Chaos Scripture

Chapter 93 The Crazy Nascent Soul

Chapter 93 The Crazy Nascent Soul

"Please use all the methods you can use to kill the enemy in front of you!" The voice of Gu Yun, the envoy in golden robe, echoed in Li San's ear, and then a message appeared in Li San's consciousness.

In front of Li San was a nine-foot Nascent Soul, the same as his own Nascent Soul, but the face of that Nascent Soul was covered by a faint blue mist, and Li San couldn't see the opponent's face clearly at all.

According to the news Li San got.

You must kill the other party to enter the deeper level of the Falling Infant Sea.

"Come on!" Li San said solemnly.

"Kill!" Nascent Soul leaped towards Li San with a cry, and at the same time, three condensed real long swords quickly formed behind him.

"Hmph!" Li San also condensed an energy sword in his hand, which was formed by condensing the power in his Nascent Soul.

The two Nascent Souls collided with each other.

"Even if I don't have a physical advantage, I will never lose!" Li San's eyes were filled with endless fighting spirit, and the energy sword in his hand seemed to be very skilled in an instant, cooperating with each other, directly oppressing and strangling the past!

Clang! !Clang! !
The two carried out crazy attacks one after another in an instant.

"What's going on?" Li San was startled.In it, his Nascent Soul absorbs energy from the outside very slowly.There is no such a handy feeling from the outside world.

He found that as the battle continued, the power in his Nascent Soul continued to drain.After a short fight, the size of his Nascent Soul almost shrank to eight feet.

But the other party is not much better, at this moment has shrunk to seven feet.


Li San erupted violently, and the energy sword in his hand burst into blue light, splitting the opposite Nascent Soul Body in half.However, the opponent's sword also pierced through Li San's chest, and a special wave came, and Li San's Nascent Soul body instantly shattered.


The Nascent Soul body that had been split in half was combined in an instant, and the height of the Nascent Soul Body was only five feet.

"Ah..." the Nascent Soul body was shattered, and Li San felt a great pain in his soul, but his Nascent Soul body was also instantly reassembled, and the reassembled Nascent Soul body was only six feet long.

"Huh?" The Nascent Soul Body didn't expect Li San's Nascent Soul Body to be stronger than his own after reuniting.Because many people's Nascent Soul bodies were shattered before, and they could no longer reunite, and were eliminated in an instant.And although some Nascent Souls can be reunited, they are definitely not as terrifying as Li San after the reunion.

"Hoohoo!" The surrounding blue energy continuously gathered towards Li San's Nascent Soul Body.The energy of Li Sanyuan's infant body is recovering rapidly.

"Paralyzed, let's see who dies first! The sword devours the sky!" The energy sword in Li San's hand shot out hundreds of sword shadows, overwhelmingly strangling towards the Nascent Soul.

After this trick was used, Li San's Nascent Soul Body instantly dropped to the state of four feet.


The Nascent Soul body was instantly shattered by the dense sword energy, and the Nascent Soul body was reorganized again, but it was only two feet old. After the reorganization, his Nascent Soul desperately absorbed the surrounding energy.

The recovery speed of the Nascent Soul Body on the first floor seems to be slower than that of Li San's.

"I still want to recover!" Li San cursed secretly, and then used the sword to bite the sky again, smashing the opponent again.

The Nascent Soul reorganized tenaciously again, but it was only a mass of blue energy. Li San's Nascent Soul floated in front of the mass of blue energy, grabbed it with his hands, and completely wiped out the mass of energy.

"Congratulations on passing the first floor of Falling Infant Sea!" An ethereal voice sounded.


Li San's body sank uncontrollably, and endless cyan energy instantly poured into his Nascent Soul Body, making his Nascent Soul Body instantly return to its nine-foot peak state.

"Welcome to the second floor of Luoyinghai!" The same Nascent Soul body appeared in front of Li San.

Outside Luoyinghai, a smile appeared on the corner of the mouth of the golden robe envoy: "It actually passed the first floor!"

Although Li San seemed to have spent a long time in Luoyinghai, it was only a short time outside.

The second floor of the Infant Sea
Li San held the energy sword in his hand, and stared at the Nascent Soul body in front of him.




The bodies of the two kept colliding, and the battle suddenly broke out to the most intense state.The Nascent Soul bodies of the two are also rapidly shrinking, and the recovery speed is almost the same.

"Boom!" "Boom!"

The Nascent Soul bodies of the two exploded at the same time, and reassembled again after a while. At this time, the Nascent Soul bodies of both of them shrank to about five feet, but it seemed that Li San's was smaller!
After the Nascent Soul body exploded, neither of them condensed the energy sword, and they scuffled together in an instant.

Punching alternately, teeth gnashing at this moment, it seems that the two are completely street gangsters fighting.

After the two stalemate for a while, Li San gradually gained the upper hand and beat the guy under him.

Suddenly, Li San let go of that guy abruptly, and quickly backed away.


A violent energy enveloped Li San's Nascent Soul Body, and one of Li San's arms was instantly shattered, but recovered quickly.

"Chi Chi!" The man's Nascent Soul Body reunited, but at this time his Nascent Soul Body was a full foot smaller than Li San's.

"Hahaha, you're dead!" Li San condensed his energy sword and rushed towards that guy.

That person's Nascent Soul body also condensed out an energy sword storage to fight.

But when Li San approached that guy, he suddenly hugged the man's Nascent Soul Body tightly.


This time, Li San blew himself up, and the man's Nascent Soul Body was not spared either.

The energy tide swept the entire space, and Li San's Nascent Soul Body Immortal condensed, but unfortunately it was only two feet high.

"Hey, look at you are not dead!" Li San stared at the blue light where he was, and his figure rushed up again.Without the slightest reason, he blew himself up again.

This time, it took Li San ten times longer than the last time to recover.The one-foot Nascent Infant Body looks like it might dissipate at any time.The opponent's Nascent Soul Body never condensed again.

"Congratulations on passing the second floor of the Falling Infant Sea!"

After the prompt sounded, Li San's Nascent Soul body fell downwards.After sinking into the third layer of Luoyinghai, the Nascent Soul Body instantly returned to its peak state.

"Welcome to the third floor of Luoying Return!" The same Nascent Soul Body, the same tasteless opening remarks.


It was another desperate fight, but on the third floor, Li San found that his consumption was more than ten times that of the second floor.After twenty rounds of fighting, his Nascent Soul body dropped to six feet, while the opponent's body remained at eight feet.

"It seems that we have to use a powerful attack!" Li San thought anxiously in his heart, although a powerful attack would make his Nascent Soul body drop sharply, but this powerful attack would also cause the greatest damage to the opponent.

"Sword bites the sky!"

Hundreds of sword qi surged out, and Li San felt that his Nascent Soul Body was about to collapse, shrinking from six feet to one foot.

The dense sword energy instantly enveloped the opponent inside.


The opponent's Nascent Soul Body was shattered without any suspense.After his reorganization, the Nascent Soul body was only three feet long.Although it is also two feet taller than Li San, the proportion has been reduced.


After the opponent's Nascent Soul regrouped, it immediately rushed towards Li San.

"Boom!" When the other party approached Li San, he decisively blew himself up.Li San's Nascent Soul Body was instantly shattered.


The two groups of energy squirmed, and the opponent's Nascent Soul Body was formed first, and the Nascent Soul Body was only one foot long.And Li San continued to absorb the surrounding energy.

"Die!" The other party's voice was extremely violent and rushed towards Li San again, ready to explode himself again!
Just when he rushed in front of Li San, Li San's Nascent Soul completed the condensation, but it looked very illusory.

Seeing that person rushing in front of him, a sneer appeared on the corner of Li San's mouth: "Secret patterns are strengthened!"


Li San's Nascent Soul instantly became solid.

"Explode me!" Li San's speed increased sharply, and his right fist hit the opponent's Nascent Soul body fiercely.


The opponent's Nascent Soul Body was blown up, and Li San's Nascent Soul Body collapsed instantly.Turn into a little bit of starlight.

After a while, Li San was the first to condense the Nascent Soul Body, while his opponent only condensed a small half!


Li San rushed over and blew himself up without hesitation!

I don't know how long it has been.When Li San's Nascent Soul body condensed again.The sound of customs clearance rang in my mind!

"Passed the third floor!" The face of Gu Yun, the golden robe envoy outside, showed a look of shock.He knows the difference between the third layer and the second layer.You must know that the consumption rate of the third layer is more than ten times that of the second layer.Even before, the geniuses of the Hualing Sword Sect of the Nine Swords League only fought against each other for dozens of rounds, and the Nascent Soul Body was exhausted!

On the fourth floor of Luoyinghai, Li San only persisted for three rounds, and the Nascent Soul Body was blown up by the opponent. After that, he stubbornly condensed the Nascent Soul Body twice, but finally failed.

The fourth floor, completely defeated.When the opponent killed Li San, the Nascent Soul Body was almost useless.The fourth floor is obviously higher than the third floor.

Li San's Nascent Soul returned to his body, he opened his eyes, and said with regret: "If I strengthen it with secret lines from the beginning, maybe I can crush the opponent once and consume his one-foot Nascent Soul body, then my Nascent Soul will It completely collapsed, and there was no chance of cohesion once."

"Hehe, Li San, don't be discouraged. It seems that there is no one in the records of the ancient fairy river who can break through the third floor at your age!" The voice of the golden robe envoy was in Li San's mind. sounded.

Li San felt relieved immediately: "Yeah, it's not bad to be able to go through it three times. In this way, I can enter Yuanyuan Tianchi again for fifteen days to comprehend!"

The rest of the people quickly finished breaking through the level.It seems that only one person succeeded.As for how many times they have passed, it is impossible for Li San and the others to know before Gu Xianhe announced the news.

"Okay, the pass is over, let's all go back! Go out to the teleportation array outside, activate your jade tokens, and you will be teleported to the island where you live! The results of today's pass will be sent to the ancient fairy in the evening. The square announced that you can use the jade plaque to inquire at that time, but the jade plaque inquiry requires money, if you don’t want money, you can go to Guxian Square to see for yourself!”

Afterwards, everyone came out from the original space.

"Hey, I don't know how many people in our group can pass!"

"Just wait, you'll find out tonight!"

After coming out of the original space, Li San returned to his island through the teleportation array.

Nima De, Feng Zi, and Wo Henhuai have all returned.But their faces are not very good.

"Huh? What's the matter! Is it not enough?" Li San asked.

Wo Henhuai shook his head and said, "Li San, this is a terrible situation. Zhou Shishi, a talented girl from the Zhou family, just announced that she is going to kill us!"

"Zhou Shishi?" Li San was stunned, thinking, "Could it be that genius girl who the guardian said broke through two floors in a row, and finally consumed [-]% of her opponent's Nascent Soul body on the third floor?"

(End of this chapter)

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