The poisonous doctor concubine is about to turn the sky

Chapter 1046 It's not over with you!

Chapter 1046 It's not over with you!

After all, Ye Qianyue still felt that the people of the Beigong family should be handed over to the people of the Beigong family. As for them, they just need to stand by and watch the show.

Thinking, Ye Qianyue and the others also walked into the Crystal Palace.

Everything in the Crystal Palace looks more luxurious, and there are countless rare treasures, which are dazzling.

Casually pocketing all those good-looking and rare sights, Ye Qianyue seemed to be casually shopping, still not in a hurry to move forward.

Anyway, the real two longan are with her, no matter how much Bei Gong Xiyan jumps around, the one she gets is a fake.

Not sure if Beigong Huoyin will stand on Beigong Xiyan's side, so Ye Qianyue didn't tell Shiqi and Mingxiu about her encounter with Qiche.

However, it would be good to let Shi Qi fight with that Beigong Ceyan a couple of times, this will also make the old man Beigong Ceyan feel a little more of a sense of crisis, and he will not realize that the longan is a fake.

On the way forward, not only Ye Qianyue herself, but the remaining three big men also selected some that Ye Qianyue would like from the treasures around them, and then sent them to Ye Qianyue like offering treasures , full of meaning to please!
She also accepted it without hesitation. Ye Qianyue's ultimate goal this time is that the longan is true, but she will not feel in the way of accepting other good things.

Just continuing to walk forward leisurely, Ye Qianyue soon heard the voice of Shi Qi yelling.

"Damn, you old bastard is simply too unkind!" Obviously, he was very angry at Beigong Xiyan, otherwise, Shi Qi wouldn't have said that.

Not wanting Shi Qi to be injured for a worthless fake longan and Beigong Xiyan, Ye Qianyue frowned slightly, and her pace quickened a little.

In the huge Crystal Palace in front of him, Shi Qi had an angry expression on his face, and the illusory robe on his body was shattered a lot, even his solid body looked a little more illusory.

And Bei Gong Xiyan over there also looked at Shi Qi with a bit of dignity.

Above the heads of the two of them was the bright fake longan. Obviously, the two fought because of this fake longan.

"Old man, you don't want to toast or eat fine wine, you already have a longan in there, and this one should belong to our Beigong family!" Beigong Xiyan looked at Shi Qi coldly, viciously Squeezed out these few words from between the teeth.

"Damn, what do you say is yours is yours? I don't agree! Also, don't think you are anything special, when the old man finds a new body, he will definitely make you look good!" Killing Qi looked at Bei Palace erosion inflammation, the eyes and ears are filled with an unruly look.

Shi Qi can be regarded as the senior of Beigong Xiyan, and he is only one step away from the legendary level. Qi looked at this Beigong Xiyan, no matter how you looked at it, it was very unpleasant!

"Hmph, it's just a soul body, really arrogant! Well, since you don't want to get out of the way, then I don't mind telling you to fly away!" Bei Gong Xiyan said so with a trace of fiery dark power all over his body. It diffused out, and it seemed to have a faint sense of gloom.

Killing Qi also listened to the words, and also snorted coldly, his face was full of dissatisfaction, obviously he planned to have an endless relationship with Bei Gong Xiyan!
(End of this chapter)

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