Chapter 1011 Burn some to death

Taking the initiative to walk to the front of the crowd, Bei Gong Xiyan took a deep breath, and then stretched out his hand.

"Let me do it." Hearing Bei Gong Xiyan's words, Ye Qianyue and the others certainly wouldn't compete with him, so they obediently gave way to Bei Gong Xiyan.

Seeing this, Bei Gong Xiyan had nothing to twitch, and immediately stretched out his hand, with a sudden force on his hand.

Immediately, there was only a 'click' sound, and the seemingly heavy jade gate was suddenly pushed open by Beigong Xiyan.

The moment the door was pushed open, several piercing bolts came quickly, and then there were several sharp roars, fiercely biting at Beigong Xiyan!

Seeing this, a ferocious killing intent quickly appeared in Bei Gong Xiyan's eyes, he raised his hand, and completely shattered the rapidly flying nematode.

"Hey!" After the body broke into several pieces, the bodies of those bugs writhed wildly on the ground, looking extremely disgusting!

The nematode's body was thin and long, and it writhed ferociously on the ground for a while, making people feel goose bumps on their backs just by looking at it.

"What is this? It looks really disgusting!" The second elder of the Mo family hurriedly took a step back, with a disgusted expression on his face.

"It's the puppet nematode..." Said such a sentence coldly, Bei Gong Xiyan's eyes trembled slightly, and then immediately sternly said to everyone, "No! Everyone backed away immediately !"

When they came to the underground palace, the strings in everyone's heads were tense, and they didn't dare to relax at all. After listening to Bei Gong Xiyan's words, they all quickly retreated backwards.

And at the same moment when everyone retreated violently, the jade gate was knocked open with a bang, and then countless nematodes like the one just now swarmed out, making people feel dizzy just looking at it. Numb!
"Why are there so many!" Shi Qi also turned his head to look at the black nematodes behind them at the same time, and then said to everyone with a bit of dignity, "Run! Give me enough strength to run quickly! "

It was also rare to see Shi Qi with such a serious expression, and Ye Qianyue and the others rushed towards the exit of the tunnel without hesitation!
"Shi Qi, what are those things?" Looking at the cloud of bugs behind them, even with Ye Qianyue's determination, she couldn't help frowning slightly.

"It's similar to the black corpse and red butterfly, and those things that are chasing us are not easy to provoke!" Seeing that the nematodes seemed to be catching up soon, he turned his head and said to Ye Qianyue, "Girl , you set a fire first, burn some to death before talking.”

Seeing that those crazy nematodes were about to charge up, Ye Qianyue nodded, and then raised her hand to flick, a cluster of fiery phoenix soul fire rushed out like shells, and then instantly hit the nematodes. body.

At that moment, there was only a muffled sound, and then Ye Qianyue eliminated half of those ferocious-looking nematodes in an instant.

However, countless charred nematodes just died, and more nematodes came soon after their hindquarters, and they bit Ye Qianyue and the others with crazy expressions.

They also rushed to the exit of the tunnel at the same time, and everyone heard Shi Qi coldly shouted, "Everything is ready, I'm going to take down the barrier!"

(End of this chapter)

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