Chapter 1024 Two Forked Roads
Mingxiu is their companion, and Ye Qianyue has always regarded Mingxiu as her family, so she will never let this mermaid be so presumptuous in front of her!

Thinking of this, Ye Qianyue took out the Fuxiqin without even thinking about it.

A pure and holy breath slowly diffused out, Ye Qianyue held her breath and played the piano, a sharp light flashed in those dark eyes.

"Zheng..." The slender fingers brushed lightly over the strings, and there was an intoxicating and moving sound immediately.

In stark contrast to the sharp cry of the female mermaid, the sound of Ye Qianyue's Fuxiqin is as moving as mountains and flowing water, making people have no resistance at all, and they will be intoxicated in this touching scene in an instant. in the sound of the piano.

Like mountains and flowing water, the melodious sound of the zither seems to have the power to shock the soul, although the sound is not loud, it is indeed forcibly suppressing the voice of the female mermaid.

There was a moment of astonishment on the face, the female mermaid obviously didn't expect that she would be suppressed, she was slightly taken aback for a moment, and then a bit more murderous aura appeared on her face!

Raising that tender lotus-like arm, the mermaid's throat erupted with piercing screams, and at the same time, huge waves swept out instantly, rushing out from the deepest part of the deep pool.

The turbulent waves rose from the ground, and they were about to hit Ye Qianyue fiercely.

Naturally, it was impossible to see Ye Qianyue being hit by the waves, Si Linyuan's expression was indifferent and cold, and he waved heavily at the female mermaid.

The dark red Dragon's Fire quickly sprang out from Ye Qianyue's palm, and then flew towards the waves over there at a terrifying speed.

The muffled sound of '嗤嗤嗤' came quickly, and the terrifying power contained in the dragon's fire swept over indiscriminately, and then instantly baked the ferocious sea waves into swarming water vapor.

"Oh! Ah!!" The steam that swept over contained a terrifying power that could burn people almost instantly. For the female mermaids, this steam was naturally a very terrifying thing.

The white and delicate skin on the chest was instantly burnt and turned red. The female shark was trembling in pain, and a swift and fierce figure also directly pierced the air. His palms turned into claws, and instantly penetrated her chest.

Her eyes widened in astonishment, and the female mermaid lowered her head in disbelief, looking at the arm that completely penetrated her chest.

Mingxiu's face was full of indifference, he stood on the rock, stretched out his hand and retreated, and a round magic core was directly brought out by him.

She reached out her hand to stop Mingxiu's movement, but this female mermaid was no match for Mingxiu, she could only watch as its magic core was pulled out.

After losing the magic core, the female mermaid also lost her vitality, her body slid directly off the reef, and then fell into the water with a 'plop', causing a burst of splashes.

With a little tiptoe, he returned to the original place again, and Ming Xiu casually gave the magic core to Ye Qianyue.

Knowing that meditation has always been not interested in these things, Ye Qianyue directly took over the magic core.

Casually stuffing the magic core into the space of the scepter, Ye Qianyue raised her head and looked at the two forked roads in front of her.

(End of this chapter)

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