The poisonous doctor concubine is about to turn the sky

Chapter 134 One Bottle Not Full, Half Bottle Dangling

Chapter 134 One Bottle Not Full, Half Bottle Dangling
The banquet ended soon, and Ye Qianyue did not follow Ye Rongtian and Mrs. Ye back to the Duke's mansion, but returned to the academy.

It's not long before the alchemist meeting, so she must continue to improve her alchemy skills.

Because the marriage contract was resolved, Ye Qianyue was in a good mood, so she slept very well that night.

When she opened her eyes the next day, she saw Si Linyuan's magnified handsome face. Ye Qianyue raised her eyebrows, and then slapped Si Linyuan without thinking.

However, before Ye Qianyue's palm came into close contact with Si Linyuan's face, Si Linyuan, who was supposed to be asleep, stretched out his hand and grabbed her wrist.

The thick eyelashes trembled slightly, and Si Linyuan quickly opened his eyes, staring straight at Ye Qianyue.

The golden pupils were deep, and there seemed to be a hint of displeasure.

"Get up, I have something to tell you." Completely ignoring Si Linyuan's slightly annoyed look, Ye Qianyue got up and washed herself casually.

After quickly grooming, Ye Qianyue turned her head and met Si Linyuan's handsome face.

"Sit down." She gestured to the seat opposite her, but Ye Qianyue took out several silver needles from her arms.

Not knowing what Ye Qianyue was going to do, Si Linyuan just sat down and saw Ye Qianyue reach out to wrap her wrist.

No matter how stupid he is, he still understands what Ye Qianyue is going to do. Si Linyuan raised his eyebrows slightly, as if surprised, "You are still a doctor?"

"One bottle is not full, half bottle is just dangling." If it was in the 25th century, her medical skills would definitely be the best in the world, but when she came to this world, she only came into contact with alchemy for a short time, so she dare not say that her medical skills are amazing. How powerful.

But obviously the medical skills in the previous life were not in vain. When Ye Qianyue's hand touched Si Linyuan's wrist, the problem was discovered.

Si Linyuan's pulse was incomparably chaotic, fast and slow, his body temperature was hot and cold, and his breath was completely disordered.

Although the herbs he took had already concealed his aura, there was still a lot of thought power in his body, which was being crazily destroyed in his body.

If it weren't for Si Linyuan's own strength and strong meridians, just the impact of this thought power would be enough to make him a cripple.

Knowing that such frequent shocks of thought power would bring great pain to people, Ye Qianyue looked up at Si Linyuan, but saw Si Linyuan's extremely calm expression.

There was no expression on his handsome face, and Si Linyuan's indifferent and calm look made it hard to imagine that he was suffering tremendous pain now.

"Si Linyuan, didn't the rampant thoughts in your body affect you?" Staring at Si Linyuan seriously, Ye Qianyue couldn't believe that he couldn't feel anything.

"It's just a little pain, but it's bearable." Si Linyuan's tone was very calm.

A look of surprise flashed involuntarily in the dark eyes, and Ye Qianyue quickly withdrew her hand.

What is a little pain!This kind of rampage of thought power will spread to all limbs and bones, which is enough to make people go crazy, but the person in front of him is so calm, it is really unimaginable!
She never expected that Si Linyuan could endure it to such an extent, and Ye Qianyue also understood that his meridians were also powerful.

(End of this chapter)

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