Chapter 1079 Became This Appearance

In fact, I feel that my guess is almost inseparable, but Beigong Xiyan can't tell the Beigong family the thought in his heart openly!
Beigong Huoyin is not a patriarch, or an ordinary clansman with such a small status. As the patriarch of the Beigong clan, he is the person whose status is second only to Beigong Xiyan. Once he betrays, he will definitely let everyone in the Beigong clan The heart is in turmoil, and if something really happens at that time, it will be too bad for their Beigong family!
I really regret that I actually sent Beigong Huoyin out at that time. Beigong Xiyan thought that Beigong Huoyin knew everything about the Beigong family, and a layer of cold sweat broke out directly behind his back!
As the saying goes, knowing yourself, knowing your enemy, and winning a hundred battles, but they are the one known now, once Beigong Huoyin helps Ye Qianyue deal with them, won't they just leave without food? !
Thinking of this, I felt a chill in my heart, Bei Gong Xiyan said nothing to let this kind of thing happen!
He must stop Beigong Huoyin, and he must not let this man mess around with Ye Qianyue and the others!
Otherwise, if something happens, their Beigong family may not be able to resist it!

Thinking of this, the hairs on the back of Bei Gong Xiyan stood up, and a terrible sense of fear swept over his whole body in an instant.

However, Bei Gong Xiyan still had something he couldn't figure out.

That is, even if Ye Qianyue knew his purpose and wanted to turn against him, why did she choose such a time.

Beigong Huoyin's maintenance of Ye Qianyue did not start after leaving the third underground palace. The two of them must have had a certain relationship before. If Ye Qianyue's ambition is really that big, why not at the beginning? How about snatching the longan with him?

I still remember when Ye Qianyue looked at Longan with that indifferent look when she was in the Crystal Palace. For some reason, Bei Gong Xiyan suddenly had a bad feeling in her heart! !
At that time, Ye Qianyue's eyes were filled with indifference, as if she didn't take that longan into her eyes at all!
This, isn't this too strange? !

Normal people should be like him and Shi Qi, who would be so excited after seeing Longan that they couldn't support themselves.

Especially Ye Qianyue, she already has a longan, and her desire for longan should be even stronger, but why can she still be so calm? !
"Quick! You all give me a good look to see if you can recognize what it is!" Bei Gong Xiyan said, and quickly took out the exquisite jade with longan from his ring. box.

Opening the Le Yu Box almost impatiently, Bei Gong Xiyan was anxiously about to take out the longan in it, but when he saw the 'longan', his body froze instantly, his complexion became extremely ugly in an instant!

I saw that longan, which was supposed to emit a soft light, has completely lost all its luster at this moment, and looks dull. Although it is still a very precious bead, it is obvious that there is no such thing as a real longan. so precious!

His eyes widened in astonishment, Bei Gong Xiyan seemed to be struck by lightning, and immediately jumped up from the spot, and shouted in disbelief, "What's going on, how did my longan become What does this look like?!"

(End of this chapter)

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