The poisonous doctor concubine is about to turn the sky

Chapter 1018 Don't worry, there is still help

Chapter 1018 Don't worry, there is still help

I saw that half of the puppet nematodes stuck tightly in Mo Ning's heart veins, and there were many sharp spikes all over the body, with a bit of sharpness, attached to Mo Ning's meridians, and the controller Mo Ning's every move move.

However, the only comforting thing is that the puppet nematode is only half, and it looks very weak, not very strong, so Mo Ning can still be saved!
Thinking of this, Ye Qianyue felt a little relieved.

"Don't worry, there is still help, but after waking up, you need to rest well." With Mo Ning's current physical condition, it is definitely impossible to continue entering the third underground palace.

"As long as we can save Miss's life, we don't care about other things." Knowing what Ye Qianyue meant, the elder of the Mo family replied immediately.

"Don't worry, I will do my best." Ye Qianyue will naturally do her best, but she hasn't thought of any method to kill the puppet nematode quietly.

The puppet nematode is in Mo Ning's heart at the moment, this place is very fragile, if not done, it will directly kill Mo Ning, so Ye Qianyue really doesn't know what to do.

Once it hurts Mo Ning's heart, it will be even more difficult to heal.

And thinking of this, when Ye Qianyue was thinking about what to do, a cluster of warm breath quietly caught Ye Qianyue's attention.

Raising her brows slightly, Ye Qianyue's spiritual power quickly reached Mo Ning's lower abdomen.

I saw a small cluster of fiery red and golden Phoenix Soul Fire faintly beating with dazzling light, causing a flash of excitement to flash across Ye Qianyue's eyes!

That's right, there are also Phoenix Soulfire's sub-fires available!
The current Zihuo has been subdued by Mo Ning, as long as he can successfully control this cluster of Zihuo, he can quietly move to Mo Ning's heart, and immediately burn the puppet nematode into nothingness .

In fact, relying on Ye Qianyue's Phoenix Soul Fire, he could also quietly burn the puppet nematodes to death.

But after all, it belongs to Ye Qianyue's flame, and it will inevitably cause some damage to Mo Ning.

Mo Ning's body has already suffered a lot of damage, if she is given more damage, even if she does not die, her cultivation will be greatly reduced.

Thinking of this, Ye Qianyue took a deep breath, then quickly controlled her thoughts, and slowly poured a bunch of them into Mo Ning's lower abdomen.

Although it is already Mo Ning's flame, Zihuo has been with Ye Qianyue for a long time after all, and now he feels the power of thought that belongs to Ye Qianyue, and he still can't help but feel a bit of intimacy.

The fiery red gold-clad Zihuo was docile like a newborn baby, slowly approaching the ball of thought power belonging to Ye Qianyue.

Immediately absorbing the thought force, Zihuo's whole body slowly glowed with moist luster.

"Go, go and save your master." Ye Qianyue said softly, and then snapped her fingers.

I saw that little fire suddenly disappeared, and after a while, it suddenly reappeared in Mo Ning's heart veins again!

"Hi——!" The puppet nematode, which was already dying, was immediately wrapped in a scalding heat, making it scream in agony, and then burned into nothingness.

(End of this chapter)

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