Chapter 1051 If You Like It

After hearing Beigong Xiyan's words that he was from the Beigong family, Beigong Huoyin narrowed his eyes slightly, "I see."

"Well, it's good that you know! The members of our Beigong family, no matter what time it is, must put the interests of the Beigong family first. As for other things, compared with the interests of the family, they are nothing! One point, you will keep it firmly in my heart, and you must not forget it at any time!"

"I understand the meaning of the old ancestor." Beigong Huoyin gave Beigong Xiyan a faint look, and then strode towards Ye Qianyue's direction.

"Okay, we've got enough stuff, why don't we leave here first." Beigong Huoyin smiled softly at Ye Qianyue.

Knowing that Beigong Xiyan must have said something to Beigong Huoyin, Ye Qianyue took a deep look at Beigong Huoyin, then turned around and left with big strides.

One hour was enough for Ye Qianyue and his party to return to their original exit by the same route.

Swimming out of the sea, Ye Qianyue soon saw Mo Ning and the other three waiting in place.

"Qianyue, you're back now? Why are you so fast?" Mo Ning and the other three didn't expect Ye Qianyue and the others to come out so quickly, and they all looked at Ye Qianyue with some surprise and asked. road.

"Things went more smoothly than expected, so we came out first." Ye Qianyue said so, looking at Mo Ning's pale face, and asked, "Xiao Ning, how are you feeling now?" up"

After all, Mo Ning was controlled by the puppet nematode to save Ye Qianyue, so Ye Qianyue couldn't help but feel a little worried when she looked at her.


"My words are fine, I'm fine, Qianyue, you don't have to worry about me at all." Saying this, Mo Ning's eyes fell on Ye Qianyue, looking at her with a bit of curiosity Behind him, he asked with some joy, "Qianyue, where is that old man? Why is he gone? Did he die inside?"

It's not that Mo Ning is too vicious, looking forward to Beigong Xiyan's death, but this Beigong Xiyan is really too annoying, even to the point of annoying others.

Seeing that Mo Ning asked so directly, Ye Qianyue couldn't help laughing, and then shook her head, "It's okay, it's just that he is no longer with us, so we separated for now."

Saying that, Ye Qianyue took out a ring from her bosom, and handed it to Mo Ning, "These are some treasures from the third underground palace, I also brought some, you can see for yourself, if not enough, I can give you my share."

After hearing Ye Qianyue's words, Mo Ning immediately explored Najie with some caution, and then opened her mouth in surprise and looked at Ye Qianyue in disbelief, "Qianyue, this is too much Bar!"

That ring was almost filled with all kinds of treasures, so shiny that it almost blinded Mo Ning's eyes.

I have to say that Ye Qianyue is really awesome, she put all kinds of good things in, as if she was afraid that she would treat Mo Ning badly.

"It's fine if you like it." Ye Qianyue looked at Mo Ning, and then said with a smile, "Next, we will slow down for a while before going to the Tomb of the Gods. I don't know if you are going with us or in the Lingyun Continent is waiting for us to come back?"

(End of this chapter)

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