Chapter 1039 Don't Ask Why

"Don't listen to persuasion? You don't seem to have persuaded me from the beginning." Ye Qianyue thought of those puppet nematodes, looked at Qi Che, and continued to ask, "Those puppet nematodes are also from your hand? Qi Che, why did you Do it."

"Miss Ye, no, Qianyue, do you still remember the kindness that I showed you a bright way when you were in the temple?" Qi Che asked Ye Qianyue instead of answering Ye Qianyue's question.

"I remember." Of course I did, if Qi Che hadn't shown her a clear path, Ye Jingli would probably be gone by now.

"Just remember." Qi Che knows that Ye Qianyue has always been the most affectionate and righteous, so she also expected that she would answer herself this way, "Then I hope Qianyue will return this favor to me now."

"Repay? Why?" Looking at Qi Che, Ye Qianyue couldn't figure out the true thoughts deep in the man's heart.

"It's very simple, I want you to promise me to leave here, never step into any place related to the tomb of the gods, and stay away from everyone in the Beigong family. Of course, you can't ask me why yet." An inexplicable cold light danced in the crystal-clear peach blossom eyes, and said lightly.

"Why?" How could it be possible not to ask why, Ye Qianyue immediately asked.

"That's why, you can't ask why." Qi Che looked at Ye Qianyue with a very serious expression, obviously not wanting to say.

"I don't agree." She refused without even thinking about it. Ye Qianyue looked at Qi Che and said seriously, "You can't just reject me like this without telling me why. The tomb of the gods, far away from the Beigong clan, and don’t ask why, this is a completely different matter, you can only choose one.”

"Then I choose you to stay away from the Beigong clan. As for the last thing, I have the right not to answer you." Qi Che said, frowning fiercely, looking at Ye Qianyue, "Qianyue, trust me once, I know something about you." Things you shouldn't know won't do you any good."

"Whether it's good for me or not is up to me. No one else has the right to make the decision for me." Ye Qianyue looked at Qi Che with serious eyes, "Besides, even if you don't tell me, I will I can also guess some."

"Oh?" Qi Che's eyes trembled slightly inadvertently, "What did you guess?"

"The answer is simply too simple. Naturally, I can guess that you are a descendant of the Celestial God, the legendary Celestial Clan on Lingyun Continent." Huang Beiyan looked at Qi Che, and then said slowly.

Huang Beiyan said that she also wanted to say what Ye Qianyue wanted to say. At this moment, she was also raising her brows, looking at Qi Che, "If I hadn't seen you here today, I'm afraid I would never marry you and the gods in my whole life." The people of the same clan are linked together."

The third underground palace is not a vegetable market. Except for people like Ye Qianyue who have maps, only the people of the gods know where the underground palace is.

So it is very obvious that Qi Che standing in front of the two of them at this moment is a member of the god family.

"It's really bad to deal with smart people like you. You can't hide anything, and you'll be seen through right away." Naturally, Qi Che also knew that it was useless to hide, so he looked straight at Ye Qian The two of them said, "That's right, I am a member of the gods, so I have the position to remind you to stay away from the tomb of the gods."

(End of this chapter)

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