Chapter 188 Apostles (Second Change)

Swan Castle.

As the capital of Pennsylvania, this city has always been known as the Pearl of the North. Every winter, when heavy snow falls, rows of ginkgo trees are covered in white, which is extremely enchanting.

Now, this city is the command center of the shelter company in the northeastern United States.

A mass of flames appeared outside the city of Schwann Castle, hitting like a tornado.

A recruit who had just joined the Shelter Company raised his gun and aimed nervously at the fire tornado.

"You're stupid! That's Lord [Vulcan] Leicester, put down the gun for me, you want to die, but I don't want to die!" The veteran beside him slapped the recruit on the head without any politeness. reprimanded.

His head hurt, but the recruit didn't have any dissatisfaction. Instead, he put down his gun in awe, and murmured, "So that's the legendary [God of Fire] Lord Leicester! It's said that the God of Fire came to the world and burned all the world. , Sure enough, seeing is better than hearing a hundred times.”

The old soldier patted him on the head again, "Be honest with me, when I see Lord Lester later, don't engage in flattery, this is what bothers you the most!"

"Yes, thank you, brother, for reminding me." The recruit nodded his head, and at the same time, he couldn't help but glance in the direction of the fire tornado. He couldn't wait to see the true face of the legendary "Vulcan".


Sure enough, the fire tornado dissipated instantly when it reached the sentry post, and a man emerged from the flames.

However, unlike the martial arts guards imagined, the man's naked upper body was covered with scars, every scar seemed to kill him, and he looked extremely weak, as if he had reached the limit of his physical strength.
The recruit was stunned by this scene, a little at a loss, unable to imagine who could hurt Vulcan like this.

But the veteran immediately rushed forward and supported the naked man, "Lord Leicester! How are you?"

"Send me back to the headquarters, immediately! Now!" Lester closed his eyes after finishing speaking, as if he didn't want to waste more energy.


The veteran immediately helped Lester into a car and drove away.

The recruit stayed where he was with a stunned expression, looking at the taillights of the cars going away, and there was a sentence in his heart that he didn't know if he should say it, did he agree to flatter him? ?


Hexagram Building.

Shelter Corporation Command Center for the Northeast Region of the United States.

God's baton, Heki, is in this building.

When the SUV that was driving Leicester was still two kilometers away from the building, Haiji had already received the news.

At this time, the lobby on the first floor.

"Oh, my Lester, tell me, who hurt you like this, and my poor Xia Ya? It couldn't have been killed in battle."

A man in all black with a big sword pinned to his waist strode over with a mocking smile.

Lester looked up, and said in a very weak voice, "Zorro... go and call Lancelot and heal me."

"Oh? Why should I help you, this trash?" Zorro raised his eyelids, looking down at Lester.

For a long time, many people thought that Leicester could occupy a position among the strongest four of the Twelve Apostles and replace Zorro, which made him very unhappy.

"Go call Lancelot! Otherwise, we're all going to die! You don't know, what we are facing is a crisis that is even more serious than king-level mutated life forms! A crisis that is specifically aimed at our Twelve Apostles!" Lester said The voice was still very small, but anyone could hear the fear in his voice.

"What do you mean?" Zoro's face changed slightly, feeling that Lester was serious, he hesitated for a while, and immediately went to Lancelot.


After half an hour.

In a clean operating room, Lester sat up from the operating table naked.

Besides him, there were three other people in the operating room.

Zorro, a man with a gentle temperament and a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, and a wild man who stood as straight as a javelin.

"How do you feel?" asked the man with the gold-rimmed glasses.

"Much better." Lester tried to make a fist, "Thank you, Lancelot."

The man with gold-rimmed glasses, that is, [Doctor] Lancelot, has the ability [Scalpel], which can accurately treat... and cut.

The scars on Lester's body have disappeared. Although his body is still a little weak, he clenched his fist just now and felt that his strength has returned to his body.

If it wasn't for Lancelot, the process would have taken at least 2 days.

After all, the previous battle almost exhausted him.

"Lester, what do you mean by what you said to Zorro, about the crisis of our Twelve Apostles? Tell me in detail." The man standing like a javelin said.

"Chogas, I don't need to elaborate, you can guess a thing or two." Lester glanced at him.

[Tyrannosaurus] Kogas was silent for a while, "Apostle X?"

Apostle X.

As soon as these words came out, no matter Zorro or Lancelot, the strongest of the twelve apostles were silent for a few seconds.

Apostle X, a gene body found in the prehistoric ruins originally discovered by the Shelter Corporation.

In fact, the ability genes of each of the Twelve Apostles came from that ruins.But only the gene body named Apostle X could not find a suitable host, and it has been sealed up.

Until half a year later, even the company's top executives thought that this gene might not be useful.It so happened that the scientific research center on the west coast wanted some samples.So they randomly sent a team to send some of the stock solution of Apostle X, but they were hijacked by Chen Feng.

However, soon, in the second month of the outbreak of the apocalypse, the shelter company developed a prehistoric ruins on the west coast, and this ruins prompted the birth of the [Son of God] project.

And the key to the [Son of God] plan actually fell on the apostle X gene stock solution!
At this time, people remembered that there seemed to be a part of the gene stock floating outside.

"Apostle X, what's going on!" Zorro asked directly in the most anxious manner.

"I'm not very clear, but I can feel that when facing the host of Apostle X, that is, Chen Feng, it's like facing some kind of natural enemy."

"...That feeling is like a rabbit facing a coyote, a bird facing a goshawk, and a frog facing a water snake. Losing will not only mean death, but also become his food."

"Food?" Lancelot interrupted.

"Yes, food!" Lester nodded emphatically, "I can feel that Sous and Shaya who died in battle have been swallowed up by him, I mean genetically."

"Xia Ya also died in battle..." Even Zorro, who was always cynical, sighed in an extremely complicated tone at this time.

"In this case..." [Tyrannosaurus] Kogas suddenly burst into murderous aura, "This Chen Feng can't stay, I will immediately ask Lord Haiji to fight, the four of you and I will fight together, we must kill this Chen Feng before he grows up. It kills!"

After Kogas finished speaking, he immediately walked out of the laboratory to find Haiji.

About half an hour later, Kogas came back.

As soon as he spoke, it gave everyone a surprise, "We don't have to fight for the time being."

"Why!?" Lester's eyes widened, and he wanted to say something more, but Kogas reached out to stop him.

"The latest information shows that the Mutated Giant Bear King has set off the first wave of beasts. The leaders are brown bears and wolves among his four quasi-king-level beings, and the target is Fountain City." Kogas said.

Everyone's eyes lit up.

However, Kogas continued, "And, Mijialuo is back."

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(End of this chapter)

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