Pets of the last days are king

Chapter 108 Dream Weaver!

Chapter 108 Dream Weaver!

Although Black Widow won the championship, she soon faced her first life crisis after becoming a champion.

Lightning glared at the black widow with tiger eyes, this octopus actually bit my peach!


The Lightning Tiger leaped over, regardless of its small size, the movement of this pounce was impressive, with a precise look, just like a miniature version of the Lion King.


The black widow's eyes widened, her upper body stood upright, as if she wanted to spit out a bolt of spider silk to organize lightning, but it seemed that it was too late.

"Hey, fighting in the nest is not a good habit!"

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng stretched out his hand quickly, and threw another peach out, which happened to crash into Lightning's arms. Mao Mao got the new toy, and immediately left happily.

And Chen Feng bent down and got off the horse, picked up the Black Widow and put it on the palm of his hand, looked left and right, "Since you won the first place, the organization has already decided, and you are the next direct evolution target!"


The black widow moved, seemed to understand what the master meant, and was very excited.

"Direct evolution, target: Black Widow!"

Chen Feng activated his ability immediately.

"The target evolution level is 0.6. Direct evolution requires 1 evolution point. The current evolution point is 1/9.8. Are you sure?" The system immediately responded.


"Evolution begins."


The black widow suddenly let out a sharp howl, her body began to tremble violently, her eight legs turned upside down to wrap her body, and then spit out spider webs to wrap her whole body like a cocoon.

And this "cocoon" is still growing and expanding, and it doesn't stop until it is as tall as a person, like a huge silkworm chrysalis.


Eight long legs that were as sharp as blades separated the "silkworm chrysalis" from the middle, and fell in eight directions respectively. The white spider silk fell, revealing a human-shaped upper body, and further down was a full spider belly, connecting eight long legs.

"This, is it a woman!!?"

However, Chen Feng looked at the evolved Black Widow and was almost speechless.

Just using the word woman to describe it seems a little too thin. To be precise, it should be a woman with exquisite curves, unevenness, and a devil figure, and her appearance is even more beautiful, but with indescribable nobility , or the word "cold and gorgeous" is the most appropriate description.

If it wasn't just the upper body, and the lower body was a pure big spider, Chen Feng almost thought that something went wrong in the evolution of the Black Widow, and he became a [Widow Maker] directly!

After the evolution, the black widow cast her eyes on her master for the first time. At the same time, her legs were slightly full, and her body bowed gracefully, as if to say, "Master, it is an honor to serve you."

"Cough, cough." Chen Feng coughed twice, then waved his hand, "Call up the system information."

Suddenly appeared on the holographic screen in front of him, listing the latest information of Black Widow.

"Contract pet: Black Widow."

"Breed: Dreamweaver (in evolution)."

"Evolution level: 2."

"Special ability: Charm. Possesses strong spiritual power and beautiful appearance, can charm male creatures and control his consciousness."

"Special ability: dream weaving. It can create various dreams and transmit them to the target's consciousness."

"Special ability: Devil in the web. Can use spider silk to weave a web, and hunt and kill life that is much stronger than itself."

"Special ability: Weaving. Can use spider silk to weave unusually tough materials such as ropes and cloth."

"Special ability: Hemostasis. The Spider Queen's spider silk has the function of hemostasis and can be used for first aid."

It is directly level 2 evolutionary level, with 5 special abilities!
Chen Feng stared straight at her. Damn, this black widow is already a blockbuster without making a sound.

Five abilities, each of which is already very strong when taken out alone, together, it's simply mouth-watering!

Especially the three items of Charm, Dream Weaving, and Hemostasis.

The functions and potential of each item are unlimited, and it is worth looking forward to.

"Black Widow, weave a piece of cloth out of spider silk and have a look." Chen Feng ordered.


Immediately, the black widow spat out strands of spider silk. The two spider legs at the front were the slenderest, entangled with the spider silk and dancing like phantoms. In an instant, a piece of cloth that was delicate to the touch but extremely tough was handed over to Chen Feng. .

Chen Feng didn't say a word, and directly pulled it hard—let alone tearing it from the middle, there was not even the slightest deformation.

"So tough?"

Chen Feng was both surprised and delighted, he didn't have the energy to spare just now, not to mention ordinary cloth, even metal can be broken.

For further testing, Chen Feng directly took out the alloy dagger he carried with him, asked Xiao Huang to help him flatten the fabric, and stabbed it suddenly.

I saw the sharp point of the knife piercing the cloth, protruding out half a meter behind the cloth, but it didn't pierce through it. Chen Feng retracted the dagger, and the cloth immediately bounced back, and there was no trace on the surface. can not tell.

"This is simply against the sky!"

Chen Feng tutted, "The spider silk cloth woven by the Black Widow is light in texture, feels good to the touch, and its toughness is beyond imagination. If it is used to make clothes and worn on the body, it will be an ultra-light bulletproof suit!"Definitely a cross-generational product!

In the last days, no one would think that it was absolutely safe. Fights would always break out at any time, and this kind of bulletproof clothing that could be worn all the time was like saving an extra life.

It must be sent back to the scientific research team immediately to develop related products!
Chen Feng couldn't wait to become the No.1 person who wore the bulletproof suit made of spider silk cloth.

However, it is foreseeable that the only thing that restricts the mass production of this kind of cross-age protective clothing is the output of spider silk cloth.

After all, there is only one black widow, even if we weave every day, the output is extremely limited.

Needless to say, charm, the mind control of male creatures is definitely a strategic killer, but I don't know how effective it is on the evolutionary.

Chen Feng guessed that if he was an evolutionary above the star level, he should be immune to similar abilities.

As for hemostasis... Hemorrhage is actually a kind of cell regeneration ability. There is no doubt that in the future, Black Widow will still be active in the last days of the battlefield as a field doctor.

After the Black Widow has evolved, Chen Feng still has 8.8 evolution points left, and he will have to wait another 9 days for the next use.

Looking at the lion in the sky and the boards and fur balls at his feet, Chen Feng couldn't help but smile wryly, "You guys have to wait for a while, or earn some money to evolve yourself."

Both Banban and Maoqiu are busy with their own affairs. One stretches all four limbs out of the turtle shell, lazily lying on the ground and basking in the sun leisurely, while the other is tasting an unknown wild flower with relish. The fruit looks like a new fruit after the end of the world.

Only the lion gave a cry in the sky and vibrated its wings vigorously in response.

 The spider has finally evolved!In fact, the original idea was really Rose, the Spider Queen, but I wanted a productive pet more, so hehe.Thank you Diao Da Wu Limit for your reward~~~ Seeking recommendations every day! !

(End of this chapter)

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