Chapter 1053 How to Treat
"Beigong Xiyan may come out with us at any time, let's leave here first and find a safe place to talk." Ye Qianyue was originally taboo about Beigong Xiyan, and she was reminded by Qi Che before that she was naturally right. He became more and more afraid.

It is essential to be defensive, this is not a suitable place to talk.

"Then it's better to take the Heiyan chariot. It will be faster to go to Canghe Continent with this." Beigong Huoyin said so, and also took out the majestic Heiyan chariot.

They all got into the Heiyan car immediately, and Ye Qianyue and his party traveled very fast towards the Canghe Continent.

"Now we can talk about it." Shi Qi asked angrily, staring at Ye Qianyue.

"It's fine." Ye Qianyue looked at Shi Qi's angry look about to go berserk, so naturally she didn't want to continue to play tricks, but quickly took out a longan.

"Killing Seven, look at this." Ye Qianyue said to Killing Seven with a soft tone.

"Isn't this the longan you had from the beginning? I know this." Killing Qi said so, but watched Ye Qianyue take out another huge and round longan from the scepter space.

This time he was completely stunned, Shi Qi's eyes widened in astonishment, and he looked at Ye Qianyue in disbelief, "What's going on, why do you have two longan eyes?"

Seeing Ye Qianyue smiling at herself with an unfathomable face, Shi Qi's eyes that were as bright as emeralds lit up immediately, "Could it be that the two longan eyes in your hand are real, and the old man Beigong Is the one you took just now fake?"

"Yes, that's why I stopped you and didn't let you compete with Beigong Xiyan." Ye Qianyue nodded and smiled at Shi Qi.

"Hahahaha, girl, you are really amazing! Hey, how did you do it?" Shi Qi was so excited that he couldn't help it, with ecstasy written on his face, "Great, great! This time the Beigong family But it was really sold by someone to help count the money!"

Saying this, Shi Qi frowned slightly as if realizing something, and then looked at Beigong Huoyin who was sitting on the side.

Following Shi Qi's gaze, Ye Qianyue and the others also looked at Beigong Huoyin in the same way.

"Oh, so it's because of this. It seems that you really met something good in that space crack." Beigong Huoyin said such words very casually in a calm tone.

Seeing Beigong Huoyin's calm look, Ye Qianyue looked at him with a little more profound meaning in her eyes.

She is not a fool, she will tell about Longan now, not because she has forgotten the existence of Beigong Huoyin, but because she took a gamble.

She was betting whether Beigong Huoyin was on Beigong's side or her side.

According to common sense, Beigong Huoyin should stand on the side of the Beigong family, but just as Beigong Huoyin asked, she still chose to trust him once.

This is Beigong Huoyin's only chance, Ye Qianyue is willing to trust him once, if Beigong Huoyin can seize this opportunity, Ye Qianyue will definitely regard Ye Qianyue as her friend in the future.

But if Beigong Huoyin can't, then from today onwards, they will be enemies until the end of their lives!
How you want Ye Qianyue to treat it all depends on Beigong Huoyin's choice, and the control is all in his hands!

 There will be an update before dinner~
(End of this chapter)

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