Chapter 107 What a Prodigal
I can't tell what it feels like, Ye Qianyue just thinks that she likes this wand very much, and wants to buy it!

"Miss, this magic wand is a treasure left over from ancient times in the legend. It usually costs [-] gold coins, but I see that the lady likes it so much, so I will give the lady a discount. It only needs [-] gold coins!" The stall owner saw Ye Ye. Qianyue stared at the wand intently, and said courteously.

"It's too expensive, even a brand new wand is only [-] gold coins." Looking at the wand lightly, Ye Qianyue felt that the wand was special, but she was not the kind of person who would be willing to be hacked.

"I bought it." But just as Ye Qianyue turned to leave, Si Linyuan said indifferently, and then casually threw a silver card out.

Wantong Bank's silver card must deposit at least [-] gold coins.

Overjoyed, the stall owner quickly wrapped up the wand and handed it over as if he was afraid that Si Linyuan would repent.

"You... What a prodigal!" Seeing that Si Linyuan was looking at her with those golden eyes, Ye Qianyue gasped.

Even a brand new wand cost only [-] gold coins, and this Si Linyuan actually didn't even bargain, and just bought such a junk with [-] gold coins!
"As long as you like it." Putting the magic wand into the ring in Ye Qianyue's hand, Si Linyuan's tone was flat, obviously not caring that he was slaughtered.

Ten thousand gold coins is really nothing to him.

Seeing Si Linyuan's calm look, Ye Qianyue said that anyway, this product is rich, so if you buy it, you will buy it.

"Although I paid for it, it's too expensive for you to sell it. How about this, I won't ask for money anymore, just give me a few low-level herbs." So saying, Ye Qianyue Randomly grabbed two handfuls of medicinal materials and stuffed them into the ring.

Ye Qianyue's speed was so fast that the vendor had no time to stop her.

"Hey! You little girl really doesn't want to suffer!" At first, she was taken aback, but the vendor saw that Ye Qianyue's medicinal materials added up to less than five hundred gold coins, so she didn't care about her anymore.

"It's a blessing to suffer, but I've never had much luck." Pulling Si Linyuan forward, Ye Qianyue had already bought the medicinal materials, and the rest was to choose healing potions for Si Linyuan.

Almost turned the entire black market over, but Ye Qianyue still couldn't find any suitable medicine.

After buying a few bottles of emergency voice-changing potions, Ye Qianyue finally found a sixth-grade advanced healing potion.

At the same time that her eyes lit up, Ye Qianyue had already seen Si Linyuan's disgusted expression.

"Even the sixth-grade medicine doesn't work?!" Looking at Si Linyuan in disbelief, Ye Qianyue was almost in a mess.

This is a sixth-grade potion that even Gu Rong can't refine, it's a first-class good thing, this evildoer actually doesn't like it? !

"Treating the symptoms, not the root cause." Si Linyuan hesitated for a while, and finally paid the money.

"Why do you buy it if you don't treat the root cause?" Looking at the price that hurt her, Ye Qianyue frowned and asked.

"It's better than nothing." After accepting the sixth-grade potion, Si Linyuan's eyes became more and more gloomy.

The highest potion is only a sixth-grade potion, it seems that it is impossible to heal the wound here.

Knowing this too, Ye Qianyue frowned so much that it could kill a fly.

Even the medicine of the sixth grade doesn't work, what a serious injury this must be!
(End of this chapter)

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