Chapter 285 Accident
She didn't want to stay in this terrible cave for a moment, Fu Yingyue, General Fu, she didn't want to see it again in her life, it was too scary.

"You wait here!"

No matter how abnormal Fu Yingyue is, it is also a matter of his personal style. He cannot die.

His forehead was still bleeding, Xiao Yanqing quickly took out the golden sore medicine that he carried with him to treat him.

But as soon as he got close, he climbed up to him.

"Ah... what are you doing? It's me, Xiao Yanqing!"

Scared him to death, Xiao Yanqing hurriedly recommended Fu Yingyue.

Fu Yingyue fell to the ground as if boneless, opened his blurred eyes slightly, and looked at him.

"help me……"

He fell limply to the ground, unable to get up no matter what.

Xiao Yanqing, who was still in shock, took a deep breath, approached him again, and said, "Don't move, I will give you medicine to stop the bleeding first!"

He quickly sprinkled the golden sore medicine on Fu Yingyue's forehead, then tore off the cloth from his cuff, and wrapped it up for him.

"Is General Fu alright?" Feng Sijin didn't dare to come over, she stood far away and glanced over here.

Fu Yingyue's eyes opened again, and he climbed onto Xiao Yanqing with one hand, just like entangled silk, climbing up to the trees around him.

Once he climbed up, it was his life.

"Brother Fu?" After the initial resistance, Xiao Yanqing was no longer as annoying as before when he was climbed up by a poisoned Fu Ying.

He felt that his friend was being blamed for no reason, and his hot body made him feel a little guilty.

He has a good relationship with Mo Linyuan, and also has a good relationship with Fu Yingyue, his two best friends.

Now, he is going to betray another friend for one friend.

"Okay... so sad, am I... going to die?"

Eyes full of tears opened slightly, looking at him made him feel more guilty.

"You won't die. I saw it. It's just a skin injury, which may leave scars." Xiao Yanqing helped him put his clothes together, and said: "The man we are going to go to the battlefield is not afraid of scars. You feel uncomfortable because you need a Woman, brother, I'm sorry, I'll take you to find the woman you need."

"No, I won't go!"

Fu Yingyue pushed Xiao Yanqing away, and he crawled on the stone bed beside him, on his arm, biting his arm tightly.

After a while, he said, "Get out while I'm still awake."

"Then what do you do...?" Xiao Yanqing clenched his fists tightly, wishing he could beat Mo Xiaolin into an idiot.

The last fist hit the stone wall.

Feng Sijin who was not far away was startled, and said anxiously: "Young Master Xiao, let's go quickly, this is a den of bandits."

Only then did Xiao Yanqing turn his head to look at Feng Sijin, he winked at the person in the dark, the person understood, and slashed Feng Sijin's neck with a knife, and she passed out.

"Young Master Xiao, Miss Feng..."

"Take her out to watch, and knock her out as soon as she wakes up."

"Yes, Young Master Xiao!"

After finishing Feng Sijin, Xiao Yanqing turned his head to look at Fu Yingyue.

The corner of his mouth was already bleeding, he had bitten his arm.

Xiao Yanqing sighed lightly, and said: "Why do you do this? You don't touch the ready-made ones, so I have to find one for you. Tell me about this barren mountain, it's not difficult to find a female mosquito. Find a woman for you, where can I find it?"

That being said, he still stunned Fu Yingyue with a knife in one hand.

He remembered that there was a cold pond in the back mountain, and hoped it would be useful.

It's just that when he was about to lift Fu Yingyue up, he unexpectedly found that his body was extremely soft.

(End of this chapter)

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