With just one blow, Li San, who was defended by the Eight Desolation Lock Immortal Map, was seriously injured. The strength of these two men can be seen.

The star-level elite strongman who was with Li San died completely under this tyrannical attack.

"Who are you?" Li San's body was floating in the air, and the pure black vitality repaired his body.

Those who attacked Li San were the two supreme commanders of the 101st Legion. They wanted to attack Li San, but they would not be so stupid as to wait until Li San returned to the 101st Legion. They followed Li San to this deserted place, where they killed Li San and seized the treasure.Even after the fact, you can give this matter to the Demon Flame King in the west.

Because the King of Eagle Claws and the white-faced scholar both know that the video of Li San's battle with Aldrich on Hexin Island will soon spread across the other side. Those strong people will miss the treasure on Li San. If the treasures on his body are taken away by other Yanyang-level powerhouses, then it will be a big loss at that time.

When Li San was fighting with Aldrich, he also thought that the magic weapon on his body would be missed by some strong people, but he thought that after returning to the Holy Land on the other side, he would be safe.But he didn't expect the commander-in-chief of the 101st Legion to attack him.

The Eagle Claw King is a monster cultivator, and the white-faced scholar is a warrior. The two of them are the supreme commanders of the 101st Legion. Both of them have held high positions for many years, and they are both peak figures in the holy land on the other side.

Both of them are super old antiques who have lived for more than 200 million years. They are Yanyang-level powerhouses, and their ultimate life span is 300 million years.None of these Yanyang-level powerhouses wanted to leave the other side and go to the third universe region.Going to the third universe region, they can break through to a higher realm and gain a longer lifespan.

The other shore is the place between the second universe region and the third universe region, and it is also the only place where the second universe leads to the third universe.

If you want to enter the third universe region from the second universe region, you must pass through the ninth door of eternal life.

In the history of the other side, the ninth door of eternal life has been opened nine times, but no one has ever successfully left the other side and entered the third universe area.And after nine times of opening the gate of eternal life, these superpowers on the other side know that there is a super powerful existence in the ninth gate of eternal life. If they want to enter the gate of eternal life, they must The strength is improved and then improved.

The Eagle Claw King and the white-faced scholar, both of them have stayed in the Yanyang-level high-level realm for more than a million years, and it is impossible to make another breakthrough in the realm.Unless they can enter the third universe region, because the cosmic suppression rules in the third universe region are much weaker than those in the second universe region, so after they enter the third universe region, they will easily break through to a higher level. realm.

Now, for the Eagle Claw King and the white-faced scholar, only a powerful magic weapon can improve their strength.Therefore, when they learned about those super magic weapons on Li San, they still couldn't help but want to attack Li San.

In the Eagle Claw King and the white-faced scholar's mind, Li San, a fairy-level guy, with those magic weapons, was able to leapfrog to kill the Haoyue-level elite-level powerhouse Aldrich, and Aldridge was still wearing the magic flame king. The Extinct Immortal Armor.If the magic weapon on Li San is obtained by the two of them, then the two of them will directly jump to the invincible level on the other side.

"Ah, it seems that you really have two brushes." Eagle Claw King saw that Li San was able to block his attack without dying, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

The person who just launched an attack on the shuttle was Eagle Claw King. According to Eagle Claw King's thinking, his blow was enough to kill a Haoyue-level powerhouse, but Li San's tenacity surpassed him. expected.

As the supreme commander of the 101st Legion, these two people knew Li San's background very well.

"Hehe, a guy at the level of a fairy master can actually repair the body. It seems that you must have a special magic weapon that can repair the body." Seeing Li San's body recovered almost instantly, the white-faced scholar also showed a smile on his face .

"The special magic weapon to restore the body." King Eagle Claw looked at Li San, and there was a flash of light in his eyes.

Looking at the two chatting and laughing people in front of him, Li San's heart sank all of a sudden.He didn't know Eagle Claw King and White Flour Scholar, but he could feel that these two people were not something he could defeat now, at least not now.

Just when he wanted to crush the soul imprint that Chen Jue had given him to call for help, a special aura blocked the space around Li San. Under such circumstances, even if Li San wanted to send out a distress signal , is also impossible.

"Today seems to be more ominous than good luck!" Li San cursed secretly in his heart.

"Hehe, Li San, right? We don't want to kill you, as long as you hand over all the magic weapons on your body, we will let you go!" The white-faced scholar said to Li San with a smile on his face.

"Who are you? How dare you snatch my magic weapon? I am Yan Nantian's disciple, and I was still good friends with Chen Jue." At this time, Li San moved out these two strong men desperately, hoping to deter them. Live with these two guys.

"Qingfeng Swordsman Yan Nantian and Thousand-Handed Overlord Chen Jueshi?" After hearing the names of Yan Nantian and Chen Jue, Eagle Claw King raised his eyebrows lightly: "I didn't expect you to be so familiar with them, boy, You don't have to lie to me, if you are really Nayan Nantian's disciple, you won't have so many magic weapons in your body, the most powerful thing in your body is still a fairy sword close to Xuan level, But you have several super magic weapons on your body, and with that guy's habits, you will definitely not let you come out with so many magic weapons."

Li San was stunned, unexpectedly, the guy with the hooked nose would expose his lies all at once. From the words of the man with the hooked nose, Li San was sure that these two people were at least Yanyang-level strong. By.If it wasn't for the Yanyang-level powerhouses, after hearing the names of Yan Nantian and Chen Jueshi, the two Yanyang-level powerhouses, they wouldn't be so calm.

"Boy, I will give you ten breaths of time. After ten breaths, if you don't hand it over in person, we will do it ourselves."

After finishing speaking in the white flour book, the smile on his face also subsided.

At this moment, a weak wave came out from the Samsara Tower.

"Brother, let me out"

This is Xuan Ba's voice.

"Xuanba, no, I'm surrounded by two Yanyang-level guys, if you come out, they will kill you too." Li San communicated to Xuanba in his heart.

"I am going to cross the catastrophe"

Xuanba's voice sounded in Li San's mind.

"Ah..." Li San was startled, and quickly released Xuan Ba.


As soon as Xuan Ba's body came out, the body continued to enlarge, and immediately skyrocketed to [-] meters.


The aura arranged by the white-faced scholar was originally only [-] meters away, but the appearance of Xuanba immediately broke his aura.

"good chance!"

Li San immediately seized this opportunity and shattered the soul imprint that Chen Jue had given him.

Just when Li San shattered the imprint of the soul, Chen Jueshi, who was still in seclusion in Yulan City hundreds of millions of miles away, suddenly opened his eyes.

"It's Li San"

A look of surprise flashed across Chen Jueshi's face, and then he rushed out of the retreat immediately, his body turned into a streamer, flew out of Yulan City, and rushed towards Li San's coordinates.

"Damn it!" As a Yanyang-level powerhouse, the white-faced scholar could naturally feel what Li San had done, and the expression on his face instantly became ferocious, and he said to the Eagle Claw King: "Hurry up, this is what Li San did." If the boy sent a distress signal just now, if Yan Nantian really came here, it would be troublesome."

The white-faced scholar didn't mention Chen Jueshi, because both of them knew that Chen Jueshi was poisoned hundreds of thousands of years ago when he was fighting the Western Poison King, and now his cultivation has been crippled.They didn't think that Chen Jue would come here, on the contrary, they were more afraid of Yan Nantian.

Yan Nantian is a super powerhouse of the same era as them, but he has disappeared for nearly 200 million years. Most people don't know that there is such a person as Yan Nantian, but Li San, a little fairy lord To be able to know Yan Nantian, even if Li San is not Yan Nantian's disciple, the two of them may have more or less connections.


The two Yanyang-level superpowers fought with all their strength, and the power was very powerful.

"call out"

There was a strong black light flickering on the Eagle Claw King's hands, and then a huge claw shadow attacked Li San.

"Huh la la!" A folding fan appeared in the white-faced scholar's hand, and with a light wave of the folding fan, countless tyrannical wind blades rushed towards Li San.

"Hey, you want to kill me, but there's no way"

Li San summoned Samsara all at once.

"big big big"

The Samsara Tower floated above Li San's head, and then became a dozen or so in size, enveloping Li San inside.

"Xuanba, come in"

Li San sent a voice transmission to Xuanba, but Xuanba's catastrophe has not yet come to an end.

"Booming" a series of tyrannical thunders continuously bombarded Xuan Ba's body, and many of those thunders also bombarded towards the white-faced scholar and the Eagle Claw King.

"go to hell"

The white-faced scholar's face turned angry, and then he unleashed a tyrannical energy attack, bombarding towards Xuan Ba.


Under the tyrannical attack of the white-faced scholar, Xuanba's tortoise shell split instantly.


Li San shouted loudly in the reincarnation tower.


The sky thunder then landed, bombarded Xuanba's shattered tortoise shells, and shattered those tortoise shells.

"Senior brother, I can bear it." Xuanba's voice sounded in Li San's mind.

"Xuanba" Li San in the reincarnation tower clenched his fists together fiercely, his eyes were already bloodshot, and a strong evil spirit surged on his body.

(End of this chapter)

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