Chaos Scripture

Chapter 653 The only way

Chapter 653 The Only Way
"It's weird!" A hint of surprise flashed in Li San's eyes.

The two approached carefully, and Li San stood behind Mei Yingxue. At this time, Mei Yingxue seemed to be an archaeologist. It seemed that the four sisters had done a lot of things in the past.Li San knew that when those super experts were bored, they would go to various dangerous places to explore. While killing the boring time, they might be able to find some treasures.

Watching Mei Yingxue nervously lifting those stone bricks.

The stone bricks were finally lifted away, revealing an ancient bronze door underneath. The ancient bronze door was stained with rust, with some Dao patterns looming.At this time, Li San felt that strange fluctuation became more intense.

At this time, Mei Yingxue turned her head and said to Li San: "You are a tattoo remover, come and break it!"

With a muddy head on his face, Li San immediately summoned the secret code of the pattern of the day.


The black light curtain fell on the secret tome of the sky pattern, shining on the ancient bronze door.


Countless secret patterns shot out from the ancient bronze door, and in a short while, all the rust on the ancient bronze door was removed, and the restriction of the secret patterns on the ancient bronze door was also lifted by Li San.

After lifting the restriction of Dao patterns on the ancient bronze door, Li San waved his fist and smashed towards the ancient bronze door.

With a bang, the ancient bronze door was smashed open.A big crack opened, revealing a dark tunnel entrance, exuding a gloomy and terrifying atmosphere.

The two had a feeling that this hole seemed to be the entrance to hell that swallowed all life.They didn't speak for a long time, hesitating in their hearts whether to go in.

After a while Mei Yingxue asked: "Can we go in?"

Li Sanyi gritted his teeth and said, "If you die, let's go in." He pulled Mei Yingxue and jumped in.

The ancient bronze door closed again the moment they jumped in, returning to its original appearance.

The two descended rapidly in the cave.

After falling nearly hundreds of meters, his feet finally touched the ground.

The moment their feet touched the ground, Li San and Mei Yingxue felt a strange feeling at the same time, a wave of mental energy surged towards them.At this time, the two of them held each other's hands, and their skills were connected. Li Sanzhen really felt the realm of a Yanyang-level super master. A powerful destructive aura rushed over.

"Xiaoxue, do you feel it? What is it? Such a terrifying breath, what kind of strong man is it?"

"I felt it. It was a monstrous fighting intent. That fighting intent seemed to tear the sky apart, tear the earth apart, and destroy everything that stood in front of him!"

"What is such a terrible breath? Is it the power of the seal or the power of the sealed person?"

"I don't know, let's move on."

What surprised them even more was yet to come.

They continued walking sideways along the underground passage.Li San held Mei Yingxue's soft and boneless little hand with one hand, and the Samsara Tower with the other. The Samsara Tower emitted a faint blue light, illuminating everything around.

After walking for nearly half a mile, the front gradually became brighter, and the mental fluctuations of this terrifying aura gradually became stronger.

After walking another 200 meters, they finally came to the bright place.

Everything in front of me is like a dream, like a fairyland.The hard stone walls on both sides suddenly turned into warm jade emitting a faint white light, and the passage in front was carved out of white jade.On the top of the white jade passage, there is a huge night pearl inlaid not far away.

They actually discovered a white jade pearl passage.

"This is the Heavenly Essence Profound Jade"

Mei Yingxue excitedly pulled Li San into the white jade passage and touched it with her hands. They were even more surprised that the passage was actually a whole without a single gap.

"This seems to be a passage dug out with a huge piece of celestial jade!"

It's really unbelievable, as if you are in a dream, this Heavenly Essence Profound Jade is on the other side, but it is a very precious material. The white jade, topaz, and purple jade are thousands of times better.

However, the aura of destruction instantly woke them up.

The two continued to move forward, and the sound of footsteps on the jade stone was clear and sweet in the passage.On the way, I passed several jade rooms, where tables, chairs and beds were all carved from white jade.

Obviously someone once lived here, who has such a big hand?incomprehensible.

Walking and walking, another jade room appeared in front of the passage.This jade room is a bit special, the door of the jade room obviously has more carvings than other jade room doors.On the carving, there is a pair of lifelike young man and woman, neither man nor woman is wearing clothes.

Li San's gaze fell on the woman above the jade gate involuntarily. This is a real jade body, and the exquisite curves are very seductive.The plump, round thighs add a touch of enchantment and charm to the holy beauty relief, exuding a different kind of temptation, even if it is a relief, Li Sanfu can't help thinking about it, the most important thing is, this The woman was held tightly in the arms of a man, and the two were doing a difficult double cultivation exercise.

After seeing this scene, Mei Yingxue's face turned red.

"Pervert, to carve such a thing!" Mei Yingxue couldn't help but curse softly.

Three large characters are engraved on the top of the door: "Stealing the World"

Li San shouted excitedly: "Huh? What do you mean, even the sky can be stolen?"

Mei Yingxue was greatly moved when she heard this, and said, "Li San, behind this jade gate should be the magical place I told you about!"

Li San took a look at Mei Yingxue, then rushed towards the Yushi gate impatiently, but this time he was not easily pushed open like the other jade room doors.

"Damn, why can't you push it away?" Li San pressed his hands on the full relief of the woman, and pushed hard, Li San couldn't help but cursed.

After pushing it many times, it still didn't move.

"Can't you press it somewhere else?" Mei Yingxue rolled her eyes at Li San.

"Well, I'm used to it," Li San said with some embarrassment.Then he retracted his hand on the white jade woman's chest.

"Does this door need to be activated by a mechanism?" Mei Yingxue rolled her eyes, and then began to search around.As a result, I worked hard for a long time but got nothing at all.

"How could this happen? Just blast him away!" Li San looked at the White Jade Gate, but he didn't find any Dao pattern on the White Jade Gate. There was no Dao pattern restriction at this Baiyu Gate.This made him a little bit at a loss. The only way he could think of at the moment was to use that tyrannical attack to smash the Yumen.

Mei Yingxue felt that what he said made sense, so she didn't hesitate and slapped Yushimen with her palm.


Yumen didn't move at all.Mei Yingxue was shocked.

"How could this be? Ordinary Heavenly Essence Profound Jade is not so hard. This is simply impossible. Ordinary Heavenly Essence Profound Jade should be shattered under her tyrannical attack. How did that happen?"

Mei Yingxue shook her palm three more times, but Yumen still remained motionless.Li San also saw that something was wrong, and slammed the Samsara Tower out.


The Samsara Tower was bounced back, but nothing happened to Bai Yumen.

"Li San, get out of the way, I'll try with a sword."

Holding the sword in her right hand, Mei Yingxue used all her strength to chop towards Yumen.The short sword pierced with super powerful skills slashed towards Yumen with a dazzling light.


There was a crisp sound, but Yumen didn't even leave a scratch.

Mei Yingxue was really angry, her pretty face was tense, and her eyes were shining brightly.Accumulating skills again, the Excalibur first emitted a dazzling light, and then a golden sword blade more than a foot long was emitted from the tip of the sword.

The golden sword slashed towards the jade gate with a bright light.

"Ding", "Crack", "Dang"

First, there was a clear and pleasant "ding" sound, and the sword gang in front of the short sword slashed straight on the jade, leaving only a scratch on the jade.It's just that the scratch is recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Mei Yingxue showed no signs of frustration, but showed an excited expression, and said happily: "If I guess correctly, this jade gate has been sealed by a supreme master with a special technique." Turning around in front of Yumen, looking up and down.

"I suddenly discovered that there may be a way to open this jade gate!" Li San said, looking at the relief of male and female dual cultivation on the jade gate.

"What way?" Mei Yingxue's eyes widened suddenly.

Li San looked at Mei Yingxue, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and said: "I think, we should be able to open it if we double cultivate according to the posture of this relief!"

"You bastard, why do you always have dirty thoughts?" Mei Yingxue looked at Li San angrily.

"Hehe, I'm an old couple, what are you afraid of, let's try it, maybe it will work," Li San said with a smile.

Mei Yingxue glanced at the relief of Shuangxiu on the jade gate, then gritted her teeth and said, "Okay."


Li San chuckled lightly, then hugged Mei Yingxue in his arms, then lowered his head and kissed her fragrant lips.A pair of big hands kept walking on Mei Yingxue's body, slowly undoing the dress on her body.

Clothes flying.Mei Yingxue has icy muscles and bones, like a fairy from the Nine Heavens relegated to the mortal world, but at the moment she is just an enchanted fairy.

Li San's body is strong and powerful.As if cast from fine iron, the tendons like horned dragons shone with bronze-colored precious light.

Under Li San's stroking and kissing, Mei Yingxue felt that her body was full of law, and her legs were also weak, and she and Li San finally fell together.

On the white jade passageway, Mei Yingxue's jade body lay horizontally.The exquisite curves are very seductive.Her body was pressed down by Li San, and her exposed jade-like arms and slender snow-white thighs gave the holy her a touch of enchantment and charm.There is a strong sense of temptation.

Two men and women with chaotic breathing and panting are entangled, rolling, and intertwined in an extremely fragrant posture.

Li San was very restless, holding Mei Yingxue in his arms and attacking frantically, he completely forgot about the business.

"Oh Li San, it's time for us to learn that movement," the drunk-eyed Mei Yingxue reminded.

"Yeah, if you don't tell me, I don't remember it!" Li San was stunned, then hugged Mei Yingxue, imitating the movements of the men and women on the relief.

Li San, who had studied the Miaoyu Heart Sutra, after a few adjustments, immediately imitated the movements of the pair of double cultivators to a close [-]%.


Just when Li San and Mei Yingxue's movements reached [-]% agreement, a white light appeared above the white jade gate, and a gap appeared in the white jade gate, and then it slowly opened.

(End of this chapter)

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