Chapter 1070 Let's Talk Now

Unexpectedly, there was such a mark on her hand, Ye Qianyue was slightly taken aback, and then watched as Beigong Huoyin stretched out her hand, pressed her fingertips on the mark, and then slowly erased the mark.

The dark and deep breath came slowly, and then directly turned into black smoke, and slowly disappeared into the air.

Almost as if the chain had been untied directly, Ye Qianyue could clearly feel the vigorous thoughts in her body gushing out quickly!

The comfortable feeling spread all over the body in an instant, making Ye Qianyue close her eyes enjoying it.

This feeling of being filled with power again is really amazing.

Immediately after exhaling a long breath, Ye Qianyue felt the strength in her body come back, and a soft smile quickly clung to the corners of her bright red lips.

There was a faint smile in the dark eyes, Ye Qianyue looked at Beigong Huoyin, "Finally are you willing to tell me?"

"Anyway, I can't hide it from you. If that's the case, then let's just tell you." Beigong Huoyin said, looking at Ye Qianyue as if thinking of something, "Xiaoyue'er , if you want me to tell you, you can, but you must agree to one condition."

"Will this condition violate my bottom line?" Ye Qianyue looked at Beigong Huoyin and asked softly.

"I won't do anything that would embarrass you." Beigong Huoyin replied lightly.

Very satisfied with Beigong Huoyin's answer, Ye Qianyue nodded directly, "I promise you, tell me, what are the conditions."

"My condition is very simple, that is, you don't leave here directly, after seven days, I will take you away." Beigong Huoyin said so, and the pair of fiery red eyes also glowed with a little light, pointing to the Hook staring at Ye Qianyue said.

"Then, what if Lin Yuan came to look for me." Ye Qianyue didn't think that Si Linyuan would just sit and wait for death, she was finally done with Si Linyuan, and she could guess how anxious Si Linyuan would be at this moment.

At this moment, Si Linyuan must have tried every means to find her whereabouts all over the world.

Thinking of how anxious Si Linyuan would be at this moment, Ye Qianyue was a little distressed, but more sweet.

Si Linyuan's concern for her was extremely sweet to her.

"If he can find it, then he has the ability." Beigong Huoyin obviously felt that Si Linyuan couldn't find it here, so he said it directly.

Seeing that Ye Qianyue stared straight at her after hearing what she said, Beigong Huoyin could only let go after exhaling, "Okay, I promise you, if Si Linyuan really If I have the ability to find you, I will send you out of here directly."

After hearing Beigong Huoyin's words, Ye Qianyue nodded, "Okay, I promise you, can you speak now?"

Seeing that Beigong Huoyin agreed to herself, and then murmured as if thinking, Ye Qianyue suddenly became more curious.

Qi Che and Bei Gong Huo Yin have been trying to hide something about her, what exactly is it?
The breeze blew, and the two sat quietly on the boat without making a sound.

Surrounded by sparkling water, just when Ye Qianyue couldn't restrain herself and was about to ask directly, Beigong Huoyin took a deep breath, and then slowly opened her mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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