Chapter 105 What a Useless Thing

At this moment, the door opened, revealing the noisy black market inside.

In front of countless vendors, there were some things scattered, some on a small broken wooden shelf, and some directly on the ground, which looked very vulgar.

Ye Qianyue didn't mind this, and walked forward freely.

Vendors sell a lot of things, including medicinal materials and potions, monster cores and furs of monsters, and even various weapons and ores.

Lazy eyes swept over those things, but Ye Qianyue didn't see any good things that tempted her.

The medicinal materials for refining the voice-changing potion are relatively common, and if you have money, you can buy it, but it is not easy to find the potion for Si Linyuan to heal his injuries.

I really wish I could get rid of this bastard as soon as possible, Ye Qianyue is naturally choosing the potion carefully.

Si Linyuan's strength is not low, ordinary potions may not be effective, but most of the good heavenly treasures cannot be bought with money.

She doesn't have any valuable things on her body, so if she trades things for things, she might suffer a loss.

"Meow~" But at this moment, a cry suddenly came from Ye Qianyue's bag.

"Xiao Hei, you're awake!" The pitch-black eyes suddenly lit up, Ye Qianyue watched Xiao Hei's furry little head get out of the satchel, and a surprise smile appeared on his face.

Since helping her escape from the World of Warcraft Forest, Xiao Hei has been falling into a deep sleep. She also took Xiao Hei to the doctor of Warcraft, but the doctor did not find anything abnormal, saying that he could only wait for Xiao Hei Wake up by yourself.

The past two days have been thinking about this matter, Ye Qianyue saw Xiao Hei woke up at this time, smiled and hugged him into her arms.

"Meow... Meow?!" After finally waking up, Xiao Hei was about to comfort Ye Qianyue who was worried about herself, but suddenly someone pinched the back of her neck and lifted her up.

Also stunned for a moment, Ye Qianyue turned her head and looked at Si Linyuan who was carrying Xiao Hei.

"What are you doing? Give Xiao Hei back to me quickly." She didn't expect Si Linyuan to snatch Xiao He away suddenly. Thinking of the previous conflict between Xiao Hei and him, Ye Qianyue couldn't help but flicker across her eyes. anxious.

"Meow! Meow!!" Xiao Hei didn't expect Si Linyuan to appear here at all, and immediately let out a scream, and then all the hair on his body stood on end!
A flash of panic flashed in the golden eyes, Xiao Hei frantically waved his paws, and kept yelling at Si Linyuan.

Clearly aware of Si Linyuan's horror, Xiao Hei didn't understand that he had only slept for a while, how did Ye Qianyue get mixed up with this terrifying man? !

While thinking, Xiao Hei struggled frantically.

He kept stretching out his sharp claws to grab Si Linyuan's face, and Xiao Hei grinned, obviously frightened.

Looking at Xiao Hei's struggle sneeringly, a gleam of disdain flashed across Si Linyuan's eyes, "It's really useless."

"Meow!" As if stimulated by Si Linyuan, Xiao Hei let out a deep roar, then stretched out his sharp claws, and grabbed Si Linyuan's wrist fiercely!
"Hiss..." A ruthless paw fell down, causing Si Linyuan to frown, and his eyes instantly became dangerous.

(End of this chapter)

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