Chaos Scripture

Chapter 681 Jinlan Holy City

Chapter 681 Jinlan Holy City
Li San and Hei Lingfeng left Tiandu City and came to Jinlan Holy City, the largest city in Tianlanxing.

Looking from a distance, the city wall is hundreds of meters high, wide and vertical. Although it is not imposing, the whole big city stands there, giving people a very calm feeling.

A huge river flows from the west of the holy city of Cam Ranh. The name of this river is the Cam Ranh River.

The entire city of Jinlan Holy City is built along the river. Taking its water conservancy, Jinlan Holy City is definitely the center of the sky blue star and even the entire economy. Those who live here make it unprecedentedly prosperous.

Li San and Hei Lingfeng entered from the north gate of Jinlan Holy City. They were dressed like ordinary people and looked inconspicuous. Dozens of soldiers at the first gate would never come to question them. Entered the city easily.

As soon as you enter the city, you will immediately feel a different feeling. The peach blossom forest is like a paradise, while the Jinlan Holy City is bustling and bustling.

"Hei Lingfeng, what are we going to do now?" Li San asked.

Hei Lingfeng smiled slightly, and said: "I know that in the Holy City of Jinlan, after three months, there will be a spaceship heading for the Yunxia Empire. It is said that the spaceship is a private spaceship, but that private spaceship is sometimes I will pick up some people along the way! Another point is that I don’t have many cosmic crystals on me, so I have to sell all the divine swords you gave me here!”

As soon as Hei Lingfeng said that there was a spaceship going directly to the Yunxia Empire, Li San suddenly became excited, "Great, but why didn't you sell those divine swords in Tiandu City?"

Hei Lingfeng snorted, and said: "Hmph, in Tiandu City, I don't have any acquaintances, and I will be trapped very badly. I have acquaintances in Jinlan Holy City, and the price will be very fair. Moreover, even if we are in Tiandu City After selling the sword, I still want to come to Jinlan Holy City, why don't I stay in Jinlan Holy City and sell it? This way I can earn more!"

Li San chuckled and said, "This one too!"

"Let's go, we are poor people, there is no way, we have to plan carefully!" After speaking, Hei Lingfeng led Li Sanqing into Jinlan Holy City.

Entering the Jinlan Holy City, Li San said, "Hei Lingfeng, I'm already hungry, should we eat something before leaving?"

Hei Lingfeng looked at Li San and said with a smile: "Alright, you are my boss now, you can do whatever you want, but I suggest that we find an inn to stay and have a meal, and I will take you to the hotel in the evening. The sword is sold!"

Li San let out a long breath, pointed to a small inn in front of him and said, "Let's just go there, I think it's good there!"

Hei Lingfeng nodded, "Okay. I used to live there. Although the environment is average, it's still fairly clean."

The name of the inn is Lingshui. When Li San and Hei Lingfeng walked to the door of the inn, a waiter immediately greeted them and said with a smile, "You two, do you want to stay in the inn? We have all the facilities here, and the price is fair."

Hei Lingfeng said impatiently: "Okay, don't talk nonsense, we will live here."

Entering the inn, Hei Lingfeng brought Li San to the counter, "Give us a standard room, the one with two beds."

The waiter behind the counter is a woman from the fox family, she looks eighteen or nineteen years old, she looks very charming, she smiled at Li San and Hei Lingfeng, and said: "The price of a month in this shop is one cosmic white Jing, if you stay for a year, there is still a discount, only 10 cosmic white crystals, how long will the two of you stay?"

"Let's drive it for three months first!" Hei Lingfeng said.

"Okay, please pay, a total of three cosmic white crystals!" The fox woman said.

"Wait a minute, ask for two rooms." Li San said suddenly.

Hei Lingfeng wondered, "Why do you need two rooms?"

Li San smiled and said: "I'm not used to living with others, you can open it anyway, and I will compensate you for these expenses in the future!"

Hei Lingfeng blushed, and took out six cosmic white crystals and handed them to the fox woman, "Then two will be fine!"

The fox woman took the cosmic crystal and arranged two adjacent rooms for Li San and Hei Lingfeng.

Hei Lingfeng took the door jade card handed over by the fox woman, and said to Li San: "Aren't you hungry? Let's eat something casually here."

"Okay!" Li San is indeed hungry now, and he has come to the third universe area, and he feels that his body functions have degraded even more than when he was on the other side.

In the region of the third universe, if the Yanyang level powerhouse is torn apart, there is only one end to die.

In Xiangu, after reaching the Mahayana stage of cultivation, one can reorganize the physical body. As long as one's own divine power is sufficient, one can reorganize countless times; Being able to reorganize the physical body; and after coming to the third universe region, reorganizing the physical body can only be done by the legendary supreme powerhouse.

After coming here, practitioners generally need to eat, and they still eat three meals a day. If they don't eat, they also need to absorb energy crystals to maintain the energy in their bodies.

The inn restaurant is not big, only more than 100 square meters. It is very remarkable to have a store of more than 100 square meters in a place where every inch of land is precious in the Holy City of Jinlan.

In the restaurant of the inn, there are more than a dozen tables neatly arranged. As Hei Lingfeng said, although it is not luxurious, it is still considered clean.It was not time for meals, and the restaurant was very clean. Hei Lingfeng took Li San to a table facing the street and sat down. From here, one could see the bustling scene on the street outside.

"Two, what would you like to eat?" A waiter walked up to them and asked lazily.This was an ordinary human waiter, and civilian attire like Li San and Hei Lingfeng naturally couldn't attract her attention.In the store, everyone's spiritual consciousness is isolated, so these waiters did not know the realm of Li San and Hei Lingfeng, otherwise her attitude towards Li San and Hei Lingfeng would not be the same.

Hei Lingfeng said: "Four steamed buns, a bowl of white porridge, and some pickles will do."

A look of contempt flashed across the waiter's eyes, and he didn't even bother to remember, "Wait, I'll be here in a while."

Watching the waiter leave in a daze, Li San yelled strangely, "Hei Lingfeng, don't you, you don't have enough energy to eat steamed buns!"

Hei Lingfeng said angrily: "The things here are the same as the ones in your lower realm. The steamed buns here are all made of god wheat. One is much more powerful than the 1 in your lower realm!"

Although the attitude of the waiter is not very good, the dishes are easy to cook, and the steamed buns and porridge are ready-made, and they are served in a while.

The steamed buns here seem to be the same as the steamed buns Li San ate before.

Li San had been hungry for a long time, so he immediately picked up a full head in disbelief, and gnawed it.

"Wow, it's good, it's good." Before chewing it twice, Li San felt a faint direction, and a large amount of pure spiritual energy was released from the steamed bun.

"This full head is really special, even those panaceas from the other side can't compare to it!"

Hei Lingfeng didn't laugh at Li San, but nodded in satisfaction, "Well, yes, the space we are in is the topmost space in the Tianmeng universe, and the lower realm is incomparable with this place!"

After eating, Li San and Hei Lingfeng walked out of the inn.

The sky is getting dark.A piece of cloud in the distance under the reflection of the afterglow of the sun brings the most beautiful sunset red before the curtain ends, leaving a residual brilliance on the street.

After walking for a while, Li San pointed to a large shop not far ahead, and said, "Hei Lingfeng, that's a weapon shop, let's go in and have a look!" The sword-shaped sign at the entrance of the weapon shop was very eye-catching, There are three big characters of Jubao Pavilion written on it. Although it is late in the evening, there is still an endless stream of customers coming and going, showing a booming business.

Hei Lingfeng shook his head, "It's no wonder we don't get knocked out when we dress up like this and go shopping in this kind of place."

Li San rolled his eyes, "How do I know, didn't you say you were going to buy magic weapons?"

Hei Lingfeng identified the direction, "Come with me, I am indeed going, but the place I mentioned is not here."

While talking, he took Li San into a small alley next to him. He seemed to be very familiar with this place. He took Li San through the streets and alleys, and walked for about a meal. Finally, panting, she stopped, pointed to the front and said, "This is it."

"Here... here? Are you right?" Li San rubbed his eyes to confirm that he did not misunderstand the meaning of Hei Lingfeng.

No wonder Li San was so surprised. What appeared in front of him were two doors. To be precise, they were two dilapidated wooden doors. There was only one handle left on the door. The paint on the lintel had already peeled off. There was a sign placed slantedly, and it could be vaguely seen that the five characters Wanbaozhai were written crookedly on it.

, such a place, dare to choose such an elegant name?The shop was still in a corner, and probably few people would pass by in a day. The dilapidated appearance made Li San think of turning around and leaving.

Hei Lingfeng looked at the signboard in front of him, with a knowing smile on his face, "Old man, I came to see you again. I haven't seen you for millions of years. I don't know if you are dead or not."

Li San asked in surprise, "Do you know the owner here?"

Hei Lingfeng said: "Of course I know each other, otherwise, how could I bring you here. Li San, you have to remember, no matter what you do, don't be fooled by the other person's appearance. Although the appearance here is not good, except Me, who knows, there is a craftsman living here?"

"The God of Craftsman? Are you kidding? If he is really the God of Craftsman, would he live in this kind of place?" Although Li San has just arrived in the third universe region, he has heard of the God of Craftsman, the so-called God of Craftsman, He is a master craftsman who can forge celestial treasures!
Hei Lingfeng smiled slightly, "Why not? Haven't you heard of the great hermit hiding in the city? Come on, let's go in first." While talking, he pulled Li San to the door without knocking , and kicked at the dilapidated wooden door.There was a muffled bang. Although the wooden door looked dilapidated, it was not damaged by Hei Lingfeng's kick, and it slowly opened inward, revealing a small dark courtyard.

"Old Lin, are you dead?" Hei Lingfeng shouted loudly.

An old voice came from the depths of the yard, "I said who is so rude, so you, the three-legged dragon, are here again." A shambling figure walked out of the yard, holding a dim oil lamp in his hand, no need to look at the appearance , He also gives people a feeling of dying.

This guy is the legendary craftsman who can refine immortal treasures?Li San thought to himself, is this Hei Lingfeng bragging?

(End of this chapter)

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