Chapter 1022 Look at her tail

And there are many reefs all over the deep pool, there are hidden reefs and bright reefs, which faintly reveal a gloomy and deep atmosphere.

They all held their breaths and focused their attention. Everyone saw that there were two passages behind the reef, and they didn't know where they led.

And when everyone was carefully observing everything in front of them, a figure suddenly emerged from the deep pool.

With a 'plop' sound, the moment the figure appeared, everyone's hearts tensed.

"Beep--" There was only a cry that sounded like a coquettish cry, and then a gorgeous figure came out of the water.

It was a very beautiful woman.

The sea-blue long hair was scattered lazily on her shoulders. The woman had a pair of clear amber eyes, and her upper body was not covered.

Whether it's the full.full.chest.chest., or the waist.limbs that are They are all sharp weapons for hunting men.

Especially the woman's slender and weak waist, between the swaying, faintly revealed a hint of seductiveness that made people tremble.

The woman is obviously not a human being, with pointed and long ears, and a lot of sea blue scales on her body.

"This is, a mermaid?" Shi Qi asked with some doubts, looking at the woman who was faintly exuding a seductive aura.

"No, no, look at her tail." Si Linyuan said slowly, and then watched the woman shake her tail gently.

The woman's tail is not really a fish's tail, but a snake's tail!

"It's the merman family." Only the merman family has a human upper body and a snake lower body.

After realizing that the woman is a mermaid, everyone became even more vigilant!

Different from the mermaids, the mermaids are the Hou Yi of Jiaolong. Although Jiaolong is not a real dragon, it is still on the sidelines of the dragons, and the mermaids have inherited the meager blood of dragons.

Even on the Lingyun Continent, where all kinds of monsters roam, the dragon and phoenix races are very rare, and they are even very powerful.

Even if it only inherits a little bit of dragon and phoenix blood, it still has a great suppression of other monsters in terms of blood.

Not to mention, the strength of a monster with the blood of dragon and phoenix is ​​also exceptional.

According to the rumors, the mermaids can charm people's hearts with their beautiful voices, and they can manipulate the waves to cause huge waves.

It's just that the merman family can only control the waves, they can't summon the water source, so once they leave the water, they don't have any power to fight back.

In addition, both men and women of the mermaid clan are very beautiful, especially the women of the mermaid clan, which make many powerful people yearn for them.

For this reason, the price of the merman clan was once sky-high. Many people captured the merman clan, and then used poison to silence their voices so that they could not control the waves with singing, and then sold them.

It is also for this reason that the number of the mermaids has been greatly reduced, and a small number of them have also fled to the deep sea and rarely reappeared.

Just like Ye Qianyue's previous life in the 25th century, when most animals were hunted to extinction, so was the mermaid clan, which was almost wiped out.

Occasionally, someone can catch a mermaid family, and they can fetch a sky-high price. Speaking of which, Ye Qianyue is also the first time to see a mermaid.

With a trace of innocence and evil charm, the female mermaid sat directly on a huge smooth reef with a bit of laziness.

 There will be an update in the afternoon~~ Please ask for tickets and rewards~
(End of this chapter)

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