Chapter 532 My Son Helped
It doesn't matter if the son was wronged, but if he really did it, it would be really miserable if it got to the empress.

So, Mo Xiaolin gritted his teeth and told the 'truth'.

"Actually, things are not what you think."

Everyone: "..." If you know the truth, tell me quickly!
"Oh!" He sighed a long time, looking very embarrassed.

Mrs. Xiao and Mrs. Feng were both in a hurry, and said in unison: "What's going on, tell me."

Mo Xiaolin took a look at Feng Sijin and said, "Miss Feng thinks it was Yan Qing who gave the medicine, right? Actually, no one gave the medicine."

"Ah...?" Xiao Yanqing stared at Mo Xiaolin with wide eyes.

What the hell did he think of this unreasonable player?

"You also know Yan Qing's affection for Fu Yingyue, the former General Fu."

The rest of the people in the room were all women. Hearing this, they felt as sick as if they had just swallowed a fly.

Xiao Yanqing's complexion suddenly turned dark.

Can you stop talking about him being a broken sleeve?

The matter of his broken sleeve was finally not mentioned after he married his wife, but now it was brought up again, and he was the one who started it, so angry that he wanted to hit someone.

"So?" Mrs. Feng asked anxiously.

"Under that kind of relationship, how could Yan Qing help Fu Yingyue to make things happen with others? He came here to catch the adulterer as soon as he heard the news."

Everyone's collective black face.

Can you stop using the word 'caught rape'?Young Master Mo, how about your upbringing?

"If Yan Qing hadn't arrived in time, and it happened that Fu Yingyue fell ill suddenly, I think Miss Feng might be..."

He looked at Feng Sijin meaningfully.

Feng Sijin's complexion was frighteningly pale.

"Miss Feng, do you still remember the scene that day, do you think about it?" Mo Xiaolin stared at her and asked.

Feng Sijin opened her mouth, unable to utter a single word, and kept thinking about what happened that day in her head.

Mrs. Feng said anxiously: "Jin'er, isn't it? You silly child, you should say something!"

Mrs. Xiao became angry, and said indifferently: "Then Fu Yingyue is a pervert."

Everyone: "..." It sounds like your son is not a pervert.

Feng Sijin fell down and sat on the ground, she remembered the red bellyband she saw on Fu Yingyue that day, she was simply a pervert among perverts.

"Mrs. Feng!" Mrs. Xiao looked at her sympathetically, and said, "It seems that you really wronged my son. If it weren't for my son, the posthumous son of the Fu family, maybe Miss Feng also has one in her belly." !"

Mrs. Feng was so anxious that she didn't even get angry with Mrs. Xiao, but chased after Feng Sijin and asked, "Is what they said true?"

In Feng Sijin's view, Fu Yingyue is indeed a pervert, how could a normal person be like that?

It's no wonder that Xiao Yanqing was so angry when he found out about them, but he saved Fu Yingyue himself, but he ignored her as a woman.

She is a victim.

Feng Sijin gritted her teeth and nodded, tears streaming down her eyes.


This sound is enough to prove that what Mo Xiaolin said is true.

Mo Xiaolin, who had just finished making up the story, touched his nose.

And Xiao Yanqing, who was protecting his weaknesses, gave Mo Xiaolin a hard look.

Damn it, even Fu Yingyue is dead and he's cheating him.

Ah bah, Fu Yingyue didn't die, but became his wife.

Since she is his daughter-in-law, she can't mess with her reputation.

Hmm, let's forget it, Mrs. Feng dare not go to Fu's house to seek justice anyway.

(End of this chapter)

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