Pets of the last days are king

Chapter 197 Agent Panda

Chapter 197 Agent Panda (please subscribe!)
It is 100 meters from the Fountain City Command Center Building.

A black-and-white, chubby thing was creeping along, twitching its nose as it went.

There is the aroma of fine wine in the air.

Panda admired himself very much. Although the place was filled with the smell of various mutant beasts, he still could distinguish the taste of fine wine among these smells.

No one can stop this baby from drinking!
"mua~mia~mia~" Panda stretched his waist, and continued to walk towards the command center building with his butt twisting at a [very fast] speed.

Panda came riding on an ant. He was so big that a giant worker ant was a bit strenuous. He needed two giant worker ants to carry him on his back and come all the way from the underground passage.

Hey, other pets will never think of it, there will be delicious food here!

Panda was very excited, the hard work of the long journey was not in vain, but when he saw the command center building, his eyes widened.

The door of the building was locked tightly. Outside the door, three mutated jackals were violently hitting the door. It seemed that they were about to rush in soon.


Panda let out a [roar], which translates to [what are you doing?Don't touch my wine! 】

When the three jackals turned their heads, they suddenly saw a round and cute animal glaring at them, and they didn't react for a while.

I was stunned for a while before I came back to my senses, is this meatball here for our lunch?They all let out a roar and rushed towards Panda.

Panda first looked left and right, but found that no one had noticed this place, and a strange smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth.


Raising his hand, Panda grabbed the neck of the first mutated jackal, twisted it with a snap, and then fell hard, hitting the ground, shattering all the bones in his body.

Seeing this scene, the two mutant jackals in the back bristled their hairs.

Animals like jackals are extremely cunning in themselves. After being mutated, their IQ increases, but their nature is hard to change. When the second line of defense was breached, they sneaked into the hinterland and wanted to take advantage of it. up to this kind of thing!

The two mutated jackals slammed on the brakes, turned around and ran away.

However, Panda frowned.

Want to run?

That's so easy.

The panda's chubby body suddenly exploded with disproportionate agility, accelerated instantly, and caught up with the first mutated jackal. With its long arms, the jackal's neck was stuck under its armpit, and it broke with a snap.

Then he jumped up suddenly, and sat down on another mutated jackal. With a puff, he sat down into a puddle of meat.

After killing the three mutated jackals in the blink of an eye, Panda patted his butt, stood up from the ground, and walked towards the command center building with twists and turns.


A shot of ion light in sniper mode flew out like a shooting star. The majestic energy killed three mutant beasts in a row before dissipating in the air.

Chen Feng put down his gun, raised his arms and shouted, "Forward! Drive these beasts out of our homeland!"

Before he finished speaking, two figures rushed past him from both sides.

It's Hugh and Carl.

The two men's movements were full of murderous aura, and they cooperated extremely exquisitely. They instantly killed a mutant beast whose strength was close to that of the noble class.

"We must also kill the legion commander's share!"

"For the legion commander! Don't embarrass the legion!"

Not just the two of them, every fighter in [Ragnarok] had a fire in their hearts, and they crazily vented it on these mutant beasts.

Of course, [Scarlet Angel] will never show weakness.

As the head of the legion, Helena only shoots the most powerful mutant beasts. As the original member of the city of the end, she was also furious because of Norman's injury. She shot with hatred, and every shot hit the target's head The head or other vital parts bloom.

Parker always walks on the edge of the battlefield, where there are buildings is his home field, but the number of mutant beasts he killed is no less than anyone else.

Together with the magical animals, the two armies exploded with astonishing fighting power, counterattacked the beast tide, and regained the first line of defense in just 5 minutes.

Among the beast horde, there were some giant hybrid species with a height of about five or six meters. These existences had bulldozed the buildings in Fountain City before, clearing away the obstacles for the beast horde's charge.

These hybrids look like a cross between an orangutan, a scorpion, and a badger, with arms that can tear apart steel.After rushing to the forefront of the beast horde, it unexpectedly resisted the attack of the ant colony for a while.

This giant scorpion-tailed giant ape punched down, and even the giant worker ants couldn't hold it back, and were directly crushed.

"No reason!"

Not only Chen Feng, but everyone from the two major armies, especially [Ragnarok], were all staring at each other. They had been stationed in the central area of ​​the city of the end before, and saw these giant worker ants adding bricks and tiles to their homes every day. , the feelings are extremely deep.

"Kill me!"

All the soldiers focused their firepower on those ferocious scorpion-tailed giant apes, one of them was very flexible and cunning, and even made a few sharp turns, wanting to launch a surprise attack.

However, a bunch of very thick spider threads suddenly struck, entangled the feet of the scorpion-tailed giant ape, tripped with both feet, and fell to the ground with a bang.

At this time, the little pharaoh in the form of Anubis appeared in vain, swung the scepter in his hand, and smashed it heavily on the head of the scorpion-tailed giant ape, directly blowing it up.

At the same moment, a high-pitched bird song suddenly came from the sky, and then seven or eight thunderbolts fell in a row, shocking a large area of ​​scorpion-tailed giant apes.

Immediately after the sound of dragon chant came, ice and fire roared from two diametrically opposite directions, aiming at the places where these hybrids and mutant beasts were densest.

These extremely vicious scorpion-tailed giant apes were completely wiped out before they could even let out a howl.

There is a mutant beast that is extremely fast. From the outside, it looks like a hairless dog. The skin of the whole body is dark red, which looks disgusting. There is only one huge mouthpart on the head, which can be turned outwards. Open it, and go straight to a soldier who rushed to the front.

The moment the mutant beast took off, a ball of ion light pierced through the air, blasting its head into dregs.

Chen Feng put down his gun and raised his eyes to look into the distance. The situation on the battlefield has changed this time.

Under the tactic of Chen Feng, Helena, and the artifact animals being responsible for single-point kills, while Ant Colony and other fighters were responsible for flat pushes on the ground, the beast horde has been retreating steadily, and it seems that victory is only a matter of time.

However, Chen Feng did not relax his vigilance. He knew that the key to victory in this battle was not here, but Huang Quan and Dabai.


With a tiger roar, Dabai dodged the fatal blow of the Gray Wolf King, turned around and bit the Gray Wolf King's shoulder, tearing off a large piece of flesh.

Since the start of the war, this is the first time that Dabai has bit the opponent.

This is a sign, a sign of Dabai's victory, and it is already a matter of time.

On the other side, Huang Quan also suddenly flashed a void, attacking the other eye of the Brown Bear King.



I recommend an end-time work with a very hard style, "The Night Is Coming", I think it is the best work in the end-time category at the current starting point, and I strongly recommend it! !

 Please subscribe!Please subscribe!Please subscribe!Say important things three times~~~
(End of this chapter)

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