Chapter 1030 Not A Fool

"Run! Run!" Seeing the wave of purple liquid roaring towards him, Bei Gong Xiyan's expression changed first, and then he yelled at everyone without hesitation.

Hearing Bei Gong Xiyan's voice, everyone's expressions changed violently, and then they rushed out from the spot quickly one by one.

If it was like the blue channel, once they were trapped here, they would definitely die!
Tapping the ground twice fiercely with her toes, Ye Qianyue rushed to the front of the crowd, holding several medicine bottles in her hand.

Behind everyone was the surging terrifying wave, and the pungent smell swept over in an instant accompanied by a trembling and terrifying aura, which made everyone present at the scene quicken their steps.

Looking up at the entrance of the cave not far away, it was indeed tightly sealed by that special barrier, Ye Qianyue's eyes darkened, and then ruthlessly threw the medicine bottle in her hand out.

The explosive agent immediately covered the barrier, and then with Ye Qianyue's mind, it exploded violently!

'boom--! '

A loud noise swept along with the dust all over the sky, and among the splashes of gravel, everyone rushed out in fear of being slow.

And behind everyone, accompanied by a loud 'crash', the countless purple liquid corroded the entire wall of the cave, and bursts of blue smoke came out.

There was a layer of sweat on their backs, and everyone looked at each other, seeing a little fear in each other's eyes.

Terrible, really terrible!

The robes on their bodies were corroded by the terrible liquid, and everyone was still in shock.

"It's just bad luck!" Walking at the back of the line, Bei Gong Xiyan's situation was obviously the worst.

The robe on his body was corroded a lot, and even the intact flesh was burned a lot.

Quickly took the healing potion, Bei Gong Xiyan looked at Ye Qianyue over there coldly, "This is the correct channel you said?!"

"The people of the gods are not fools. This passage is full of various dangers, which is inevitable, so there is no need for old Mr. Beigong to blow his beard and stare at me." Ye Qianyue was still in shock, looking up at the side of the mouth.

The purple liquid was still pouring out continuously. If she didn't have the robe that Huang Beiyan gave her just now, the situation would not be much better than everyone else.

As if there was no source at all, the purple liquid was still pouring out crazily, and then Ye Qianyue watched a barrier slowly appear, blocking the entrance of the hole.

Seeing this, Ye Qianyue's eyes shrank involuntarily.

The barrier looked very familiar, causing Ye Qianyue's eyes to glow with a faint light.

That barrier is the same as the barrier that Ye Qianyue and the others broke before. It is the kind that can only be broken by external force, but not by any energy of thought power.

"Even with this kind of barrier, it's impossible to stop these purple liquids..." Liquids are corrosive things, and just relying on this barrier to block them may not be enough.

And when Ye Qianyue was thinking this way, the purple liquid was constantly corroding the barrier.

Watching quietly, when Ye Qianyue thought that the barrier was about to be corroded, the barrier suddenly emitted a burst of brilliance.

(End of this chapter)

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