Chapter 1037 is gone
"What's going on here? Why didn't even Ye Qianyue disappear?!" Bei Gong Xiyan saw this scene from a distance, and a panic flashed in his eyes.

Ye Qianyue disappeared?no!Absolutely not!If this woman disappears, his next plan will be ruined!

Thinking of this, Bei Gong Xiyan also rushed to the edge of the pool quickly, and then raised his hand to tear open the space.

However, before Beigong Xiyan could really make a move, Beigong Huoyin stretched out her plain palm and clasped Beigong Xiyan's wrist, "This junior advises our ancestors not to act recklessly."

"What is chaos, I am trying to save them with good intentions!" Beigong Xiyan was stopped by Beigong Huoyin, and a cold light suddenly appeared in his eyes.

What kind of plan is this Beigong Huoyin thinking? They are all members of the Beigong family, and now is not the time for internal strife!
As the patriarch of the Beigong family, Beigong Huoyin must also know what Ye Qianyue means to their Beigong family!
If that woman can't keep it, then the plan of their Beigong family will most likely be in vain too!

"It was precisely for the sake of saving the two of them that I stopped the ancestor." The expression on Beigong Huoyin's face was cold and indifferent, "Both of them are powerful people, and they will definitely follow the path just now. The trace of the space crack came back here, but if we break through the space, we will destroy the imprint of the space crack just now, then the two of them may not be able to come back."

"That's right." Mingxiu took a deep breath, and seemed to have calmed down a lot, "Ah Yue and Si Linyuan are not ordinary people, they will definitely come back, all we need to do is not to destroy the mark, and then Wait here for the two of them to come back."

"Do nothing? Just wait like this?" Bei Gong Xiyan couldn't take such a big risk, he immediately frowned in disapproval, "What are you talking about, you don't know that the two of them met What danger, what if they can't come back like this?!"

"No." The expression on Shi Qi's face was also somewhat serious, "Those two people always bring surprises to people, so they wouldn't just die in such a small place. The only thing we can do now is Stay here obediently and wait for these two to come back."

"Okay, you can wait, but you can't wait forever, at least there is a time limit!" As he said, Bei Gong Xiyan glanced at the pool of water, thought for a while and said, "Half an hour, at most, can only Wait half an hour."

"Yes." Mingxiu nodded, and then agreed with Bei Gong Xiyan's words.

Not to mention Bei Gong Xiyan, even he can only wait for half an hour at most, no matter how long the time is, she will not be able to hold back.

Thinking of this, Mingxiu let out a long breath.


At the same time, in the space crack.

After being caught in the crack, Si Linyuan saw Ye Qianyue who was tightly entangled by countless big hands of water at a glance.

"Ah Yue!" Seeing Ye Qianyue being tightly trapped, Si Linyuan had no way to keep his composure at all. He quickly tiptoed a little in the void, and then rushed to Ye Qianyue in an instant.

"Linyuan, help me, I can't use my thoughts."

 Is there any update tonight~
(End of this chapter)

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