Chapter 1004 State of alert

"However, this energy bead can only be kept for about twelve hours while sleeping and breathing, which is one day, and generally it can only be eaten for three days in a row. By the fourth day, it is just an ordinary energy bead. Beads can only absorb the energy in them, they can't do anything else."

"It's very rare to have three days." After hearing Mo Ning's words, Ye Qianyue's eyes lit up with joy.

Great, in this way, many things can be solved.

Thinking of this, Ye Qianyue also breathed a sigh of relief, and then began to further discuss the next things with everyone.


The discussion was soon over, and everyone decided to set off immediately to the place where the third underground palace was located.

There was no time wasted along the way, Ye Qianyue and his party were all very fast.

And on this road, everyone in Heiyan's car was very silent.

They were already familiar with each other, but suddenly there was another Bei Gong Xiyan among the crowd, and everyone had to be silent.

Bei Gong Xiyan had a cold face, as if he didn't pay attention to anyone or anything, making him look very unapproachable.

It doesn't matter if it's hard to get close, anyway, everyone present didn't intend to be friends with Bei Gong Xiyan.

Along the way, Ye Qianyue could feel Bei Gong Xiyan's deep gaze gently sweeping over her body from time to time.

It seems that there is a deep meaning hidden, Bei Gong Xiyan's eyes made Ye Qianyue faintly feel a little bit of unhappiness.

However, when Ye Qianyue looked up at Beigong Xiyan, the man seemed to look away unintentionally, as if he didn't want to meet Ye Qianyue's gaze.

Bei Gong Xiyan couldn't tell what kind of eyes Bei Gong Xiyan looked at him, it seemed to be faintly tentative, and it was like seeing some rare treasure.

In short, it is a look that makes people feel sincerely unhappy.

Si Linyuan and the others were obviously also aware of Bei Gong Xiyan's blatant gaze, and they also looked at him unkindly, and were always on guard against him.

Bei Gong Xiyan's strength is not weak, if he really has any bad intentions, it is indeed a tricky thing.

They were on alert all the way until they reached the location of the third underground palace.

They were all standing in the void, and under their feet was a vast ocean that could hardly be seen.

The entire basin has been swallowed up, and the sea in front of me looks very depressed. It seems that there is nothing other than sea water, revealing a little gloomy.

Looking at the blue and deep sea below, Ye Qianyue's eyes also changed slightly.

It would be fine if there were no large fish in this sea, but there are no small fish or shrimps down here, which is really strange.

"Sure enough, it's not accidental that these sea waters appear here." Looking at the vast ocean below, Ye Qianyue's dark eyes quickly revealed some deep meaning, and said slowly.

If this sea water really should appear here, there should at least be some small fish and shrimps swimming in the sea water, but there is nothing now.

(End of this chapter)

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