Chapter 134

Chen Feng's face turned green. He never imagined that he could see such a powerful mutated plant here.

From the looks of it, the giant-level mutant willows in this class are at least the noble-level ones, and the mutant plants are naturally half a level stronger than the mutant beasts. In terms of conversion, the combat power is probably equivalent to that of quasi-king-level mutant beasts!

It's too late, it's too soon.

Just before Chen Feng recovered from the shock, a willow branch more than [-] meters long came across the sky like a big snake. It was extremely fast and the tip was extremely sharp. If it was stabbed, it would probably be stabbed. Thoroughly cool.

Chen Feng frowned, and moved his body to get out of an angle to avoid the wicker's attack.

However, at this moment, a mutation occurred!

As if the willow branch had eyes, it turned around and pierced Chen Feng's chest.

It's too close!
Even with Chen Feng's ability, he was a bit overwhelmed at such a short distance and in such a short time, he was about to be stabbed.

A yellow light flashed, but it was Huang Quan who jumped up, bit the wicker at the last moment, took it aside, and then firmly stepped on it.

"Roar!" Dabai immediately let out a tiger roar, and with a slap of his front paw, he cut off the wicker in half, leaving about three or four meters long, and the rest went back under the big willow tree with a whoosh.

Once separated from the mother's womb, the wicker under Huang Quan's feet immediately lost its vitality, no different from the most common wicker.

Chen Feng breathed a sigh of relief, this time it was Huang Quan who saved him again, he really didn't know what to say, he clearly agreed, the master will protect you!

Immediately, he picked up the section of wicker from the ground with serious eyes, observed it carefully, and twisted it with his fingers, secretly screaming that it was not good.

The toughness and strength of this kind of willow are no less than that of ordinary metal, and it is very difficult to handle. If all the willows of that big willow tree have this kind of strength, it will definitely be a tough battle.

But so what?

Chen Feng directly held the [Terminator] in his hand, no matter who it is or how powerful it is, as long as it stands in my way—kill without mercy!

Switching to sniper mode, Chen Feng aimed at the trunk of the mutated willow tree and raised his hand to shoot, sounding the horn of attack.

The fist-sized ball of ion light flashed across the target in an instant and hit the target. However, what surprised Chen Feng was that the [Terminator], which could pulverize rocks, left a fist-sized hole on the trunk of a big willow tree with this shot. hole!
What a terrifying defensive power this is!
However, the arrow was on the string and had to be fired.At this time, no matter how powerful the enemy is, Chen Feng can only bite the bullet.

Fortunately, Chen Feng's strength is not weak!

Chen Feng ran to the edge of the stands of the stadium, stepped hard on the guardrail, and jumped up with his strength, like a big bird, jumped down from the stand which was more than ten meters high.

On both sides of him, Huang Quan, Dabai, and He Xianzi drew a few beams of light and charged towards the mutated willow tree.

Even the panda Panda ran over slowly, wanting to follow Chen Feng's example and jump off the stands.But look down, so high!Slowly back again...

In the sky, Dzolzhuoni also received Chen Feng's attack command, vibrating his wings, hovering and falling, and at the same time, the breath of flames and breath of frost kept greeting the tree trunk and countless willow branches.

In an instant, raging flames almost engulfed half of the big willow tree.

If it weren't for the fact that the mutated willow tree was so big that the canopy covered almost half of the field, Zhuoni's breath could have directly swallowed it completely.

On the other side, it was attacked by the breath of frost that was close to absolute zero.Severe cold is as deadly to plants as raging fire.

However, a scene that frightened Zhuo Ni appeared. In the raging flames, hundreds of willow branches passed through unscathed, like hundreds of poisonous snakes, aiming at Zhuo Ni who was in the air and biting away. .

Zhuoni's face changed when he was frightened. With a roar, he quickly vibrated his wings and flew high into the sky at full speed.

Most of the willow branches couldn't keep up with the speed, nor were they long enough, so they fell through the air.

But there were three willow branches that passed through the sky at an extremely fast speed, and were about to pierce three blood holes in Zhuoni's dragon wings.


A blue figure descended from the sky, stopped two willow branches with its teeth and sharp claws, and the last willow branch was also swept by its tail, brushed Zhuo Ni's body and stabbed, leaving a scratch on the dragon scale mark.

It's drow!
As the elder brother of the pterosaur brother, he stepped forward at the critical moment to save his younger brother in distress.

Although he was not injured, Zhuoni still had lingering fears, looking at the willow branches full of poisonous snakes, he was a little afraid to go forward.

In the stadium, Chen Feng, who was running wildly, was shocked when he saw this scene. He didn't expect that the willow tree's physique had evolved to such an extent that even Long Yan could resist it.

On the contrary, Drow's frosty breath can still cause a certain amount of damage. Large willow branches are frozen by ice crystals, and it takes a long time to break free from them.

However, even so, those willow branches that were as flexible as wind snakes still posed a considerable threat to the two pterosaurs. If they were not careful, they might be entangled and pulled down, which would be bad.

"Drow, Zhuoni! Attack at high altitude! Be careful to protect yourself!"

Chen Feng hastily issued the latest order to Ssangyong. He was still looking forward to the day when these two brothers would grow into real giant dragons. If they accidentally died here, it would be a big loss.

And he himself turned on the melee mode of [Terminator], the ion light bullets were dazzling, blooming in the sky above his head, almost every light bullet could accurately hit a willow branch, the hit rate was astonishing!
If it was an ordinary gun bullet, if it hit these abnormally strong willow branches, it might be bounced off without leaving a bullet mark.But [Terminator] is different. Each light-emitting bullet is equivalent to the power of a howitzer. When it hits those willow branches with the thickness of the wrist, each shot can create a deep hole, and even interrupt it in the middle.

The big willow tree seemed to feel pain, and it shook its trunk violently like a human being, almost causing a small earthquake in the stadium.

Then hundreds of willow branches covered the sky, piercing Chen Feng from all directions. Even the sun above his head was covered by that posture, and the sunlight could only shine through the gaps in the willow branches, which made people feel even more desperate.

"Mr. Liu Shu, your hand... is really fierce!"

Even Chen Feng felt helpless in the face of such an attack.

"In this case, let me pay back!"

With a chill in his eyes, Chen Feng flicked his finger on the side of the [Terminator] gun, activating the cutting mode.


A blue-purple laser shot out suddenly, like a long knife piercing the sky, making a hole in the wicker that covered the sky and the sun.

 Recently, the daily recommendation has stabilized at around 700. If the daily recommendation votes exceed 1000 votes, more updates will be added! PS: Thank you Fuchen~Kongcheng for your tip

(End of this chapter)

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