Chapter 1075 Is it Good or Bad?
The pitch-black smoke gushed out crazily, like black clouds covering the sky, mercilessly entangled with the turbulent waves that Qi Che set off.

Immediately there was a 'boom', the strength of these two people was comparable, and they refused to give in to each other, they just wanted to beat each other to the ground!
Such a ferocity, with a look of immortality, made Ye Qianyue on one side frown slightly.

The water flow and the black mist exploded at the same time, and the water droplets all over the sky fell down with a trace of corrosive splash, corroding the flowers and plants on the ground into nothingness!
"Aren't these two people a little too serious?" Ye Qianyue frowned fiercely, and was tightly protected by the protective shield that Si Linyuan built.

"Wait and see for a while, if the situation doesn't improve after a while, we'll intervene." Si Linyuan looked at the two people who were fighting in a ball over there, and always felt that it was not the time to persuade them to fight.

After hearing Si Linyuan's words, Ye Qianyue also nodded immediately, and then continued to look at the two people over there.

Equivalent in strength, neither giving in to each other, Beigong Huoyin and Qi Che were obviously serious about killing each other, and fought crazily with each other.

The terrifyingly powerful energy collided crazily, each time becoming more ferocious, causing the surrounding space to tremble slightly.

It is almost possible to feel that the space is trembling, and a trace of space cracks are formed, causing the whole earth to tremble.

"Linyuan, it's almost time. If you don't stop these two people, the space here will be shattered by them very quickly." Ye Qianyue didn't want to make too much noise, Beigong Huoyin is now He has already betrayed the Beigong family, and according to Beigong Xiyan's temperament, it is impossible to accept Beigong Huoyin no matter what, so Beigong Huoyin can be regarded as completely separated from the Beigong family, and it can be regarded as theirs. Friends, not to mention Qi Che, from the person who kept Ye Qianyue away from the Beigong family, to the person who gave her the Dragon Ball later, it was all for her sake, and even more their friend.

Ye Qianyue didn't want to watch her two friends fight hard, so she took a step forward immediately, intending to stop the two of them together with Si Linyuan.

However, at this moment, the two of them erupted a burst of terrifyingly powerful energy at the same time, fiercely pretending to be with each other!
Suddenly there was a loud noise, and between the crazy collision of energy between the two, the space in front of them quickly produced clear cracks.

The hairs on the back stood up, and Ye Qianyue suddenly felt a little uncertain at this moment, whether it would be good or bad for these two people to fight...

At this moment, the huge energy shock finally subsided.

As the dust dissipated, the two looked slightly embarrassed.

Both of them quickly took a few steps back. Qi Che and Qi Che both had large and small wounds on their bodies. Although they were only minor wounds, coupled with the torn clothes, they looked unprecedentedly embarrassed. feel.

Seeing the crazy looks of these two people, Ye Qianyue couldn't help frowning fiercely.

These two people, the quarrel was too big.

Thinking of this, Ye Qianyue originally wanted to stop the two of them when they were not fighting, but was surprised to see the two of them stop in unison.

(End of this chapter)

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