Pets of the last days are king

Chapter 114 Important Notice, Must Read!

Chapter 114 Important Notice, Must Read!
First, the book friend group for this book has been officially established, the group number is 419209566, all book friends are welcome to join the group to update, discuss magical animals with the author, provide the author with ideas, chat and compare, etc., you must come what.

Second, starting today, until October 10th, this book will be recommended by the six channels on the homepage. This recommendation is also the best recommendation on the Qidian website besides Sanjiang and the strong recommendation. Whether or not it can be listed in Sanjiang is also related to the results of the book after it is put on the shelves. I hope that all book lovers can vote more during this period, and promote the book more, so as to help the author Zhan to be on the Sanjiang list!
thank you all!

(End of this chapter)

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