Chapter 119 The Treasure Space
Especially for something that has a storage function like a ring, if it is not used by the person, unless the spiritual power can be forcibly erased, otherwise it is impossible to even explore what is in it.

However, if one person's spiritual power is too much greater than another's, then that person's spiritual power can be easily erased and used for his own use.

Ye Qianyue had never tried to plant a spiritual imprint before, and Ye Qianyue's small face was full of excitement.

"It won't be too late to say this after you successfully planted the spiritual imprint." Si Linyuan's reaction to Ye Qianyue's excitement and excitement was indifferent.

Regardless of the expression on his handsome face, Si Linyuan's spiritual power is much higher than that of Ye Qianyue, so when he saw the scepter, he had already felt the spiritual imprint left in the spar.

Although it was only a remnant, the spiritual imprint left by a strong man of that strength was enough to keep Ye Qianyue busy for a while.

She didn't intend to help out. In Si Linyuan's view, it was better for Ye Qianyue to do this kind of thing by herself.

What's more, I have no obligation to help her.

Thinking of this, Si Linyuan closed his mouth tightly and stopped talking.

Seeing Si Linyuan's death, Ye Qianyue rolled her eyes in disgust.

Even though she hadn't tried to plant a spiritual imprint, Ye Qianyue knew how to do it.

Thinking about it, Ye Qianyue took a deep breath and quickly mobilized her spiritual power.

The silver-white spiritual power quickly turned into a silk thread and protruded from the center of Ye Qianyue's eyebrows, and then bumped into the fiery spar with a little care.

There was only a slight sound, and then the light in the spar trembled, quickly forming a huge vortex, which instantly sucked Ye Qianyue in!

"Meow!?" Originally standing on Ye Qianyue's shoulder, Xiao Hei looked at the whirlpool, and immediately let out a horrified cry, and was sucked in together.

It sucked in two living creatures at once, the light in the fire spar jumped twice, and then returned to calm again.

Not surprised, Si Linyuan didn't even look at the scepter, he still drank tea slowly, like a king who ruled the world, indifferent but elegant, extremely calm.

Compared to Si Linyuan's calmness, Ye Qianyue who was sucked into the spar was not so easy.

Her body spun several times as if being torn apart, Ye Qianyue's eyes flickered, and a white light broke into her eyes immediately after.

Ye Qianyue, stimulated by the strong light, could not help but squint her eyes, causing her to reach out her hand to block it.

"Meow!" After falling down, Xiao Hei was nervous and grabbed Ye Qianyue's shoulder.

Quickly steadying Xiao Hei's small body, Ye Qianyue stared at everything in front of her, her eyes widened, and she took a deep breath.

I saw the clear sky and white clouds in front of me, and there was even this round of brilliant sun in the sky.

With green mountains and green waters, although the space is not large, it is as it should be, and the scenery is so pleasant that it is too beautiful to behold.

There is a thatched house at the foot of the hill, surrounded by green grass and flowers in front of the house, and the pleasant fragrance of flowers comes from it, which makes people feel refreshed.

And these were not what surprised Ye Qianyue the most.

(End of this chapter)

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