Chapter 130 It's time to finish

It seems that after the palace banquet is over, it is necessary for him to ask Qianyue, that person looks very dangerous, and he is afraid that something will happen to Qianyue.

Ye Rongtian made up his mind to pay attention, and saw that the two people in the center of the dance floor had finished their song and had stopped.

Si Linyuan pulled Ye Qianyue and was about to walk down the dance floor, but she broke free from his hand and strode in front of Xuanyuan Lang.

Frowning slightly, Si Linyuan was about to say something, but when he saw Ye Qianyue waving at him, he held back.

When Xuanyuan Lang saw Ye Qianyue walking towards him, his originally gloomy face eased a little.

Before he could speak, Ye Qianyue spoke first.

"His Royal Highness, with today's palace banquet, His Majesty the Emperor and the Empress are both here, so we should settle our affairs."

Ye Qianyue's voice was not loud, but because the song had just ended and the entire Golden Dragon Hall was very quiet, everyone could hear her words clearly.

Everyone is not a fool, Ye Guogong's mansion and Prime Minister's mansion joined hands to suppress Xuanyuan Lang for the marriage between Xuanyuan Lang and Ye Qianyue.

Speaking of which, Ye Qianyue is also strange, she used to chase after Xuanyuan Lang, but now she is trying everything to get rid of him, which is really surprising.

It never occurred to Ye Qianyue to come up with such a sentence, the smile on Xuanyuan Lang's face disappeared in vain, and his face was ashen, very ugly!

Knowing that Ye Qianyue would talk about it today, Xuanyuan Lang originally wanted to use the opportunity of dancing to persuade Ye Qianyue, but he never expected that Si Linyuan would take the lead!
Under the eyes of everyone, Xuanyuan Lang felt as if he had been slapped loudly by Ye Qianyue, which made him extremely embarrassed!

"Qianyue, this is a matter between the two of us. If you talk about it like this, it will affect your reputation." With a look of concern on his face, Xuanyuan Lang's words made many women present who did not understand his temperament tremble. Intoxicated.

"His Royal Highness is indeed a gentle person. Even Ye Qianyue made him feel so embarrassed, and he still thinks of her."

"Isn't it? I think this Ye Qianyue just doesn't know what to do."

"Shh, don't be so loud, she is not easy to mess with!"

Ye Qianyue sneered when she heard the continuous sound of discussion.

What Xuanyuan Lang knows best is this face-to-face and behind-the-scenes look, what affects her reputation, she behaves upright and sits upright, the last thing she is afraid of is foul language.

The man she wants is one who can still stand firmly by her side when the whole world is against her, not a coward who chooses the important and avoids the weak.

"No need, Your Majesty, Lang Wuqing has no intentions, it's better to finish talking earlier." After finishing speaking, Ye Qianyue bent slightly and knelt down in front of Xuanyuan Ming, "Your Majesty, Qianyue is right for the crown prince. His Highness has no such intentions, please His Majesty to grant Qianyue and give Qianyue freedom."

"This, how can this be, Yue'er, didn't you like Lang'er very much before, if he did something wrong, you can bear it..."

It never occurred to Ye Qianyue to bring this matter up on the bright side. Normally, Xuanyuan Ming would be furious, but now Ye Guogong's mansion and the Prime Minister's mansion are not easy to provoke, and it is okay to make him angry. Can't send it out.

"Worry? Your Majesty, everyone can see how Qianyue was single-minded towards the Crown Prince before. But His Royal Highness has always disliked Qianyue. Qianyue understands this, and now she is unwilling to make compromises. She just wants to pay back His Highness and I have a freedom, and I ask your Majesty to fulfill it."

 In order to ensure the high quality of the article, Feier has been revising the article for the past two days, so the update will be a little later, but Feier guarantees that there will be fewer updates every 4 days, and I hope everyone can understand and forgive~~
  Continue to ask for tickets, I love you guys.

(End of this chapter)

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