Chapter 1055 Is what you said true?
"I've said it before, I will believe him." Ye Qianyue said, and glanced at Beigong Huoyin, "Beigong, I hope you don't let me down."

"I won't." It's obviously a good feeling to be trusted, Beigong Huoyin narrowed his eyes slightly, and said this lightly.

Ye Qianyue herself said so, so it was naturally difficult for everyone to say anything more.

However, just like Beigong Huoyin said, while they didn't trust him, Beigong Huoyin also didn't trust them.

It seems that what Beigong Huoyin concealed must be of great importance, otherwise, he would not be so serious.

The words ended here, and everyone had their own concerns and differences in their hearts.


The speed of the Heiyan chariot was very fast. It took them three days to reach Canghe Continent, and then another day and a half to reach the imperial capital of the Empire on which the sun never sets.

After getting out of the car, Ye Qianyue looked at Su Changxue and Mrs. Ye's faces filled with joy, and quickly rushed to Ye Qianyue's side.

"Yue'er, it's really you! You can be regarded as coming back. Just now your father said that he felt the aura of you and Linyuan. I thought he missed you so much and had hallucinations!" Su Changxue looked at the night. Qianyue, there was an unconcealable smile on her face.

"Yue'er, why have you lost weight again? You still have a child in your stomach, even if it's for the child, you have to eat well. How can you be so thin?" Su Changxue looked at Ye Qianyue who was thin and weak He frowned worriedly, "You child, why don't you know how to take care of your body?"

"Mother, I don't know how to take care of myself. Besides, I've already gained weight, why do you still think I'm thin?"

"I think what my sister said is right, Yue'er has lost weight again!" Mrs. Ye also stood beside Su Changxue, looking at Ye Qianyue's pointed chin with distress, then pulled her into the door , "Yue'er, come quickly, let the mothers help you make up your body."

Ling Zhantian and Ye Rongtian felt that their daughter was back, and they were extremely happy at the moment, but they didn't expect that as soon as Ye Qianyue came back, she would be occupied by Su Changxue and Mrs. Ye, and they couldn't even take a look at her.

But there was no way, the person who snatched away their daughter was their woman, so they had no choice but to accept their fate, and turned around to meet Si Linyuan and the others.

That night, the dinner table at Ye's family looked more lively than usual.

When Ye Jingli heard that Ye Qianyue had returned home, regardless of whether today was the day to go home, she directly asked Gu Rong for leave and rushed home.

Ye Jingli was growing taller, and Ye Qianyue had only been walking for a while before he grew taller again.

Even though he has grown taller, Ye Jingli still hasn't changed at all. His handsome appearance is very similar to Mrs. Ye, especially those clear eyes, which have fascinated many little girls in the academy.

Unlike the Bingshan face in the academy, Ye Jingli changed as soon as he saw his sister, turning into a child in line with his age, and excitedly pestered Ye Qianyue talking about that.

"Sister, is what you said true? There are zombies on Xueshen Mountain, and the Crystal Palace, isn't it also very beautiful?" Ye Jingli felt like he was in a tizzy when he heard the anecdotes Ye Qianyue said. Excitement like chicken blood.

(End of this chapter)

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