Chapter 127

As if standing proudly watching, Si Linyuan's eyes were cold, and he glanced at His Majesty lightly, his cold and domineering aura was three points stronger than that of His Majesty the Empire!

As cold and proud as Si Linyuan, he would never let anyone bow his head, let alone prostrate at anyone's feet.

Thinking of this, Si Linyuan felt an extremely cold and stern gaze on Ye Qianyue.

It seemed that Ye Qianyue was about to be seen through, and that sight was obviously malicious!

A faint killing intent suddenly appeared in the gilt eyes, and the aura around Si Linyuan suddenly turned a little cold.

Looking up at Concubine Tang Gui who was sitting on the high seat, Si Linyuan's eyes were extremely cold, filled with cold killing intent.

At this moment, Ye Qianyue and the others also stood up.

Also noticing Concubine Tang Gui's gaze, Ye Qianyue sneered.

Speaking of which, Tang Guifei is also an old acquaintance.

As a member of General Tang's Mansion, Tang Guifei is Tang Shuiwu's aunt, and she must have heard about the affairs between herself and Tang Shuiwu a long time ago.

Thinking of this, Ye Qianyue didn't show any fear at all.

Ye Qianyue met Tang Guifei's eyes without fear.

Her body shook involuntarily, and Tang Guifei's eyes widened immediately.

What kind of eyes does Ye Qianyue have at this moment? She is arrogant and cold, as if she doesn't pay attention to anyone or anything.

Even when she knew that she was dissatisfied with her, she did not show the slightest fear, instead she looked calm.

I have seen Ye Qianyue before, Tang Guifei still remembers Ye Qianyue's submissive look at that time.

She didn't understand how a person could have such a big change in such a short period of time. While Tang Guifei was shocked, she suddenly felt a cold and chilling gaze on her.

There was a tinge of cruelty and disdain in the coldness, the man's eyes were sharp, making Concubine Tang Guifei's complexion pale, and a layer of cold sweat broke out behind her!

Raising her head in horror, Tang Guifei looked tremblingly at Si Linyuan behind Ye Qianyue.

Even though he could feel the ferocious killing intent emanating from Si Linyuan's body from a long distance, Tang Guifei's eyes were full of panic.

Trembling almost uncontrollably, Concubine Tang Gui didn't dare to look at her boss Lin Yuan's murderous eyes, so she could only turn her head nervously.

A layer of cold sweat broke out on the palms of her hands. Concubine Tang Gui never knew that a person could have such terrifying eyes!

And just when Concubine Tang was thinking this way, Xuanyuan Ming, His Majesty of the Empire on which the sun never sets, also smiled and said, "My loves, please sit down, this banquet is just an ordinary banquet, you don't need to be so restrained. "

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Sitting down again, Ye Qianyue raised her eyes a little, but suddenly met Xuanyuan Lang's gaze.

The resentful and greedy eyes instantly became extremely gentle, Xuanyuan Lang pulled a gentle smile from the corner of his mouth, looking very polite.

Ye Qianyue sneered at this, and immediately looked away.

Seeing that Ye Qianyue didn't even want to look at her, the gentle smile on Xuanyuan Lang's face suddenly burst.

Lowering his head, Xuanyuan Lang tightly clenched the fist under his sleeve.

Having received the exact news, Xuanyuan Lang knew that Ye Rongtian and Sima Yan would definitely join forces to ask his father to divorce his engagement tonight!
Father's attitude towards him recently is no longer as kind as before. Under such pressure, I'm afraid he has to agree!At that time, I will completely lose the two great helpers of the Ye family and the Sima family. Even if I have the Tang family behind me at that time, I will not be able to secure the position of prince!
 There are two more chapters later~
(End of this chapter)

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