Chaos Scripture

Chapter 632 Don't be afraid

Chapter 632 Don't be afraid
At the moment when the Primordial Immortal Killing Formation was activated that day.

Pillars of light shot up into the sky, and another pillar of light shot into the blood abyss from the endless void.

At this moment, the entire Blood River Abyss began to shake like an earthquake.

Li San, Shenhuo Fenghuang and others were drinking and chatting happily in a quiet courtyard, but at this moment, they all felt that the entire space was shaking, and there was a terrifying beam of light descending from the sky.The ground shattered, energy diffused, and the little monsters in the Blood River Abyss were all terrified.


Some little demons fled in all directions immediately.

"What's going on?" Li San and the others didn't know what happened.

Li San's spiritual consciousness began to spread all over the sky.

Yanyang level powerhouse!
one, two, three

"A lot of Yanyang-level powerhouses!" Li San's spiritual consciousness has discovered all the Yanyang-level powerhouses around him, including the most powerful Yanyang-level powerhouses, Black Rain King, Space King, Titan Demon King, and Tiandao. Layman, Poison King, Flame King, Ice King
"How do these people know I'm here?" Li San was puzzled.At the beginning, I used the Eight Desolation Locking Immortal Picture to restrain my breath, so the other party should not be aware of me.

Could it be that he must be the one who finds out that his strength cannot be seen through?

Li San believed that people like Black Rain King would not be so reckless.

It's a pity that Li San didn't expect that it was Xianhou who gave him his whereabouts. If Xuanba hadn't found out about Xiaoqing and the others this time, Li San would definitely kill Xianhou, but in order to find the Green Snake Girl and the others Li San didn't kill Xianhou, and that's why Li San's whereabouts.

"Haha, Li San, in order to catch you, our Western Alliance has used all the masters in the West, and even used the largest formation in the West, the Tianyuan Killing Immortal Formation! This time you will never escape." The space king's cold laughter echoed in the blood river. There was a sound in the sky above the abyss.

"Hmph, Space King, your sister is still in my hands, do you want to watch her die?" Li San said loudly to the sky above Xueheyuan.

"Haha Li San, you can't escape today, you don't need to threaten us with Xianhou, in the Tianyuan formation, you can't kill Xianhou" the voice of the Black Rain King resounded in the sky.

"Li San, we are surrounded by these people, and the surrounding space seems to be sealed off!" said the Divine Fire Phoenix and flew towards the sky, and at the same time, a large group of practitioners also flew towards the sky.

Green Snake Girl, Sky Star White Tiger, Xuan Ba, and Li San flew towards the sky one after the other.

At the speed of Xiu Li San and the others, they flew out from the depths of the Blood River in the blink of an eye, the surrounding clouds were floating, and Li San frowned deeply.

"The entire Xueheyuan is trapped, and it seems that we can't get out." Li San was very calm.

Li San felt that he, Shenhuo Fenghuang and others were blocked by an overwhelming mask.

The mask was semicircular, covering the entire Blood River Abyss.

"Senior brother, let's get out of the way," Xuan Ba ​​said suddenly.

"Okay" Li San and the others immediately flew towards the depths of the blood abyss, and immediately reached the bottom of the blood abyss.


When Li San and the others got into the ground, they found that there was also a strange mask like this blocking their way.

"Get out of the way, let me break this thing," said Tianxing White Tiger Wang Batian.

Li San and the others cooperated very well and retreated a long distance.


A tyrannical aura emanated from Wang Batian's body, his body swelled a lot, and then he waved his right hand towards the energy shield in front of him.


Three bursts of fierce energy bombarded the energy mask, but the energy mask only vibrated slightly.

"This energy shield is too strong." Wang Batian said with a frown.

"Let me try"

Li San released the Samsara Tower, and the cyan light curtain of the Samsara Tower opened up all the dirt on the ground.

The Reincarnation Tower was only half a foot high, and a terrifying wave of energy radiated from it.


The Samsara Tower turned into a blue light, and then shot towards the energy light curtain.


Li San's current most powerful move can only cause ripples on the energy light curtain.

The blow failed, and the Tower of Samsara turned into a blue light, and then returned to Li San's body.

"What kind of big formation is this!" Xuan Ba ​​looked at the energy light curtain in front of him, and couldn't help but cursed.

"These guys from the west really spent all their money to catch me." Li San said with a cold snort.

A blurry figure appeared in front of Li San, the incarnation of the Black Rain King, and he looked at Li San with a smile: "Li San, you should also know that you are now trapped in our Tianyuan Immortal Killing Formation , now you are the turtle in the urn, there is no way you can escape."

"Tianyuan Killing Immortal Formation? It seems that this formation is really not bad!" Li San sneered.

"Hehe" Black Rain King's face was full of smiles, "Li San, we all know that you have many powerful magic weapons, but even if you have those super magic weapons, your own strength is too weak to exert the power of those magic weapons at all. !As far as I know, you have a very powerful pagoda. The grade of that pagoda is already close to the heavenly level, and you also have a space-type fairy treasure on your body, a fairy treasure that can quickly restore your body, and a fairy treasure that can restore your body quickly. The Immortal Treasure that changes the breath of the soul, and the Immortal Extinction Armor of the Demon Flame King is also in your hands!" The Black Rain King is now sure of victory.

"If you are obedient, give me the fairy treasure that can change the soul's breath, the pagoda, and the space-type fairy treasure. I don't need any other fairy treasures. I can also spare your life. Are you willing?" Black Rain King said very generously.

Although the other fairy treasures are very good, in his eyes, the pagoda, the space fairy treasure and the soul fairy treasure are the most important.

Li San was a little surprised, then smiled and said: "The conditions are good, but these fairy treasures are all mine, why should I give them to you?"

"Are you joking?" Black Rain King still had a smile on his face, but there was a trace of anger in his eyes.

Li San took it for granted: "You're joking, what are you talking about? These fairy treasures are mine, no matter who they are, they can't take them away from me."

The expression on the Black Rain King's face quickly turned cold, his smile disappeared completely, and he stared at Li San with cold eyes: "Li San, you won't leave if I give you a way out, are you just wanting to die?"

"Who said I begged to die?" Li San asked back.

Black Rain King narrowed his eyes and stared at Li San without saying a word, but his spiritual consciousness covered the entire Blood River Abyss, and countless practitioners in the Blood River Abyss were in panic.

In Blood River Abyss, there are many immortal master-level cultivators who escaped from the Holy Land on the other side just like Shenhuo Phoenix and the others.


Li San felt the underground space vibrate, and a figure got into the ground.This time, the person who descended was not the phantom of the soul, but the real body of the Black Rain King.


One figure after another got into the ground.

"Li San, you should hand over the things obediently, so that we may let you live," the layman Tiandao said to Li San coldly.

"Hmph, don't tell him so much, just kill him." The Ice King looked at Li San angrily. Black Rain King.

"Are you going to do it?" Li San burst out with energy all over his body, and the Reincarnation Tower also appeared above his head, enlarged to more than ten meters.

Seeing Li San summoning the Samsara Tower, Black Rain King and others immediately surrounded Li San and the others from all directions.

"You all enter the reincarnation tower first"

Li San sent voice transmission to Shenhuo Fenghuang and others.

"Whirring whirring"

Shenhuo Phoenix, Tianxing White Tiger, Green Snake Girl, Xuan Ba ​​and others all entered the Reincarnation Tower.

"Haha, you greedy guys, you are determined to take my treasure. Come if you have the ability!" Li San roared, his voice was still recalling between heaven and earth, but his whole body disappeared.

The Space King stretched out his hands, and with her as the center, everything within a radius of ten thousand miles became her domain. In the Space King's domain, even a grain of dirt and sand, the Black Rain King could clearly feel it. Unfortunately, with Li San The speed has been out of this area.

At this time, the consciousness of Ice King, Layman Tiandao and others were completely diffused, but even though their consciousness covered the entire Blood River Abyss, they couldn't find Li San's breath at all.

The spiritual consciousness of many title-level powerhouses also permeates any place in the entire Blood River Abyss.

The Space King said indifferently, "Then Li San has the secret technique of restraining the breath, and now he probably has used the secret technique of concealing the breath."

Black Rain King and others nodded.

Li San made a few shots, but the enemy didn't notice his strength before the attack, and he only felt Li San's strength from the energy breath emitted by Li San after the attack, of course he knew this.

"Everyone, don't worry. Now that the entire Blood River Abyss is blocked, it is impossible for him to escape no matter what. We have plenty of time to catch him. And I don't believe that he will show his feet. If there is no other way, we will send the whole The Blood River Abyss has been refined!" A trace of cruelty flashed in the eyes of the Black Rain King.

"No." The other title-level powerhouses hurriedly said.

Those title-level powerhouses know how much energy would it take to refine the entire Blood River Abyss?
Qingxue Sword Immortal Zhibai still looked indifferent.

"Space King, hurry up and find that Li San through the telepathy between you and your sister!" Black Rain King and others said.

No need for Black Rain King and the others to remind him, Space King has already closed his eyes to feel Li San's position.

"Hmph, still want to escape?"

The Space King's figure rushed towards the southeast abruptly.The others followed without hesitation.

Space King and the others only ran at top speed in the blink of an eye, and saw Li San who was resting comfortably against a rock in a valley.

"You guys actually found me?" Li San's eyes showed a hint of excitement, "The King of Space is indeed the King of Space."

The Space King snorted coldly: "Do you think that if you restrain all your breath, I won't be able to find you?"

"How did you find out?" Li San asked.

"Why did I tell you, tell you, didn't I let you escape?" Space King sneered, and then ordered coldly, "Everyone, kill this guy."

(End of this chapter)

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